Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 28 of 53 for the letter F
falunt, flaan, flaanter, flant, flanter, flaunter, flauntie, flaunty, flawnt,
flaunt [ˈflɑːnt, ˈflɔːnt, N. I. ˈflaːnt]
v. To flaunt.
adj. Showy, gaudy. Capricious, giddy, flighty.
Compounds and phrases etc.
flaunter [ˈflɑːntər, ˈflantər, ˈflʌntər]: To quiver, tremble with excitement or agitation.
fla, flaa, flaas, flaw, flawe, flough, flyauve, flyave,
flaw [flɑː, flɔː, N. I. flaː]
n. A flaw, a crack or defect. A, thin layer of pared off turf. A particle of soot etc. A spell of wind often bringing rain. I.Sh. A piece of turf or heather used for thatching.
flae, flaed, flaein, flai, flain, flane, flay, flay$d, flayd, flayed, flayen, flayn, flea, flen,
flay [fleː]
v. To skin, pillage. To pare the grassy surface off a peat bank.
pt. flayed [ˈfleːd]
pp. flayed, flain [ˈfleːn]
flaem, flaim, flame, fleam, fleem, fleim, fleme, fleym,
fleam [flim, flem]
n. An instrument used to bleed cattle, a lancet.
flaik, flake, flaked, fleck, flecked, flecket, fleckid, fleckie, fleckit, flecky, flekka, flekket, flick, snaaie, snaavie, snaay, snaw-flaighs, snawflaik, snawflake, snawfleck, snawflect, snawie,
fleck [flɛk]
n. A fleck.
dim. fleckie A pet name for a spotted cow.
v. To develop white patches on the skin, to become variegated through cross-breeding.
pt. pp. fleckit adj. Black-and-white spotted, pied, dappled.
Compounds and phrases etc.
snawfleck, dim. snawie: S. WC. SN. MN. The snow bunting Plectrophenax nivalis.
butterflee, butterflei, butterflie, fishy-flee, flaud, flawn, flea, fleain, fleas, fled, fled, flee, flee$n, fleeack, fleean, flee-er, fleein, fleen, fleeo, fleeo, fleeock, fleer, flees, fleh, flehs, flei, fleiin, fleis, fleu, flew, flewen, flewn, flie, fliein, flie-in, flies, floo, floon, flou, floun, flowed, flowen, flyan, flyin, French_butterflee, kail_flea, kail_flee, kailieflee, kailie-flee, kaily_flee, letterflee, letterfly, letter-fly, maakie, maggot-flee, mauckie, mauk_flee, maukie, maukin$-flee, maukin_flee, maukin-flee, mauky, mawkie, mawky, meyflee, mockie, mocky, muck-flee, muck-flie, shairny-flee, sharny_flee, sharny-flee,
flee [fliː, S. flɛiː]
n. A fly. A flying movement, a rush.
pl. flees
dim. fleeock NN.a. The bluebottle Calliphora vomitoria.
v. To fly.
pt. flew [fluː, S. fljuː], I.Sh. fled Flew.
pp. flewn [fluːn, S. fljuːn], S. WC. MN. flowen [flʌu(ə)n] Flown.
Compounds and phrases etc.
butterflee dim. butterie: A butterfly.
deil's butterflee, butter deilie: The tortoiseshell butterfly Aglais urticae.
French butterflee: The large white butterfly Pieris brassicae.
fishy flee: I.Sh. The bluebottle Calliphora vomitoria.
fleer: A flyer. A jollification, a spree, a high old time.
fleein [ˈfliːɪn, S. ˈflɛiːɪn]: Flying, in an ungovernable rage, hilariously drunk.
flee-up (in the air): A frivolous or pretentious person whose promise is more impressive than their performance, a snob, ephemeral, unsubstantial.
kail flee, kailie-flee: I.Sh. A butterfly.
letterflee: A moth, popularly supposed to herald the arrival of a letter.
maggot-flee: U. The bluebottle Calliphora vomitoria.
mauk flee, maukin fleedim. maukie: The bluebottle Calliphora vomitoria.
meyflee: The mayfly.
muck-flee: A dung-fly such as Scathophaga stercoraria. The bluebottle Calliphora vomitoria.
shairnie flee [ʃeːrne-, N. ʃarne-]: A dung-fly Scathophaga stercoraria.
witches' butterflee: A large, thick-bodied, brown moth. S. The tortoiseshell butterfly Aglais urticae.
fled, flee, fleean, fleein, flie,
flee [fliː, S. flɛiː]
v. To run away from danger or in fear, to flee.
pt. pp. fled
Compounds and phrases etc.
fleein: Fleeing.
fleem, fleim, fleme, fleum,
fleem [flim]
n. Phlegm.
Fleeminton, Fleiminton,
Fleeminton [ˈflimɪntən]
pn. Flemington (South Lanarkshire).
fleesh, fleish, fliesh,
fleesh [fliːʃ]
n. A fleece. A large number of.
pl. fleeshes
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