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Page 43 of 55 for the letter G

begrutten, forgrutten, grat, greet, greetet, greetie, greetin, greetin$, greetit, greets, greety, greit, greitie, greitin, greits, greity, gret, gretin, gritten, grutten, oongrutten, ungrutten,
greet [grit]
n. A sob, a fit of weeping.
dim. greetie. A child's whimper.
v. To cry, weep, whimper.
pt. grat [grat]
pp. grutten [ˈgrʌtən]
greetie [ˈgrite]
adj. Weepy, given to tears. Inclined to rain, showery.
Compounds and phrases etc.
begrutten [bəˈ-]: Tear-stained.
forgrutten [fɔrˈ-]: Tear-stained.
greetin [ˈgritɪn]: Weeping.
greetin fou: Extremely drunk.
ungrutten: Not wept over.
greezled, greezlie, greezly, grieslie, grisly, grizzled,
greezly [ˈgriːzli]
adj. Grizzly.
grefster, gremster, grimster, grinster,
grefster [I.Sh. ˈgrɛfstər]
also I.Sh. gremster
n. An unusually low ebb-tide.
gresp [grɛsp, gresp]
n. A grasp.
v. To grasp.
pt. pp. grespit
Compounds and phrases etc.
grespin: Grasping.
banks-girse, clepsie, eccle-girse, eccle-grass, eckle-girse, ekelgirs, ekkelgirse, ekkel-girse, ekkelsgirse, gaa-girse, gaw-girse, gerse, gersing, gerslowper, gerss, gersslouper, gerssy, gerstie-girse, girs, girsan, girse, girse-heuk, girse-hyeuk, girselowper, girsey, girsie, girsin, girss, girssie, girssy, girsy, goose_grass, goose-grass, gorstie-girse, gorsty-girse, grais, graiss, gress, gressie, gressin, gresslowper, gressy, griss, guiss-girse, guiss-girss, guiss-gress, gulsa_girse, gulsagirse, gulsa-girse, guse_grass, guse-grass, hoastin_girse, hostin_girse, Hundert-leaft_girse, Jyul_girs, klepsie, klepsy-girs, naitur-girse, naitur-girss, pairl_gress, pearl-gress, pirl-gress, puindie_gress, puindy_gress, pundie_gress, pundy_gress, ripple-grass, ripple-gress, sholgirse, sholgry, spoot-girse, spout-girse, stainch-girse, stainch-gress, stench-girse, stench-gress, tæger, taegers, taegirse, tae-girse, tea-girse, trowie_girse, wheisa-girs, wheisa-girse, wheiso, whesso, yirnin_girse, yirnin-girse, yölgirse, yuilgirse, Yuil-girse, Yule_girs, Yule-girs,
gress [grɛs]
also girse [gɪrs, gɛrs]
n. Grass.
v. To feed on grass, to pasture.
gressy [ˈgrɛsɪ]
also girssie [gɪrsi, gɛrsi]
adj. Grassy.
Compounds and phrases etc.
aiccess girse I.Sh.: The dandelion Taraxacum vulgare.
banks-girse: I.Sh. The scurvygrass Cochlearia officinalis.
blackin girse: I.Sh. The meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria.
blaw-gress: SW. The purple moor-grass Molinia caerulea.
bull girse: S. MN. The soft brome Bromus hordeaceus.
clepsie girse: I.Ork. The butterwort Pinguicula vulgaris.
crochle-girse: MN. The self-heal Prunella vulgaris.
darn-gress: SN. MN. The wood anemone Anemone nemorosa.
eckle-girse: I. The butterwort Pinguicula vulgaris.
gait girse: MN. The greater wood-rush Luzula sylvatica.
gaw-girse: I.Sh. The stonewort Chara vulgaris or fragilis.
gerstie-girse: I.Sh. Grass growing on on a boundary ridge.
girse-heuk: A metal strut on a scythe.
gressin [ˈgrɛsɪn], girsin [ˈgɪrsɪn, ˈgɛrsɪn]: Grassing, pasturage, grazing.
gresslowper, girselowper: A grasshopper.
grip-gress: The cleavers Galium aparine.
guiss-gress [gøs-, gys-, gɪs-, N. gis-], guiss-girse: Brome-grass of the genus Bromus, cleavers Galium aparine or one of the goosegrasses.
geese gress: MN. The soft brome Bromus hordeaceus.
gulsa girse: I.Sh. The buckbean or marsh trefoil Menyanthes trifoliata.
hoastin girse: I.Sh. The Iceland moss Cetraria islandica
hose-gress: WC. The meadow soft grass Holcus lanatus.
horse-wall-gress: The brooklime Veronica beccabunga.
