Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 11 of 45 for the letter H
hat, hatted, hattit, hot, lum-hat, pokey_hat, pokeyhat, pokey-hat,
hat [hat]
n. A hat.
hattit adj. Having a hat.
Compounds and phrases etc.
lum hat: A top hat.
pokey hat: A ponted hat like that of a witch.
tile hat: A man's tall silk top hat.
hate, hatesome, hatesum, hatit, hatred, hatrent, hatrent,
hate [het]
n. Hate.
v. To hate.
pt. pp. hatit
Compounds and phrases etc.
hatred: Hatred.
hatesome [-səm]: Hateful.
hateral, hatrel, hatter, hatteral, hatterall, hattered, hatterel, hatterell, hatteril, hatterin, hattert, hattrel,
hatter [ˈhatər]
n. A heterogeneous collection of things. A confused heap. A skin eruption, a rash. S. Difficulty, struggle, flurry, fluster. I. A hindrance or obstacle.
v. To batter, knock about. To collect in crowds, to swarm, to abound. U. SW. To move confusedly or laboriously, hence to work in a careless, slovenly or haphazard manner. S. To harass, vex, overtire. I. To impede, hinder, obstruct, detain.
pt. pp. hattert, hattered adj. Battered, bruised, harassed, distraught.
Compounds and phrases etc.
hatterel: A heterogeneous collection, a large number. A skin eruption, a rash.
hatterin: Knocking about, working carelessly, etc.
See also hotter.
haa, haach, Haachs, hach, hauch, hauchs, haugh, haughs, haw, The_Hach, The_Hauch,
hauch [hɔː(x) N. haː(x)]
n. A piece of low-laying level ground, a meadow.
The Hauch
pn. The Haugh (East Ayrshire).
haach, haachle, hach, hachle, hack, hackie, hauch, hauch_an_hum, hauch_and_hum, hauched, haucher, hauchle, haucht, haugh, haughed, hawgh, hicher, hicker, hoagh, hochle, hockle, hough, hyach,
hauch [hɑːx, hɔːx, N. haːx]
n. A soft, loose cough, a clearing of the throat.
v. To cough to clear the throat, gasp.
pt. pp. haucht
v. To cough to clear the throat, gasp.
Compounds and phrases etc.
hauch and hum: To hum and haw.
haucher: A nervous cough.
Haarig, Hauchrig, Hauchrigg, Hawrig, Hawrigg,
Hauchrig [ˈhɔːrɪg]
pn. Hallrig (South Ayrshire).
ahaud, ahaul, ahauld, behaad, behaaden, behad, behadden, behaud, behaudden, behauden, behaudin, behaudit, behauld, beheeld, beheld, behoul, behoul, behoul$, behould, behowl, behud, behuild, doon_had, doon-haaden, doon-haud, doon-hauden, doonhodden, doon-hodden, doun-haaden, doun-haud, dounhauden, doun-hauden, ha$d, ha$din, ha$ding, haad, haadin, haadit, haads, had, hadd, haddaway, hadden, haddin, haddin$, haddit, hader, hads, haelt, hald, hau$d, haud, haud_awa, haud_awa$, haud_on, hauda, haudden, hauddie, hauddin, haud-doon, haud-doun, hauden, haudendoon, hauden-doon, hauden-doun, hauder, haudie, haudin, haudit, haudoan, hauds, haul, hauld, hauld-doon, hauldin, haule, hawd, hawder, hawdin, heeld, heild, hel, hel$, hel$, held, hell$d, helt, heuld, hid, hield, hoad, hod, hodden, hodden-doon, hoddin, hoddin, hoddit, höld, houd, houl, houl, houl$, hould, houl-doon, houlin, houls, hoult, hoult, howd, howl, howldan, howldin, hud, hud_oan, hud_on, hudd, hudden, hudden-doon, huddin, huddy, hudin, hudon, huid, huild, hüld, hyad, inhaad, inhaaden, inhad, inhaddin, inhaldin, inhaud, inhauddin, inhauden, inhaudin, in-haudin, misbehaaden, misbehadden, misbehaden, misbehaudden, owld, unbehauden,
haud [hɑːd, hɔːd, hʌd, N. I. haːd]
n. An overhanging bank of a stream. A retreat.
v. To hold. To continue, keep in health. To keep, continue, go on, maintain oneself in a certain state.
