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Page 82 of 99 for the letter C

cranach, cranachan, crannach, crannachan,
cranach [ˈkranəx]
also cranachan [ˈkranəxən]
n. Pottage.
crane [kren, kran]
n. S. The cranberry Vaccinium oxycoccos.
crang, kraang, krang,
crang [kraŋ]
n. Crang, the carcass of a whale, a dead body, a corpse.
crank, crankey, crankie, crankous, cranky, crawnkie,
crank [krank]
n. A snare. A wile. A difficulty.
adj. Crooked, distorted. Hard, difficult to understand. Mentally unbalanced, eccentric. Incontinently eager, foolishly bent on. Of machinery: loose, shaky.
adj. Grating, rough, inharmonious.
v. To make a harsh noise.
adj. Weakly, unsteady, insecure, unreliable, bad tempered. Hard, difficult.
Compounds and phrases etc.
crankous [-əs]: Fretful, captious.
crannie, cranny,
cranny [ˈkranɪ]
n. A square or oblong aperture in the wall of a house.
cranlach, cranreuch, cranreugh, cranrough,
cranreuch [ˈkranrux, -r(j)ʌx, -rɔx]
n. Hoar-frost.
crap, crapen, crapen, crapin, crapine, craping, crappen, crappen, crappie, crappin, crappin, crappit, craps, crawpeen, crawpin, croppin, cropping, cropping, krappen, krappin, krappin, kroppen, kroppen, kroppin, kroppin, mosscrap, mosscrop, ruit_an_crap, ruit_and_crap,
crap [krap, krɔp]
n. A crop. The produce of the ground. A close hair-cut. The top of anything. The stomach, the throat, the craw or crop of a bird.
dim. crappie
v. To crop. To fill, stuff, cram.
pt. pp. crappit adj. Cropped, filled, stuffed.
Compounds and phrases etc.
crappin: The crop of a fowl, the breast, throat, stomach. Meal and fish-livers crushed together, meal-dumplings, filled with fish-livers. A fish-head stuffed with fish livers, oatmeal and spices etc.
crappit heid: Haddock head stuffed with oatmeal and spices etc.
craw in his crap: To annoy, give cause for regret.
hert craps: The hairy wood rush Luzula pilosa.
mosscrap: The cotton grasses Eriophorum angustifolium or Eriophorum vaginatum.
riggin crap: A rooftop.
ruit and crap: Through and through, completely.
sheuk thair craps: Expressed their feelings or grievances.
tuim yer crap: Get it off your chest.
crappy, croppy,
crappy [ˈkrapɪ, ˈkrɔpɪ]
n. A United Irishman.
craav, craif, crave, craver, craves, cravin, creve,
crave [kreːv]
n. A desire, hankering. A request or petition, especially in ecclesiastical or legal language.
pl. craves
v. To crave, to long for food or drink. leg. To ask as of right from an ecclesiastical or legal court. To press for payment of a debt.
pt. craved
pp. craved, craven
Compounds and phrases etc.
craver: A note demanding payment of a debt. A creditor.
cravin: Craving.
cra, cra$, cra$ed, cra$s, craa, craa$ed, craaed, craafit, craahead, craaheid, craan, craa-road, craas, craastaps, craasteps, craat, craatae, craa-tae, craataes, craa-taes, craayin, crah, crahs, cran, cra-road, cras, crastaps, crasteps, crat, cra-taes, cra-taes, cratay, craw, craw$s_fit, craw$t, craw-creuk, crawed, crawed, crawheid, crawn, craw-road, craws, crawsfoot, crawstaps, crawsteps, crawt, crawtae, craw-tae, crawtaes, craw-taes, crawtree, crawtrees, crew, crewn, croo, crou, crue, grew, headicraa, heedie-craa, heidicraa, heidicraw, heidiecraa, heidiecraw, hoodie, hoodie_craa, hoodiecraw, hoodie-craw, huddie, huddie_craw, huddy, huidie, huidie-craw, sea_craa, sea-craw, sea-crow, taatie-craa, tattie-craw, watter_craw, watter-craw,
craw [krɑː, krɔː, N. I. kraː]
n. A crow, usually the rook Corvus frugilegus but also the hooded crow Corvus cornix. The act of crowing. A shout, cry, as of children at play.
pl. craws
v. To crow, shout, cry. To perch on the eaves of a corn-stack like a crow and pass up the sheaves from the forker to the builder.
pt. crawed, craw't, crew [kruː]
pp. crawn, crewn [ˈkruːn]
Compounds and phrases etc.
Ainster craw: An Anstruther nickname for the herring gull Larus argentatus.
black-nebbit craw: S. The carrion crow Corvus corone.
craw-creuk: N. I. A device for twisting straw into ropes.
crawheid: I. The chimney head.
craw road: The shortest route as the crow flies.
crawstaps [-staps]: Steps on house gable.
craw-tae: A plant with leaves the shape of crow's toes such as the common buttercup Ranunculus acris or creeping buttercup Ranunculus repens. SW. The wild hyacinth Hyacinthoides non-scripta.
craw-taes: Crow's feet, wrinkles at the corner of the eye, a caltrop.
craw's fit: SW. The wild hyacinth Hyacinthoides non-scripta.
corn craw: The rook Corvus frugilegus.
crouse in the craw: Brisk and confident in conversation.
gray craw: SW. The hooded crow Corvus cornix.
haver craw: The carrion crow Corvus corone.
heidicraw: I.Sh. Somersault.
huidit craw: The hooded crow Corvus cornix.
huidie-craw: The hooded crow Corvus cornix. dim. huidie sometimes the carrion crow Corvus corone.
reid-leggit craw [rid-, rɪd-]: The chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax.
sea-craw: I. The razorbill Alca torda.
tattie-craw: I. A children's toy consisting of a potato with seagull feather stuck into it so when thrown in to the air spin around making a whirring noise.
shuit a craw: To abscond without paying one's debts, to order drinks without paying for them.
shuit the craw: Make quick exit.
watter craw: SW. The coot Fulica atra or NEC. moorhen Gallinula chloropus. The dipper Cinclus cinclus.
wid craw: NN.b. The rook Corvus frugilegus.
windy craw: A child's toy made with a potato and crows's feathers that can be propelled along the ground by the wind.

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