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Page 42 of 86 for the letter B

blicker, blickers,
blicker [MN. ˈbləkər]
n. A boaster, braggart, windbag, a stupid person. The talk of such a person.
pl. blickers Nonsense.
blan, blann, blanne, blin, blind, blinit, blinn, blinnit, blint, blyn,
blin [blɪn]
v. To cease, desist, stop.
pt. blan, blinnit, blint
bliinin, blin, blin$, blin$ness, blin$t, blind, blinder, blindere$en, blinder-een, blinders, blindin, blindit, blindness, blindroo, blindrou, blindt, blinn, blinnd, blinnder, blinnders, blinndin, blinndit, blinner, blinners, blinness, blinnin, blinnit, blinnt, blint, blint, blun, blund, blunn, blyn, sara-blind,
blind [blɪn(d)]
n. A wink of sleep. A humbug, cheat or impostor.
adj. Excluding light, wholly or partially.
v. To blind, to close the eyes, as in sleep.
pt. pp. blindit [blɪn(d)ɪt], blindt [blɪnt]
Compounds and phrases etc.
billie blind: A household brownie, a benevolent spirit.
blinder [blɪn(d)ər]: An excellent performance. pl. blinders Blinkers for a horse etc.
blinder-een: Going blindfolded.
blindin: Blinding.
blindlins [ˈblɪn(d)lɪnz]: adv. Blindly, heedlessly, with eyes shut. adj. Blind.
blind Lizzie: WC. The lesser spotted dogfish Scyllium canicula.
blindness: Blindness.
blindroo: I.Ork. A snowstorm.
sara-blind: I.Sh. A long-legged spider.
blenk, blenker, blenkers, blenkit, blink, blinker, blinkers, blinkie, blinkie, blinkit, blinkt, blinky, blunk, hairst_blinks, hairst-blinks, plinkers,
blink [blɪŋk]
also blenk [blɛŋk]
n. A blink. A bright and cheerful glance. A glimpse, a hurried view. A gleam or glimmer of light. A short time or distance, a moment. A wink of sleep.
v. To glance kindly, to ogle, look fondly at. To deceive, to cheat. To glance at with the evil eye. To bewitch. To spoil a thing, to mismanage any business.
pt. pp. blinkit, blinkt adj. bewitched, sour, drunk
adj. Describing alternating sunny spells and overcast skies.
Compounds and phrases etc.
blinker [ˈblɪŋkər] also blenker [ˈblɛŋkər]: An eyelash, a star.
blinkie: I.Sh. A torch.
hairst blinks: I. Distant flashes of lightning at harvest time.
luve blink: A loving look.
simmer blink: I. A short gleam of sunshine.
blenter, blenterin, blinter, blinterin,
blinter [ˈblɪntər]
n. The shimmering haze often seen in the strong heat of summer.
v. To glimmer, to flicker. To blink.
Compounds and phrases etc.
blinterin [ˈblɪntərɪn]: A summer haze. Short-sighted. Shining feebly.
blairt, blart, blert, blirt, blirtie, blirtin, blurt, blurtin,
blirt [blɪrt, blʌrt]
n. Sudden noise. A burst of weeping. A a crying useless person. A gust of wind accompanied by rain, drizzle.
dim. blirtie
v. To blurt, to burst out with, to move clumsily or jerkily. To cry, weep, to burst into tears.
Compounds and phrases etc.
blirtin: Weeping, sobbing.
blessit, bliss, blissed, blissen, blissin, blissins, blissit, blisst, blissud, blist, bluss, midder$s_blissins, mither$s_blissins,
bliss [blɪs]
v. To bless.
pt. blisst, blissen adj. Had devine favour besowed upon.
Compounds and phrases etc.
blissin [ˈblɪsɪn]: Blessing.
mither's blissins: White spots on finger nails.
bleithe, bleithely, blide, blidely, blideness, blith, blithe, blithely, blitheness, blithesome, blithlelie, blithlie, blithness, blithsome, bly, blyde, blydeness, blydesome, blydsome, blye, blyetheness, blyth, blythe, blythelie, blythely, blytheness, blytheness, blythesome, blythlie, blythness, blythsome,
blithe [bləið, MN. bləi, NEC. I.Sh. bləid]
n. Happiness.
adj. Joyous, cheerful, happy, glad, well-pleased. Kind, friendly.
adv. Happily, cheerfully, kindly.
blithely [ˈbləiðlɪ I.Sh. ˈbləidli]
adv. Joyously, cheerfully, gladly, happily.
Compounds and phrases etc.
blitheness: Gladness.
blithe o: Fond of, pleased with.
blithesome [-səm]: Cheerful, merry, gay.
bloacher, blocher, blogher, blowcher, blowgher,
blocher [ˈblɔxər, U. ˈblʌuxər]
n. A soft gurgling cough, a coughing of phlegm.
v. To make a gurgling noise in coughing.
black, block, blok, bloke, blokk,
block [blɔk]
n. A block. The base in hide-and-seek. A bargain, agreement. A fellow, a pal, a chum.
v. To block. To exchange, bargain.

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