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Page 24 of 53 for the letter F

fismal, fismel,
fismal [I.Sh. ˈfɪsməl]
n. A particle, a small portion of anything.
fislin, fiss, fissle, fisslin, fistle, fistlin, fizz, fussle, fusslin,
fiss [fɪs]
n. Drizzle, fine rain.
v. To fizz. To make a hissing, fizzing noise.
fissle [ˈfɪsl]
v. To tingle, bustle, commotion, make a rustling, scuffling noise.
Compounds and phrases etc.
fisslin [ˈfɪslɪn]: Tingling, bustling, scuffling.
See fizz also.
fist, fust,
fist [fɪst]
n. The clenched hand.
fit, fitfu, fitted, fittin, fittins, fittit, fut, futfu, futted, futtin, futtins, futtit, misfit, misfitted, misfittit, misfut,
fit [fɪt]
v. To fit, to suit, serve with what is wanted, to satisfy one's requirements.
pt. pp. fittit adj. Pleased, satisfied.
Compounds and phrases etc.
fittin: Fitting, suitable. In mining: the whole machinery, plant and works of a colliery. pl. fittins
fitfu: Fitful.
misfit: MN. To offend, displease. pt. misfittit
afit, a-fit, afuit, afute, airn_fit, airn-fit, blackfit, blackfuit, bleckfit, bleckfuit, cleuchie-fit, cleukie-fit, clog-fit, corse-fish, corse-fit, corse-foot, corsfit, cosfeet, cosfit, cosset, cossfit, cossit, cross-fit, faet, feet, feet, feeted, feit, fet, fett, first_fitter, first_fittin, first_fittin, first_footer, first_footing, first-fit, first-fitter, first-foot, first-fuit, first-fuitter, fit, fit_o, fit-dint, fit-dunt, fitfaa, fitfaw, fit-folk, fit-heuk, fit-huik, fitick, fitinment, fitless, fitmark, fitmerk, fitpad, fit-road, fitted, fittek, fitter, fittet, fittid, fittie, fittin, fittin, fittininment, fittinment, fittins, fittit, fittock, fitty, fitty, footer, forty-feeter, fuit, fuited, fuiter, fuit-folk, fuit-fowk, fuitin, fuitit, fuitmerk, fuitnote, fuitpad, fuitter, furstfittin, fut, fute, futemerk, futepad, futi, futick, futmerk, futt, futter, futtick, futtin, infit, iron-fit, jennie-hunder-feet, jenny-hunder-feet, kosfeet, maggie_monyfeet, meggie_monie_feet, meggie-monyfeet, meggie-mony-feet, meggy_monie_feet, meggy_mony_feet, meggymonfeet, meggymonfeets, meg-mony-feet, skew-fit, sma$-fit, smaw-fit, stooriefit, stoorifit, stoorifits, stourie_fit, stourie-fit, stourie-fuit, stoury_fit, stoury-fit, underfut, unnerfit, untherfit,
fit [fɪt, NN. I. fit]
n. A foot, a unit of measurement (12 inch, 30.645 cm). A foothold. The lower or far end of anything.
dim. fittie A short sock that only covers the foot.
pl. feet [fit]
In measurements the singular is used as the pl. With numerals.
adj. Footed.
Compounds and phrases etc.
abuin his fit: Above his capacity.
afit [əˈ-]: adv. Afoot.
airn fit: A shoemaker's last.
blackfit [ˈblak-, ˈblɔk-, ˈblɛk-]: A lover's go-between.
change feet: To change footwear.
cleukie-fit, clog-fit: Club-foot.
cross-fit: SN. MN. NN.a. The starfish Asterias rubens.
fitter [ˈfɪtər]: To patter, to make a light repeated noise with the feet, totter, walk unsteadily, patter, potter about.
fittin [ˈfɪtɪn]: A footing. The setting up of peats to dry, such a peat.
first-fit: To be the first to visit at the new year, to do such a visit.
first-fitter A person going first-fittin.
fit-dunt: A footprint.
fit-heuk [fɪtɪk]: The set of swingle-trees for a yoke of two or more horses.
fitfaw. A footfall.
fit for fit: Step by step, side by side, closely.
fit-fowk: Pedestrians.
fitless: Footless, tottery.
fitmerk: A footnote.
fit o: A foot of ...
fitpad: A footpath.
fit-road: A footpath.
fittininment: MN. Understanding, concern, interference, a footing in something.
fittock: A sock with the leg cut off
fowerty-fitter: I. A centipede.
infit: An introduction, a state of favour.
jennie-hunder-feet: A centipede.
meggie-mony-feet, -hunder-feet: The centipede or millipede.
sair fit: A sore foot. A time of need or difficulty, an emergency, 'a rainy day'.
smaw-fit: I.Sh. Fishermen's taboo-name for a mouse.
stourie fit: A dusty foot traveler, an incomer.
unnerfit: Underfoot, down below, underneath, underground. The sole of the foot. Describing peats that have been cut straight down into the ground, instead of sideways or horizontally from a breest.
fetch, fidges, fidgick, firch, fitch, fitches, fitchy, fudjuck, fudsho,
fitch [fɪtʃ]
n. Vetch, in particular Vicia sativa.
pl. fitches
Compounds and phrases etc.
fitchy pease: Vetch Vicia sativa.
Fitherae [ˈfɪθəre]
pn. Fidra (Firth of Forth).
Fittie, Fitty, Footee, Futty,
Fittie [ˈfɪte]
pn. Footdee (Aberdeen).
faftaen, fäftaen, faftie, fäftie, feave, feev, feftie, fehv, fehve, fehver, fehvir, feifteen, feifteent, feiftein, feifteint, fev, feve, fife, fifety, fift, fifteen, fifteent, fiftein, fifteint, fiftene, fiftie, fiftiet, fifty, fith, five, fiver, foifteen, fufteen, fuftie, fufty, fufty, fyfteen, fyftie,
five [faiːv, DD. fɛv]
adj. Five.
fiver: A five pound note.
fift, 5t [ˈfɪft, ˈfɛfˈt] Fifth.
fifteen Fifteen.
fifteent, 15t Fifteenth.
fifty Fifty.
fiftiet: Fiftieth.
Compounds and phrases etc.
fifty-ane [-en, -jɪn, MN. -in]: Fifty-one.
fifty-twa [-twɑː, -twɔː, S. -tweː, N. I. -twaː]: Fifty-two.
fifty-three [-θriː, S. -θrəi, I.Sh. -triː]: Fifty-three.
fifty-fower [-ˈfʌu(ə)r, SW. -fuwr]: Fifty-four.
fifty-five [-faiːv, DD. -fɛv]: Fifty-five.
fifty-sax [-saks]: Fifty-six.
fifty-seiven [-ˈsiːvən, -ˈseːvən, MN. -ˈsəivən]: Fifty-seven.
fifty-echt [-ɛçt, -ext]: Fifty-eight.
fifty-nine [-nəin, -nin]: Fifty-nine.
faiver, faver, fever, fiver, fivert, fivver, fivvert, purpie-fever, purpie-fiver, purpie-fivver, rush-fever, rush-fiver, rush-fivver,
fiver [ˈfɪvər]
n. Fever.
adj. Fevered.
Compounds and phrases etc.
herrin fiver: A condition caused by poor fishing.
purpie-fiver [-ˈfɪvər]: Typhus.
rush-fiver [-ˈfɪvər]: Scarlet fever.

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