Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 79 of 99 for the letter C
couer, couerr, cour, courr, cover, coverr, cower, cowered, cowerin, cowerr, cowred, recower, recowerr,
cower [ˈkʌuər, ˈkuːər]
v. N. To recover, get well, to get over, to recover from.
pt. pp. cowert, cowered
Compounds and phrases etc.
cowerin: Curative, therepeutic.
couck, couckit, couk, coukin, coukit, cowk, cowkin, cowkit, kowk, kowkit,
cowk [kʌuk, kok]
n. Retching or vomiting caused by nausea. The act of retching.
pt. pp. cowkit
Compounds and phrases etc.
cowkin: Retching or vomiting.
Coulrain, Cowlrain, Cowlraine,
Cowlraine [kʌulren]
pn. Coleraine (County Londonderry).
coan, cone, coun, cown,
cown [kʌun, koːn]
v. Of children: to weep, to cry aloud, lament.
Also keenie to cry, mourn, weep.
coped, coper, coup, couped, couper, coupit, coupt, cowp, cowped, cowper, cowpit, cowpt, cup, cuppan,
cowp [kʌup]
n. A barter, a deal, a bargain
v. To buy and sell or trade.
pt. pp. cowpit, cowpt
Compounds and phrases etc.
cowper [ˈkʌupər, ˈkupər]: A dealer, especially in horses and cattle.
coap, coop, cope, coup, couped, coupey, coupie, coupin, coupit, coupt, coupy, cowp, cowpe, cowped, cowpie, cowpin, cowpit, cowpt, cowpy, owercowp,
cowp [kʌup, U. kop]
n. A fall, tumble, an overturning, upset. A place for emptying rubbish, a dump.
dim. cowpie
v. To upset, overturn, capsize, to lay low, to ruin. Of a plough: to turn over the ground. To tilt up, to empty by overturning. To twist or sprain one's ankle etc. To overbalance, to fall over. To turn bankrupt, to fail.
pt. pp. cowpit, cowpt
Compounds and phrases etc.
cowpin: Overturning, tipping etc.
owercowp: To spill out.
coult, cout, cowt, cowte, cyowt,
cowt [kʌut, NN.a. kjʌut]
n. A colt, a young horse. A rough, awkward person, an adolescent boy or girl. A weapon of offence, generally a string with a mass of knotted cord at end or a bannet tied closely.
v. To beat, thrash.
Compounds and phrases etc.
simmer cowt: A summer heat-haze.
baulster-crab, carl_crab, carle_crab, crab, crabbit, crabbitness, crabbitness, crabit, craib, grabbid, kirsan, kirsan-crab, kirshan, kirshan-crab, kirssan, kirssan-crab,
crab [krab]
n. A crab (the crustacean)
v. To become angry, to show signs of rebellion, to grouse. With at: to find fault with, scold. To anger, provoke.
pt. pp. crabbit adj. In a bad temper, out of humour. Of land or weather: rough, boisterous.
Compounds and phrases etc.
baulster-crab: A female partan Cancer pagurus.
carle crab: A male partan Cancer pagurus.
crabbitness: n. Bad temper.
deeb sea crab: The spider crab Hyas araneus.
hairper crab: The masked crab Corystes cassivelaunus.
kirssan-crab [NN.b. kɪrsən-]: A small (green or black) crab.
craak, craaked, crack, crackans, cracked, cracker, crackie, crackin, crackin$, crackins, crackit, crackle, cracks, crackt, cracky, craic, craiced, craicin, craik, crak, craket, crakk, craklins, creck, crecker, creekins, creeklins, crek, krak, krakk, krakker, kreekins, kreeklins,
crack [krak]
n. A crack, a flaw. A moment, short space of time. A turn or shot as at a game etc. Talk, gossip, free and easy conversation. A story, an entertaining or scandalous tale. I.Sh. A small, stunted person arrived at maturity but of poor physique.
pl. cracks Stories, tales, news.
v. To strike sharply. To chat, gossip, have a talk.
pt. pp. crackit adj. Cracked, Unsound of mind.
crackie [ˈkraki]
adj. Full of talk, affable.
Compounds and phrases etc.
cracker [ˈkrakər]: A loud kiss. A boaster. A talker, gossip, someone good at chatting. pl. crackers Castanets.
crackin [ˈkrakɪn] Cracking, conversing.
crackins [ˈkrakɪnz] also cracklins [ˈkraklɪnz, U. ˈkriklɪnz] pl. The solids remaining from rendered fat, food made with such.
crackle: Crackle.
twa-haundit crack: Dialogue.
cracket, crackett, crackie, cracky, crakie, crockie, crocky,
cracket [ˈkrakət]
n. A low wooden stool.
dim. crackie A small, low, three-legged stool with a hole in the middle of the seat for lifting it
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