Hundert-leaft girse: The yarrow Achillea millefolium.
Johnsmas-girse: I. The ribwort plantain Plantago lanceolata.
jint-girse: I.Ork. The horsetail Equisetum arvense.
knap-gress: MN. The common knotgrass Polygonum aviculare.
lea gress: Pasture.
lithy-girse: I.Ork. The horsetail Equisetum arvense.
liver-gress: NEC. The liverwort Marchantia polymorpha.
midge-gress: S. The meadow soft grass Holcus lanatus.
munth gress: The cottongrass Eriophorum vaginatum.
naitur-girse: Natural herbage.
pairl gress [pɛrl-]: The false oat-grass Arrhenatherum elatius.
pirl gress [pɪrl, pʌrl-]: The couch grass Elymus repens.
pluff-girse: MN. The meadow soft grass Holcus mollis or lanatus.
pundy gress: I.Ork. The meadow soft grass Holcus lanatus.
rib-gress: The ribwort plantain Plantago lanceolata.
ripple-gress, ripplin-girse: U. WC. The ribwort plantain Plantago lanceolata or greater plantain Plantago major.
rot-gress: The common butterwort Pinguicula vulgaris.
scruibie-girse: Scurvygrass Cochlearia officinalis.
sea gress: WC. The sea belt Laminaria saccharina.
shillin-gress: WC. The marsh pennywort Hydrocotyle vulgaris.
sholgirse: I.Sh. The yarrow Achillea millefolium or sneezewort Achillea ptarmica.
spoot-girse: I.Ork. Angelica Angelica archangelica
stainch-gress: The yarrow Achillea millefolium.
steep-gress: S. SW. The butterwort Pinguicula vulgaris.
sticky-gress: S. Cock's-foot Dactylis glomerata or the goose-grass Galium aperine.
sweet-gress: S. The woodruff Galium odoratum or eelgrass Zostera marina.
swine's gress: S. The common knotgrass Polygonum aviculare.
tea-girse: I.Sh. The wild thyme Thymus serpyllum or bog-asphodel Narthecium ossifragum.
thickenin-gress: WC. The butterwort Pinguicula vulgaris.
trowie girse: I.Ork. The foxglove Digitalis purpurea.
wall gress [wal-, wɑːl-], wall girse: The watercress Nasturtium officinale.
wartie-girse: The sun spurge Euphorbia helioscopia.
wheisa-girse [′ʍəisə-, ′ʍisə-]: I.Ork. The ground elder Aegopodium podagraria, dim. wheiso, used for medicinal purposes.
yellaein girse: I.Sh. The lady's thumb Persicaria maculosa.
yirnin-girse: I.Sh. The butterwort Pinguicula vulgaris.
Yuil-girse: I. The meadowsweet Filipendula ulmaria.
wartie-girse: I.Ork. The sun spurge Euphorbia helioscopia.
grice, gris, grise, gryce, grys, gryse,
grice [grəis, graɪs, NN.b. grɪs]
n. A pig, typically a young pig, a sucking pig.
grief [grif]
n. Grief.
adj. Heavy, arduous. Of weather: stormy, adverse.
greave, greev, greeve, greive, grieve,
grieve [griːv]
n. The overseer or head-workman on a farm. A farm-bailiff. A foreman or manager of a gang of workmen.
girelt, girl, girle, girled, girlet, girll, girrelt, girrl,
grill [S. grɪl]
also girll [S. ˈgɪr(ə)l]
v. To shudder with dread or horror or cold. To tingle.
pt. pp. grillt, S. girrelt
gilse, gral, grall, graul, grawl, grilse, groll, grulch, grulsh, gulch,
grilse [grɪls]
also WC. U. graul [grɑːl]
n. A young salmon Salmo salar. An unwieldy little child. A short, thick-set person.

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