Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 35 of 86 for the letter B
bister [I.Sh. ˈbɪstər]
n. In place names: a dwelling, a farm.
bä$, bat, bät, bit, bit_o, bits, bitt, bittae, bittaes, bittickie, bittie, bitties, bittikie, bittockie, bitty, bitty, but, butty, by-bit, near-the-bit, tae-bit,
bit [bɪt]
n. A bit, a small portion of anything, a morsel, a fragment. A mouthful, hence sustenance, food. Critical point.
dim. bittie A small bit. pl. bitties Small pieces, short distances.
dim. bittock [ˈbɪtək], bittockie A little bit or distance.
pl. bits, bitties
adj. Indicates smallness, trivialness, endearment, contempt.
Compounds and phrases etc.
a bit: To some extent, rather, a little.
a bittie: A small piece, a short while.
at the bit: In a crisis.
bit o: A bit of ...
by-bit: A snack between meals.
dag the bit: Not a whit.
deil the bit: not at all
guid bit: A long time.
near-the-bit: Miserly.
oot the bit: Out of a crisis.
some bit: Somewhere.
tae-bit: The iron toe-plate on the front of the sole of boots.
bait, baiten, bate, beite, bet, beyte, billy_biter, bit, bite, biter, biter, bitey, bitin, bitten, bity, but, butt$n, butten, by-bite, byte, byter, chitterie_bite, chittery_bite, hobiter, hogbiter, stane_biter, steenbiter, steen-biter, stenbiter, ten-hour$s-bite, ten-oor$s-bite,
bite [bəit]
n. A bite.
v. To bite.
pt. bait [bet].
pp. bitten [ˈbɪtən] also baiten [ˈbetən].
adj. Inclined to bite. MN. Itchy.
Compounds and phrases etc.
billy biter: U. The blue tit Parsus caeruleus.
bitin: Biting.
biter: A biter.
by-bite: A snack between meals.
cauld bitten: Always feeling the cold.
chitterin bite, chittery bite: Food taken after bathing.
hogbiter: I.Sh. A fishermen's tabu-name for a horse.
ten-oor's-bite: A snack at the yoke between meals.
stane biter [stin-]: MN. The wolffish Anarhichas lupus.
bitel, bitle, bittel, bittle, botel,
bittel [I.Sh. ˈbɪt(ə)l]
n. A malformed tooth.
bitter, bitteraks, bitter-aks, bitterness, bitternis, bitterocks, bittersie, bitther,
bitter [ˈbɪtər]
adj. Bitter.
Compounds and phrases etc.
bitterness: I.Sh. Cold, stormy weather.
bitterocks: I.Sh. The dandelion Taraxacum officinale.
bittersie: I.Sh. Bitterness, harshness.
baettle, baettlin, beatle, beatlin, beetle, beetleheid, beetle-heid, beetleheids, beetler, beetlyheid, beetlyheids, beitle, beitlin, bittle, bittler, bittlin, knock-beetle,
bittle [bɪtl]
also beetle N. [bitl]
n. A pestle-shaped mallet or pounder for kitchen use, for bruising barley, mashing potatoes etc. A beating, pounding.
v. To beat, to pound barley or corn. To beat linen or clothes etc. To thrash, to pound.
Compounds and phrases etc.
beetleheid: A tadpole.
beetler: Something that beetles.
bittlin, beetlin: A battering. Hitting with a mallet.
knock-beetle: A person who is severely beaten, a slave.
tattie-bittle: A potato masher.
bivle, bivval,
bivle [I.Ork. ˈbvəl, bɪvl]
n. A stoutly-built, sturdy person or animal.
biss, bissin, bizz, bizzin, buz, buzz, buzzin,
bizz [bɪz]
n. A buzz, A hissing sound. A rumour.
v. To buzz, to bustle, to excite, to hiss like escaping steam.
Compounds and phrases etc.
bizzin [ˈbɪzɪn]: Buzzing, bustling.
bizzar, bizzard, bizzart,
bizzart [ˈbɪzərt]
n. The buzzard Buteo buteo.
blab, blabber, blabbie, blabby, blabe, blabs, bleb, bleeb, bleib, blibe, bloab, blob, blobbie, blobbie-like, blobe, blybe,
blab [blab, blɛb, bleb, blib, bləb]
also blob [blɔb, blob]
n. A drop of moisture, a bubble, a blot. A blister on the skin. The bag of a honey bee. A blow.
dim. blabbie, blobbie
pl. blabs A rash.
v. To cause the face to swell with weeping. To besmear, beslobber with dirt or food etc. To besprinkle with dew etc. To blot. To tipple, sip. Only blob SW. To rob a bee of its honey-bag, to plunder.
Compounds and phrases etc.
blabber, blabby: adj. Of the lips: swollen, protruding.
(hinnie-)blob A fruit of the gooseberry Ribes uva-crispa.
blobbie-like: MN. Humid, rainy.
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