Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 17 of 99 for the letter C
cash [kaʃ]
n. Money in coins or notes, as distinct from cheques, money orders, or credit.
cass, casse, casst,
cass [kas]
v. leg. To annul, repeal.
pt. pp. casst
caes, caisie, caissie, caize, case, casie, cassie, cassiefu, cosie, keize, keshie, kessi, kishie, kishie-foo, kysie,
cassie [ˈka(ː)sɪ, MN. ˈkeiz(i)]
also I.Sh. kishie [ˈkɪʃɪ, ˈkeʃɪ, ˈkɛʃɪ,]
n. A woven basket. A small tub. N. I. The cowrie shell Trivia arctica.
Compounds and phrases etc.
cassiefu [-fə S. -fɛ, -fɪ, EC. -fe, WC. -fɑ, N. -fɛ, U. I. -fu]: The quantity which fills a cassie.
$wa-cast, affcast, aff-cast, affcasts, aff-casts, aftercast, aiftercast, awa-cast, back-cast, braidcast, braidcuist, braidkuist, caist, cas$en, casen, cass, cassen, cassent, cassin, cassin, cast, cast_oot, cast-back, casten, castin, castin_up, cast-oot, caust, caust-back, caustin_up, ceest, ceesten, ceust, ceustin, coost, coostin, cöst, cuissen, cuist, cuisten, cuistin, cussen, cyast, doon-castin, doon-cuistin, doun-castin, eftercast, efterkast, forecast, kasen, kassen, kast, keesht, keess, keest, kest, kest, kestin, köst, köstin, kuist, kuistin, o$ercast, oorcast, ootcas$en, ootcassen, ootcast, ootceest, ootceesten, ootcoost, ootcuissen, ootcuist, ootcuisten, ootcussen, ootkeesht, ootkeest, ootqueest, outcast, overcastin, owercassen, owercast, owercasten, owrecast, paet-castin, peat-castin, queest, stane-cast, upcast, up-castin, upkast, wa-cast,
cast [kast, kɛst]
n. A throw. The distance covered by 'the throw'. A certain quantity or measure. Fortune, luck, opportunity, chance, Skill of hand, a habit. A friendly turn, help, assistance. Aspect, demeanour, appearance. An attack, a stroke of illness.
v. To cast, throw. To sow seeds etc. To toss the head. To twist the ankle. To reject, defeat. Of colours: to fade. To vomit, eject from the stomach.
pt. cuist [kyst, kɪst, N. kist] Cast, estimated, reckoned.
pp. casten [ˈkas(t)n], cuisten [kʌsn, kys(t)n, kɪs(t)n, kus(t)n] adj. Of colours: faded, I.Sh. sour.
Compounds and phrases etc.
aff-cast: MN. One who is cast off or repudiated, an offcast.
aff-casts: MN. Cast-off clothes.
awa-cast contracted 'wa-cast: Anything worthless.
back-cast: An unexpected blow, reverse, a relapse in health
braidcast: Broadcast.
cast-back: A setback, a relapse.
castin [ˈkas(t)ɪn, ˈkɛs(t)ɪn]: Casting, throwing
cast oot: Disagree, throw out.
cast ower: To think over, consider.
castin up: Recrimination.
cast up: To taunt, reproach, appear, "turn up", befall. Of weather: to clear up.
doun-castin: Depression.
eftercast: An effect.
forecast: Forethought, premeditation.
ootcast: A quarrel, to quarrel. pt. ootcuist pp. ootcuisten.
owercast, owercasten: Overcast, threatening sky.
stane-cast: A stone's throw.
upcast: v. To taunt, reproach, bring up against one, cast in one's teeth, allege as a fault. To calculate, reckon, estimate. Of clouds: to gather. n. An upset, state of being overturned. A taunt, reproach, a ground or occasion for criticism.
up-castin: The rising of clouds above the horizon threatening rain.
caissle, caisslin, casle, caslin, cassel, casselin, cassle, casslin, castel, castelin, castell, castellin, castle, castlein, castlin, eft_castle, kassel, kasselin, kassle, kassled, kasslin, kastel, kastelin, kessel, kesselin,
castle [kas(t)l]
n. A castle. An isolated pillar of rock in the sea. U. A stack of peats.
Compounds and phrases etc.
castlin: U. Stacking peats.
eft castle: To poop of a ship.
casual, caswal, casyil,
casual [ˈkaʒ(j)uəl]
adj. Casual, accidental, happening by chance.
cat, cat$s_een, cat$s-tail, cat$s-tails, cataface, catawhissie, cat-kyndness, cat-tails, catterbat, catterbatch, catter-batter, cattie, cattie_face, cattieface, cattie-face, cat-waa, cat-waw, caut, cautie, kat, kattie, ket, kettie, kyet, kyettie, sea-cat, whip-the-cat, whup-the-cat, wilcat, wildcat, wilecat, wilkie, wilkies, wilky, willkie, wulcat, wulkies, wullcat, wull-cat, wylecat,
cat [kat]
n. A cat.
dim. cattie A (small) cat, pussy cat.
Compounds and phrases etc.
catter-batter: A broil, a quarrel. To wrangle.
cat's een: S. SW. WC. The germander speedwell Veronica chamaedrys.
cat-kindness: Cupboard love.
cat-tails, cat's-tails: The cotton grass Eriophorum vaginatum.
cattie face: I.Ork. The short-eared owl Asio flammeus.
cat-waw: I. A wall-level partition between two rooms in a house.
gib cat: A tomcat.
hing the cat: To work slowly or to rule, lounge about, hold things up.
meet the cat: To have a spell of bad luck.
roant cat: A tabby cat.
sea-cat: NEC. The wolffish Anarhichas lupus.
whip-the-cat: An itinerant tailor.
wildcat [ˈwɪl(d)kat, ˈwʌl(d)kat]: A wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris, contracted form wilkie.
tummle yer wilkies: Go head over heels, somersault.
catalog, catalogue, cattie,
catalogue [ˈkatəlog]
n. A roll, register.
dim. col. cattie A (mail order) catalogue.
catapult, cattie, catty,
catapult [ˈkatəplʌlt]
n. A catapult.
dim. cattie
cataract, catrac, catrack, catrick, catsherd,
cataract [ˈkatətək(t), katrək]
n. A cataract.
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