pt. haudit, held [hɛld], huild [MN. hild, NN.b. hid, I. høld] MN. Of time: spent.
pp. hauden
Compounds and phrases etc.
a haud o: A hold of.
ahaud: adv. On fire, in the hold or grip of fire.
behaud [bəˈ-]: To behold, look at, to hold back, leave off, warrant, maintain.
behauden: Obliged, beholden, indebted.
doun-haud: A handicap, to subjugate.
doun-hauden: Oppressed.
haud aff: Keep off.
haud at: Persist in, keep at, urge on, nag.
haud awa: To keep away, keep out or off, let alone, not to mention.
haud awa frae: MN. With the exception of.
haud a wee: Bide your time.
haud by: To pass by, to refrain from doing something.
haud doun: Hold down, subdue, oppress.
haud-doun: A handicap, a burden.
hauden doun: Suppressed, inhibited.
hauder: A holder, a container.
haud for: Make for.
haud in: Constrain, control, confine, hold in.
hauden in aboot: Constrained.
haudin [hɑːdɪn, hɔːdɪn, hʌdɪn, N. I. haːdɪn]: Holding. A house, home. Possessions, means of support, property, inheritance. Furniture, equipment. The trappings of a horse. The stock of a farm.
haud in aboot: Keep under control, bring or come closer, save, economize, be mizerly.
haud in wi: Keep in with, curry favour.
haud on: To continue, int. Stop.
haud oot: Keep out, persist.
haud sae: Pause a moment.
haud up: Of weather: remain fair.
inhaud: A bare sufficiency, just enough to sustain life.
inhauden: Frugal, parsimonious, stingy.
inhaudin: Frugality, parsimony, abject, obsequious, currying favour with, fawning.
misbehauden: Out of place, improper, unbecoming, impolite.
place o haud: A retreat, refuge, shelter.
unbehauden: Not obliged.
ahauf, behauf, ha$f, haaf, haafer, haafers, haafert, haaflin, haaflins, haafs, haaver, haavers, haavert, haf, hafe, haff, haffer, haffers, haffert, haffleen, hafflin, hafflins, haflins, haflins, hai$f, haif, half, halfer, halfers, halfert, halfie, halfin, halflan, halfleens, halflin, halflins, halfs, halver, halvers, halvert, hau$f, hauf, haufer, haufers, haufert, hauflin, hauflins, haufs, haufurs, haulf, haver, havert, havvers, hawf, heff, hof,
hauf [hɑːf, hɔːf, N. I. haːf]
n. A half. A part of something divided into two. A half-measure of a specified amount.
pl. haufs [ˈhɑːfs, hɔːfs, N. I. haːfs] Halves.
dim. haufie. A half bottle of whisky. A half-holiday.
adj. Half.
Compounds and phrases etc.
a hauf and a hauf: A small whisky and a half pint of beer.
behauf: Behalf.
blind hauf: Blind side.
hauf and hauf: Half-drunk
haufer [ˈhɑːfər, ˈhɑːvər]: To divide in to two. pt. haufert.
haufers: A half-portion, a share, to divide equally, hold in a partnership.
hauflin [ˈhɑːflɪn, ˈhɔːflɪn, N. I. ˈhaːflɪn]: A half-grown boy, adolescent youth. A half-witted person. Youthful, adolescent, half-grown. Half-complete, imperfect. Of an intermediate or half size, half long.
hauflins [ˈhɑːflɪnz, ˈhɔːflɪnz, N. I. ˈhaːflɪnz]: adv. Half, partly, partially, nearly, almost. adj. Half, partial, half-grown, young.
fly hauf: A dram of single malt downed between rounds.
gae haufers: To go halves, share.
the t'ae hauf o't: One half of it.
haal, haald, haaled, haalin, haalt, hahl, hahll, hal, hall, hallin, haul, hauled, haulin, hault, hault, houlerying, howl, howled,
haul [hɑːl, hɔːl, N. I. haːl]
n. A haul, a large quantity.
v. To haul.
pt. pp. hault, hauled
Compounds and phrases etc.
haulin: Hauling.
haal, haald, hald, haul, haul$, hauld,
hauld [hɑːld, hɔːld, N. I. haːld, U. hʌul(d)]
n. A stronghold, dwelling, refuge or shelter.
See haud also.
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