Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 41 of 56 for the letter D
drapisy, drapsie, drapsy,
drapsy [drapsɪ]
n. The disease dropsy.
draatch, draatsi, draatsie, draitch, dratch, dratched, dratchie, dratcht, dratchy, drats, dratset, dratsi, dratsie, dratsie, dratsis, dratsy, dretch, drissie,
dratch [I.Sh. dratʃ]
also drats [drats]
n. A person slow in the execution of a job, a dawdler.
v. To move slowly and heavily. To dawdle, loiter.
pt. pp. dratcht
dratchy, dratsy
adj. Slow, dawdling.
Compounds and phrases etc.
dratset: Dawdling dreamily.
dratsie [dratsi]: A Shetland fishermen's tabu term for an otter.
draacht, draachtit, dracht, drachtet, drachtit, drafft, drafftit, draft, draftit, draucht, drauchtie, drauchtiness, drauchtit, drauchty, drocht, drochtit, drucht, far-drachted, faur-drauchtit, hamedrachtit, hame-drauchted, hamedrauchtit, hame-drauchtit, hame-drauchtit, indraacht, indraucht, indraught, lang-drachtit, lang-drauchtit, tae-draucht,
draucht [drɑːxt, N. I. draːxt]
n. Draught. An act or turn of drawing or pulling a plough etc. A load. The drawing of breath, breathing. The roll or swell that precedes a storm. The entrails of an animal.
pl. drauchts Draughts.
v. To draw the breath in long convulsive gasps. Of a horse: to train, to break in, to put in the traces. To line off land with the plough by means of straight furrows.
pt. pp. drauchtit
Compounds and phrases etc.
drauchty: SW. Cunning, crafty, scheming.
drauchtiness: Cunning, artfulness.
faur-drauchtit: NN.b. Far sighted.
hame-drauchtit: Selfish, keen to further the interests of oneself or one's home, homesick, fond of, or drawn to, home.
indraucht: MN. The inhalation or a suction of air or breath. I. A purpose or object in view, encouragement, good reception, promise of help, inclination.
indraucht til: I. To be favourably disposed towards.
lang-drauchtit: Scheming, cunning.
tae-draucht: Attraction, attractive. I. A contrary motion of the sea or wind.
draant, draantin, drant, drantin, draunt, drauntin, drauntin$, drunt, druntan, druntin,
draunt [drɑːnt, N. draːnt, I.Ork. drʌnt]
v. To drone, speak slowly, drawl. I.Ork. To bellow like a cow.
Compounds and phrases etc.
drauntin [ˈdrɑːntɪn, N. ˈdraːntɪn]: Drawling.
drauntin drivel: Tedious small talk.
draive, drave, draver, drove, druive, herrin-drave, herring-drave,
drave [dreːv]
n. A drove, a drove road, a throng of people, herring fishing, a fisherman's share, A broad-faced stonemason's chisel
Compounds and phrases etc.
herrin drave: The anual herring fishing.
draver: A drover.
backdraa, back-draa, back-draw, dhraw, dra, dra$, dra$an, dra$in, draa, draa$en, draa$ers, draa$in, draa$rs, draad, draaer, draaers, draain, draain, draan, draar, draarers, draars, draavers, draavers, draaw, draawin, draers, drah, drahd, draher, drahers, drahin, drahn, drahr, drahrs, dran, drarz, draw, draw$d, drawd, drawed, drawer, drawers, drawin, drawn, drew, drewn, drooen, droon, druh, on-draa, on-drah, on-draw,
draw [drɑː, drɔː, N. I. draː]
n. A pull, a tug, a wrench. A puff at a pipe, a smoke. A draught of air.
v. To draw, to pull, tug, to agree, to get on together. Of teaː to infuse, to become infused. To infer, to deduce. To raise one's hand, foot, etc. for the purpose of attack, to aim a blow.
pt. drew [druː]
pp. drawn [drɑːn, drɔːn, N. I. draːn] S. drewn [druːn], U. drawed [drɑːd, draːd]
Compounds and phrases etc.
back-draw: Drawback, disadvantage, a drawing back from an agreement. I. A sharp drawing in of breath.
drawer [ˈdrɑːərz, ˈdrɔː-, N. I. ˈdraː-]: Drawer. pl. drawers Drawers, underpants, a chest of drawers.
drawin: Drawing.
dreich in the draw: Slow to move, slow in deciding.
on-draw: I.Sh. A garment worn on special occasions.
draem, draemin, draim, draimin, drame, drameit, dramin, dream, dreamin, dreamit, dreamt, dreim, dreimin, dremt, dreym, dreymin,
dream [driːm, drem]
n. A dream.
v. To dream.
pt. pp. dreamit, dreamt
adj. Dreamy.
Compounds and phrases etc.
dreamin: Dreaming.
dreamsie: Half-asleep.
drear, drearifu,
drear [driːr, dreːr]
adj. Dreary.
Compounds and phrases etc.
drearifu [-fə S. -fɛ, -fɪ, EC. -fe, WC. -fɑ, N. -fɛ, U. I. -fu]: Sad, dreary.
dreach, drech,
drech [drɛx]
n. WC. Appearance of newness, freshness. I.Sh. nourishment, sustenance.
From Gaelic dreach
dree, dree$d, dreed, drie, dried,
dree [driː]
n. Trouble, misfortune, suffering, a struggle, hard task.
v. To endure, to suffer, bear pain, misfortune, penance etc. To endure, last out, continue.
pt. pp. dree'd
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