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Page 44 of 99 for the letter C

claen, claenin, clain, clainin, clane, clanin, clean, cleanin, cleanse, cleansin, cleant, cleen, cleened, clein, cleinin, cleng, clengin, clennie, clenny, cleyn, onclean, the_clenny, unclean,
clean [klin, klen]
adj. Clean, Absolute, complete.
v. To clean, clear, remove.
pt. pp. cleant
Compounds and phrases etc.
be clean wi: To get even with.
cleanin [ˈklinɪn, ˈklenɪn]: Cleaning.
cleanse [klinz, klenz]: To cleanse.
cleansin [ˈklinzɪn, ˈklenzɪn]: The afterbirth.
the clenny: col. Glasgow Cleansing Department.
unclean: Unclean.
claer, claerance, claered, claersome, claert, clair, clairance, claireome, clairlie, clairt, clare, clear, clearance, clearsom, clearsome, clearsum, cleart, cleir, cleirance, cleirsome, cleirt, clere, clereance, clereeome, cleyr, klair, klar,
clear [kliːr, kleːr]
adj. Clear, distinct, without fault. Sure, certain, exact. Ready, correct, prepared.
adv. Confidently, precisely, clearly.
v. To clear. To search by raking or scratching.
pt. pp. cleart, cleared
Compounds and phrases etc.
clarifee: Clarify.
clearance [-əns]: Clearance, proof, revelation.
clearsome [-səm]: Clear, bright.
unclear: Unclear, indistinct.
wall-clearer: S. An insect that skims over the surface of water.
watter clearer: An insect that skims over the surface of water.
claive, clave, cleave, cleavin, cleaving, cleff, cleyve, clift, clo$en, cloen, clowen, clown, klaive, klave, kleeven, kleevin, klivven,
cleave [kliːv, kleːv]
n. A division of a seam.
v. To cleave, to split.
pt. clift [klɪft, klɛft], clave, cleaved
pp. clift, cloven, MN. cloen [klo(ə)n], cleaved
Compounds and phrases etc.
cleavin: A cleft, fissure. Cleaving. pl. cleavins The bifurcation of the thighs.
clackan, clackin, clawk, clawker, clechin, cleck, cleckeen, clecker, cleckin, cleckin$, cleckit, clek, clekit, clekkin, click, clicker, clickin, clik, clikin, clikken, cloak, cloaker, cloakin, clock, clockan, clocked, clocker, clockin, clockit, clocks, clocks-midder, clocks-mither, clokkin, doo$s_cleckin, dou$s_cleckin, klek, klok, klokk, klokker,
cleck [klɛk]
also clock [klɔk, klok]
n. The cry or noise made by hens when they wish to sit on eggs, for the purpose of hatching.
v. To brood, sit on eggs, hatch, litter, bring forth young. To invent, conceive. To make the noise of a brood hen.
pt. pp. cleckit, clockit

cleckin [ˈklɛkɪn]
also clockin [ˈklɔkɪn, ˈklokɪn]
n. A brood.
v. Brooding.
Compounds and phrases etc.
clecker, clocker [-ər]: A brooding hen.
clocks-mither: I.Sh. A hen with chickens.
dou's cleckin: Two children, one boy and one girl.
claacht, clacht, claght, clauchit, claucht, claught, cleeckit, cleek, cleeked, cleekett, cleekie, cleekie, cleekit, cleeks, cleeksie, cleeky, cleeky, cleet, cleik, cleikit, cleiks, cleuk, cleukit, cleuks, click, clickid, clicks, clicksie, clook, clookit, clooks, kleak, kliksi, kliksie,
cleek [klik, klɪk, klɛk]
n. A hook or crook, often such as is used for hanging meat or a lamp etc. from the ceiling, or for suspending a pot above a fire. A salmon gaff. A muck-rake. The latch of a door, gate or window shutter. A hold, grasp, clutch. An iron rod attached to a gird by a loop in order for children to propel it.
dim. cleekie
pl. cleeks Hooks, links, a leg cramp for horses. A cramp in the legs to which horses are subject. Lumbago.
v. To hook, to catch or fasten with a hook. To link arms. To ensnare in the bonds of matrimony. To seize, snatch, catch, clutch, to steal, pilfer, cheat, deceive. To wheedle, to cajole. To nestle, snuggle down.
pt. pp. cleekit [ˈklikɪt, ˈklɪkɪt, ˈklɛkɪt], claucht [klɑːxt]
n. A clutch, a grasp, a grab, a blow.
pl. clauchts Clutches, a handful.
v. To grasp, seize forcibly, clutch.
adj. Made with a cleek. Of groups of people: secretive, aloof.
Compounds and phrases etc.
cleeksie: I.Sh. An eagle.
hing the cleek: To work slowly or to rule, lounge about, hold things up.
cleesh, cleesher, cleish, cleisher,
cleesh [kliʃ]
n. A lash or stroke with a whip. The crack of a whip.
v. To lash with a whip. To crack a whip. A blow of any kind.
Compounds and phrases etc.
cleesher [-ər]: Any large specimen of its kind.
bum-cleg, clag, claigg, cleg, clegg, clegsie, gled, gleg, klegg, klek, kleks, kleksi, kleksie,
cleg [klɛg, glɛg, glɛd]
also I.Sh. clegsie
n. A gadfly of the genus Oestridae or horse-fly of the genus Tabanidae. A missile.
Compounds and phrases etc.
bum-cleg: SW. A horse-fly of the genus Tabanidae.
affcled, afkled, cladscore, clad-score, claed, claethe, claid, claidin, claithe, claithed, claithin, claithing, clead, cleadin, cleadit, cleath, cleathe, cleathen, cleathin, cleathing, cled, cled, cleddin, cledin, cledscore, cleed, cleedin, cleethe, cleethin, cleething, cleid, cleidin, cleidit, cleithe, cleithed, cleyd, clid, clied, kled,
cleid [klid, kled, klɛd]
also cleithe [kliːð, kleːð]
v. To dress, put clothes on. Of a tailor: to make a suit of clothes. To cover, fill, throng. Of a measure: rather full, heaped.
pt. cled [klɛd, kled, klid], cleidit [ˈklidɪt, ˈkledɪt, ˈklɛdɪt], cleithed
Compounds and phrases etc.
affcled: I.Sh. To undress.
cleidin [ˈklidɪn, ˈkledɪn, ˈklɛdɪn]: Clothing, clothes. Cloth. The mouldboard of a plough.
cledscore: When selling sheep: a group of twenty-one, where one is added to every twenty as a discount.
claister, claistered, cleester, cleestered, cleister, cleistered, clester, clestered, clooster, cloostered, clyster, clystered, klaister, klaistered, kleester, kleestered, kleister, kleistered, klister, klistered, klyster, klystered,
cleister [ˈklistər, klestər, MN. kləistər]
n. A thick viscid mass. A person bedaubed with mire.
v. To smear with any sticky substance, to bedaub, plaster with mud, tar etc.
pt. pp. cleistert, cleistered adj. Smeared with any sticky substance.
clem, clemm, climm, klem,
clem [klɛm, klɪm]
v. To stop a hole by means of lime or clay etc.

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