Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 78 of 86 for the letter B
beullie, beullies, builie, builies, builo, builos, buily, bulis,
builie [I.Ork. bøl]
n. A feast.
pl. builies Dainties, titbits, good things to eat.
been, beun, boon, buin, buinle, bune, bunle, bunnle,
buin [S. SN. I. bøn, C. U. bɪn, N. bin]
n. The dry woody part of the stalk of flax or hemp.
Compounds and phrases etc.
buinle: WC. The hogweed Heracleum sphondylium or ragwort Jacobaea vulgaris.
Beenie, Buindie, Byne, Mill_o_Buindie, Mullnabeeny,
Buindie [ˈbini]
pn. Boyndie (near Banff).
Mill o Buindie
pn. Mill of Boyndie (Milne of Boyndie).
Binster, Binster_Brig, Binsterbrig, Buinster, Buinster_Brig,
Buinster Brig [bønstər brɪg, ˈbɪnstər-]
pn. Bonchester Bridge (Borders).
abaird, abeerd, abeurd, aboord, abuird, babord, backber, backbuird, backburd, backbürd, baird, bakbørd, bakbüird, beurd, bier, bjeurd, bjoord, blackbaird, blackboord, blackbuird, bleckboord, board, boord, boord-en, boord-en$, boordie, boordit, bord, bourd, buird, buird-end, buirdie, buirdin, buirdit, burd, burde, caidbuird, cairdboard, cairdbord, cairdbuird, olla_buird, ootbird, ootbuird, ootburg, sideboord, sidebuird, starboord, starbuird, starnbuird, switchbuird, underboard, underbuird, undher_board, undherboard, undtherboord, unnerboard, unnerbuird, utbord,
buird [S. C. SN. I. bøːrd, C. U. beːrd, MN. biːrd, MN. NN. bjuːrd]
n. A board, table, notice-board. The body of people meeting round a council-table, a council, committee. A bier. The mould-board of a plough.
dim. buirdie
v. To board.
pt. pp. buirdit
Compounds and phrases etc.
abuird: Aboard, on board.
backbuird: I.Sh. The larboard or port (left) side of a boat.
blackbuird: A blackboard.
buird-end: Board end, head of table.
buirdin: Boarding.
cairdbuird: Cardboard.
chessbuird: A chessboard.
olla buird: NN.a. The platform in the bow of a fishing boat.
ootbuird [I.Sh. ˈutbørd, ˈutburd, ˈutburg]: The outlay of peats on the top of a peat-bank beyond the dyke.
sidebuird: A sideboard.
starbuird: Starboard, the right hand of a ship or boat when facing the front.
switchbuird: A switchboard.
unnerbuird: SW. U. A body when it is laid out and awaiting burial.
See brod also
beerdlie, bierly, boerdlie, bördly, buirdlie, buirdly, burdlie, burdly,
buirdly [S. SN. I. ˈbøːr(d)lɪ, MN. ˈbiːrlɪ & ˈb(j)uːr(d)lɪ]
adj. Stalwart, well-built, powerful.
beerial, beerie, beeried, beeriein, beeriet, beeriett, beery, beeryin, beirit, berriein, berril, berrin, berry, berryin, bery, birie, biried, birl, birrial, birrie, birrieal, birried, birriein, birriet, birrit, birry, birryin, biry, biryin, boorial, buir$el, buirial, buirie, buiried, buiried, buiriein, buiriet, buirit, buirry, buirryeen, buiry, bur$al, bur$l, bural, buriet, bürol, burrel, burriet, burrit, buryit,
buiry [C. ˈbøːre, U. ˈbɪre, SN. ˈbøːrɪ, N. ˈbiːri, MN. ˈbuːri]
v. To bury
pt. pp. buirit, buiried
Compounds and phrases etc.
buiryin: n. A funeral. v. Burrying.
buirial: A funeral, a burial.
biss, bizzie, boose, booze, bouse, buise, buiss,
buise [buːz, bøːz, bys, C. bɪs, bis]
n. A stall for a horse or cow. A seat at table, a bed, a situation, place, position.
v. To enclose in a stall.
baste, beust, bist, boist, boistie, boisty, booshty, boost, boostie, boosty, böst, boushty, buist, buistie, buisty, buse, bust, buste, busteie, bustey, bustie, busty, weir-buist, weir-buse,
buist [S. I. bøst, C. byst, N. b(j)ust]
n. A box or chest. A brand or identification mark, a branding tool.
dim. buistie A box bed, a small bed.
v. To mark cattle or sheep with the proprietor's distinctive mark. To smudge or soil.
beust, bisst, boost, böst, buist,
buist [S. I. bøst, C. byst & bɪst, N. bist, bust]
v. Must or ought because of moral or logical necessity.
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