Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 32 of 53 for the letter F
flooer, floor, flour, flure,
floor [ˈfluː(ə)r]
n. Flour.
deid_man$s_floorish, deid_man$s_flourish, fleer$shin, fleerishin, floorin, floorish, floorishen, floorishin, floorishin, flourish, flourishin, flourishin,
floorish [ˈfluːrɪʃ]
n. A blossom, especially on a fruit or hawthorn Crataegus monogyna. Embroidery. A surfeit, excess, plethora.
v. To blossom, to be in flower. To embroider.
Compounds and phrases etc.
deid man's floorish: SEC. The cow parsley Anthriscus sylvestris or the hawthorn blossom Crataegus monogyna. S. The meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria.
dug's floorish: Ragwort Jacobaea vulgaris.
floorishin [ˈfluːrɪʃ]: Flourishing, blossoming. Fruit-blossom or May-blossom Crataegus monogyna. Embroidery.
flor, flore, florie, florrie, flory,
florie [floːri]
also NN.b. flore
n. An empty-headed, dressy person.
adj. Vain, showy.
v. To swagger, to strut about in a conceited way showing off one's fine clothes.
flos, floss,
floss [NN.b. I. flɔs]
n. Chaff, husks or tails of corn. The soft rush Juncus effusus or compact rush Juncus conglomeratus.
flatter, float, flot, flott, flotter,
flot [flɔt, flot]
n. Scum on a boiling pot of broth or jam etc.
v. To float.
flotter [ˈflɔtər, ˈflotər, ˈflatər]
v. NEC. To float, simmer, sputter.
banks_flooer, banks_flooers, banks_flouer, banks-flooer, banks-flooers, bogiflooer, buggiflooer, craw_flouer, craw-flower, fleers, fleur, fleurs, flo$er, flo$ers, floeer, floeers, floo$er, floo$es, floo$r, floo$rs, flooer, floo-er, flooerie, flooerin, flooers, floo-ers, flooery, flooir, flooirs, floor, flooran, floorie, floorin, floors, floors, flouer, flouerie, flouerin, flouers, flour, flours, flow$r, flow$rs, flure, flures, gelly-flouer, gelly-flower, gillieflouer, gillyflouer, gillyflower, jeely_flooer, jellieflouer, jellie-flouer, jellieflower, jellie-flower, jellie-flower, jellyflouer, jellyflower, jellyflower, Johnsmas-flooer, Johnsmas-flouer, mayflooer, mayflower, mey_flooer, mey_flouer, meyflooer, meyflouer, seggie-flooer, seggie-flouer, seggi-flooer, seggy-flooer, siggy-flooer, wa$-flooer, wa$-flower, waa-flooer, waa-flouer, waw-flooer, waw-flouer,
flouer [ˈfluː(ə)r]
n. A flower. A bunch of flowers, a nosegay, bouquet.
pl. flouers
v. To embroider flowers or similar designs.
adj. Flowery.
Compounds and phrases etc.
bad man's bonnie flouer: MN. The white campion Silene latifolia.
banks flouer: I.Sh. Thrift, sea-pink Armeria maritima.
bogie flouer: I.Sh. The sea campion Silene maritima.
craw flouer: The wood hyacinth Hyacinthoides hispanica or common buttercup Ranunculus acris.
deil's flouer: SW. The germander speedwell Veronica chamaedrys or NEC. red campion Silene dioica.
gelly-flouer [ˈdʒɛle-]: The clove-pink Dianthus caryophyllus, stock Matthiola incana, wallflower Erysimum cheiri.
flouerin: NN.b. Strutting in a showy manner.
Johnsmas-flouer: I.Sh. The ribwort plantain Plantago lanceolata.
klonger flouer: The blossom of a dog rose Rosa canina.
maumie flouers: I.Sh. The forget-me-not Myosotis scorpioides.
mey flouer: U. The wild primrose primula vulgaris or S. WC. cuckooflower Cardamine pratensis.
seggie-flouer: I.Sh. The yellow flag iris Iris pseudacorus.
thunner flouer: MN. The poppy Papaver rhoeas or NEC. the hedge parsley Torilis arvensis and similar.
waw-flouer: A wallflower.
fleer$shin, fleerish, florrish, flourish, flurish, furisine,
flourish [ˈfluːrɪʃ, ˈflʌr-, MN. ˈfliːr-]
also flourishin
n. A steel fire-lighter curved round the knuckles to strike sparks.
fla, flaa, flaud, flaut, flaw, flaw, flawe, flawt, floan, flou, flouan, flouen, flouw, flow, flowan, flowd, flowe, flowed, flowein, flowin, flowin$, flyauve, flyave,
flowe [flʌu]
n. A peat bog, a morass, an arm of the sea, a small quantity of powdery substance.
v. To flow.
pt. pp. flowed
Compounds and phrases etc.
flowin [ˈflʌuɪn] Flowing. Unstable, changeable, fickle. A small amount of something in grains or flakes, dust from peat etc.
flu, fluie, flyue,
flu [fl(j)uː]
n. col. Elided form of influenza.
dim. fluie
fleukner, fljukner, flockner, flokner, flucker, fluckner, flukker, flyuknir,
flucker [I.Sh. ˈfl(j)ʌkər]
v. To flap or flutter as a bird.
Compounds and phrases etc.
fluckner [ˈfl(j)ʌknər]: A fishermen's tabu-word for a hen.
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