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Page 4 of 86 for the letter B

bailerie, Bailey, bailey, baileys, bailIary, bailie, bailies, baillary, baille, baillerie, baillerie, bailles, baillIarie, baillie, baillie, baillierie, baillies, baillies, bailyee, bailyees, bailyie, bailyies, bailze, bailzes, bailzie, bailzies, Banff_bailies, Banff-baillies, baylyearie, bum-bailie, bylie, bylie, bylies, bylies, byllie, byllies, bylly, byllys, watter-bailie, watter-byllie,
bailie [ˈbeli, S. ˈbəili & ˈbelji, U. bɛlji]
n. A magistrate, an alderman, bailiff, a cattleman on a farm.
pl. bailies
Compounds and phrases etc.
bailierie: The jurisdiction of a bailie or the district under him.
Banff bailies: MN. Large, white snowy-looking clouds that rise along the horizon.
bum-bailie: col. Any person tasked with enforcing an order.
little bailie: An under-cattleman.
watter-bailie: A water bailiff, a water insect, in particular a water-strider of the family Gerridae.
Bailiestoun, Bailliestoun, Bylliestoun,
Bailiestoun [ˈbeliztun, S. ˈbəiliztun, & ˈbeljiztun]
pn. Baillieston (Glasgow).
baen, bain, bane,
bain [I.Sh. ben]
n. Thick leather used for the soles of shoes.
From Gaelic bian.
bainish [ˈbenəʃ]
v. Banish.
baird, bairdie, bairdrie, bairdy, bard, bardie, bardrie, bardy, baurdy, berdy,
baird [beːrd, bard]
n. A bard, minstrel.
adj. Bold, impudent of speech, rude, uncivil, forward, quarrelsome.
v. To vituperate, to bandy words with.
Compounds and phrases etc.
bairdrie: The art of being a bard.
bairdge, bairge, bardge, barge, barges, blarge,
bairge [beːrdʒ, bɛrdʒ]
n. Forcible effort. A person who lifts his voice in a strong and loud manner.
v. Barge. To collide violently, to threaten with violence, to move clumsily and noisily. To speak in a loud or angry manner, weep. To strut about angrily.
pt. pp. bairged
Compounds and phrases etc.
bairgin: Barging, aggressive.
bairdge, bairdges, bairge, bairges, bardge, bardges, barge, barges, berdge, berdges, berge, berges,
bairges [beːrdʒəz, bɛrdʒəz]
n. Movable shutter constructed with parallel boards that open and shut like a venetian blind.
Compounds and phrases etc.
watter-bairge: A stone or wooden ledge running along the edge of a roof or projecting over some other part of a building, as a door, window, or chimney head, to run off or deflect the rain.
baern, baerns, bairen, bairn, bairndom, bairnheed, bairnheid, bairnhood, bairnhuid, bairnie, bairnikie, bairnish, bairnlie, bairnlik, bairnlike, bairn-like, bairnliness, bairnly, bairnlyke, bairn-lyke, bairnockie, bairns, bairnteem, bairntime, bairn-time, bairny, baren, barens, bearn, bearns, bern, berns, berren, braither-bairn, bridder-bairn, brither-bairn, brithir-bairn, bubbly-bairn, gandbairn, granbairn, gran-bairn, grandbairn, grand-bairn, grandbairns, graundbairn, Jock_Tamson$s_bairns, love-bairn, luve-bairn, schuil_bairn, schuil-bairns, scöl-bairns, stapbairn, stap-bairn, stap-bairn, stepbairn, stepbairn, step-bairn, Tamson, Thampson, Thamson,
bairn [beːrn, bɛrn]
n. A child of any age. A nickname for the residents of Falkirk.
dim. bairnie, bairnockie a small child.
pl. bairns
v. To render pregnant.
adj. Childish, childlike.
adj. Childlike, childish
Compounds and phrases etc.
bairndom: I.Sh. Childhood.
bairnheid [-hid]: Childhood.
bairnlike: Childish.
bairnliness: Childishness.
bairn-time: All the offspring of one mother, pregnancy, period of child bearing age, time of issue.
brither-bairn, sister-bairn: A cousin.
bubbly-bairn: A cry baby.
grandbairn: Grandchild pl. grandbairns.
Jock Tamson's bairns: Common humanity.
luve-bairn: An illegitemate child.
pairt wi bairn: To miscarry.
schuil bairn: A schoolchild.
stepbairn: A stepchild.
bairneac, bairneach, barneach,
bairneach [U.ˈbɛːrnəx]
n. A crustacean, the goose barnacle Lepas antifera. A shellfish, the common limpet Patella vulgata.
From Irish.
baise, baise$t, baised, baiss, baisst, baist, baize, baized, bambaize, bambaized, bambaizie, bambaze, bambazed, bambazle, bamboozeled, bamboozie, bamboozl$d, bamboozle, bamboozled, bamboozlt, baze, bazed, bombaze, bombazed, bumbaise, bumbaise$t, bumbaised, bumbaiseld, bumbaiselt, bumbaisie, bumbaisle, bumbaisled, bumbaize, bumbaized, bumbaizelt, bumbaizie, bumbaizit, bumbaizle, bumbaizled, bumbase, bumbased, bumbaze, bumbazed, bumbazelt, bumbazit, bumbazle, bumbazled, bumbazy, bumboozie, bumboozle,
baise [beːz, bes]
n. Confusion, bewilderment.
v. pt. pp. baise't [best], baised [beːzd] confused, bewildered, concerned, afraid.
adj. Sad, sorrowful. Ashamed.
Compounds and phrases etc.
black-baised: Depressed, in the dumps, pessimistic.
bumbaise [bʌmˈbeːz]: To bewilder or stupify. pt. pp. bumbaise't, bumbaised.
bumbaisin: Bewildering or stupifying.
bumbaisie: To confuse or mystify.
bumbaisle: To confuse or mystify. pt. pp. bumbaiselt adj. Bewildered or stupified.
white-baised: Cheerful, optimistic, in good spirits.

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