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Page 79 of 86 for the letter B

beet, beets, beets, beut, beuts, bit, bits, bitt, bitts, böt, böts, buit, buits, buits, bute, butes, flank-buits, sea-buits, seebeets, tacketie_buits, tacketies,
buit [I. bøt, S. NEC. SN. byt, C. U. bɪt, MN. bit]
n. A boot.
pl. buits
v. To provide with boots. To kick with a boot.
Compounds and phrases etc.
flank-buits: I.Sh. Thigh-boots, waders.
sea-buits: Large wellingtons for fishermen.
strae the buits: Put straw in the boots for warmth.
tacketie buits: Hobnailed boots. dim. tacketies
abeet, a-beet, a-boot, abuit, abute, beet, beut, boot, böt, buit, bute,
buit [I. bøt, S. NEC. SN. byt, C. U. bɪt, MN. bit, NN.b. bəit]
n. Advantage, profit. Balance in barter, something given into the bargain.
v. To deserve. MN. To make the balance, to complete a bargain
Compounds and phrases etc.
abuit [əˈ-]: adv. Into the bargain.
in buit: In addition.
tae buit: Payment to the bargain.
tae the buit (o the bargain): Into the bargain (N. in addition, over and above).
Buit, Bute,
Buit [bøt, C. bɪt, MN. bit]
pn. The Isle of Bute (Argyll and Bute).
bùiteach, butchach,
bùiteach [ˈbutʃux]
n. Gael. A curse.
beeth, beuth, bod, böd, bød, booth, buid, buith, luckenbooth, luckenbuith, tobooth, tolbooth, tollbooth, tollbuith, towbooth, towbuid, towbuith, towebuith,
buith [byθ, buθ I.Sh. bød]
n. A booth, hut, shed, cottage.
Compounds and phrases etc.
luckenbuith: A booth or shop in a market which can be locked up.
towebuith: A tollbooth, office where tolls and dues were collected, a town hall, a town jail.
boddie, böddie, bödie, buddi, buddie, buddy, buiddie, buidie, buidiy, buithie, buithy,
buithie [I.Ork. ˈbøði, I.Sh. ˈbødi, ˈbʌdi]
n. A basket made of straw or dockens carried on the shoulders.
bilyor, Buchan-bullers, bulder, bulderin, bulderit, bullderin, buller, bullerin,
bulder [ˈbʌldər]
also buller [ˈbʌlər]
n. A loud gurgling noise, a loud roar. Irrelevant or blustering talk, nonsense. A bubbling circle or whirlpool, a bubble.
v. To make a loud gurgling sound. To bellow, to roar as a bull or cow does. To bluster, to blurt out.
Compounds and phrases etc.
bulderit: adj. I.Sh. Clumsy, headstrong.
Buchan-bullers: Heavy waves.
bulderin, bullerin: Roaring, bellowing, blustering.
adder-bell, atherbell, atherbell, ather-bill, bill, billie, boo, bu, bu$, bue, bul, buldy, bulie, bull, bull_saig, bull_seg, bull_segg, bullick, bullie, bullock, bull-saig, bull-seg, bull-segg, bully, edderbull, edder-bull, etherbell, etherbell, ether-bull, heather-bill, saig, seg, segg,
bull [bʌl, buː]
n. A bull. Contracted bu'.
dim. bullie, bullock
Compounds and phrases etc.
bull-faced: Stonework that has been given an irregular surface.
bull-segg: S. An animal that has been castrated when fully grow.
ether-bull: S. SW. WC. A dragonfly.
boolastar, bullace, bullaster, bullees, bullister,
bullees [ˈbʌlis]
also bullister [ˈbʌlistər]
n. A bullace. The wild plum or sloe Prunus spinosa.
, billet, billets, boolad, boolads, bullat, bullat, bullats, bullats, bullet, bullet_stanes, bullet_steens, bullets, bullit, bullits, buulet, buulets,
bullet [ˈbʌlət, ˈbɪlət, NN.b. ˈbuləd]
n. A game played with a round iron ball similar to bowls. A large stone. A hailstone.
pl. bullets
v. To hail (weather).
Compounds and phrases etc.
bullet stanes: Hail stones.

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