Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 10 of 45 for the letter H
haarn, haarns, hairn, hairn-pan, hairns, harn, harne, harnes, harnless, harnpan, harn-pan, harns, haurn, hern, herns,
harn [harn, hɔrn]
n. usually pl. harns The brains, the intelligence.
Compounds and phrases etc.
harnless: Brainless, stupid.
harn-pan: The brain-pan, the skull.
harnesh, harnish, herness,
harnish [ˈharnɪʃ, ˈheːrnɪʃ]
also herness [ˈhɛrnəs]
n. A harness.
pl. harnishes, hernesses
v. To harness.
pt. pp. harnisht, hernesst
haar, har, harr, haur, herr,
harr [I.Ork. hɑːr, I.Sh. haːr]
n. The hinge of a door or gate.
harra, harra$d, harrad, harrae, harraed, harraeins, harras, harrie, harrit, harrow, harrowuns, harry,
harrae [harə]
n. A harrow.
v. To harrow.
pt. pp. harraed, harrit
Compounds and phrases etc.
clear the harraes: To achieve one's object, to surmount one's difficulties.
cowp the harraes (on): To nonplus.
cut harraes: To cease being on speaking terms.
dee in the harraes: To die in harness, in the midst of work.
harraeins: Grains etc. left in the field after harvesting.
pit unner the harraes: To submit to an ordeal.
puir as a harrae: Very thin.
rin awa wi the harraes: To let oneself go in a dogmatic assertive way, to talk in an unrestrained or exaggerated fashion, to carry off the prize, be successful.
tak aff the harraes: To go over the score.
trail an easy harrae: To do no hard work.
cat_harros, cat_harrows, cat-harrow, catharrows, harrach, harro, harrow, kat_harrows, kat-harrow,
harro [haro]
int. A cry of distress or rejoicing.
Compounds and phrases etc.
Tae draw the cat harros: Experience distress or tribulation.
harrock, harroke, herrock, hurrok,
harrock [ˈharək]
n. The brent goose Branta bernicla.
hash, hash$t, hashed, hasher, hasherie, hashery, hashet, hashie, hashiter, hashrie, hashry, hasht, hashter, hashy,
hash [haʃ]
n. A mixture, a mess. An agglomeration, a large quantity.
dim. hashie A mixture of chopped meat.
v. To slash, hack, mangle. To move or work in a muddling, flurried, bustling manner. To fatigue, overwork, to harass. To berate, criticise severely. To talk volubly, emptily or illogically.
pt. pp. hasht adj. Pressed, harrassed.
hashie [ˈhaʃɪ]
adj. Of people: slapdash, careless, slovenly. Of weather: stormy.
Compounds and phrases etc.
hashery [ˈhaʃərɪ]: Careless or wanton destruction.
hash-smash: Struggle or confusion like in a sword fight.
hashter [ˈhaʃtər]: Slovenly work, a mess.: To work untidily.
haisk, harsk, hask, haskie, hasky, husk,
hask [hask, hesk]
n. A short dry cough. A dry, rough taste. A bronchial complaint in cattle.
v. To give a short, dry cough. To clear the throat noisily, to cough up phlegm.
adj. Husky, hoarse. Rough, coarse, dirty. Coarse to the taste, unpalatable, stale, dry. Of plants: luxuriant, rank. Of people: strong.
hassick, hasso, hassock, hassog, hussock,
hassock [ˈhasək, ˈhʌsək, ˈhasə]
n. A round turf or peat used as a seat. A shock of bushy hair.
haist, haist, haiste, haiste, haister, haste, haste, hasted, haster, hastie, hastit, hasty, heast, heesht, heest, heester, heestie, heestit, heesty, heist, heistie, heisty, hester, hisper, hist, hister, histie, histy,
haste [hest]
also heest [hist, hɪst, hiʃt, hɪʃt]
n. Haste. A great number
v. To make haste, hasten, hurry.
pt. pp. hastit, heestit
hasty, heesty
adj. Hasty.
haster, heester
v. To hurry, hasten. To speak or act without premeditation, to do anything in a careless, slovenly manner.
pt. pp. hastert adj. Of oats or peas: early-ripening.
Compounds and phrases etc.
at howdie haste: At high speed.
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