Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 12 of 45 for the letter H
haalm, haam, halm, haulm, haulms, haum, haums,
haum [hɔːm, N. I. haːm]
n. The stalks or stems collectively of peas, beans, or potatoes without the pods or tubers often used for animal bedding.
pl. haums
aan, aff-han, affhaun, affhaund, aff-haund, aforehaan, afore-han, aforehaun, aforehaund, afore-haund, aforehin, ahin$-han$, ahin-haun, ahint_the_haund, ahinthand, ahint-hand, ahinthaund, ahint-haund, atween_haunds, atweenhaans, atweenhaunds, atweenhauns, faran, farran, forehan, forehand, forehand, forehannit, forehaun, forehaund, forin, haan, haand, haanded, haandelt, haandicap, haandie, haandler, haandless, haandlin, haandy, haanelt, haaners, haanfae, haanin, haanle, haanler, haanless, haanlin, han, han$, han$, han$led, han$less, hander, handfae, handfu, handi, handie, handle, handleen, handler, handless, handlin, handlin$, handy, handy, hanfae, hanfu, hanhud, hanle, hanler, hanless, hanlin, hann, hannah, hannalin, hannay, hannel, hannelt, hanner, hannet, hannfu, hannie, hannin, hannit, hannle, hannled, hannler, hannlet, hannlin, hanns, hanny, hans, hantie, hanty, haun, haun$, haun$elt, haun$l, haun$le, haun$let, haun$t, haunal, haunan, haund, haundae, haunded, haundelt, haunder, haunders, haundfou, haundfu, haundhaud, haundicap, haundie, haundie, haundin, haundit, haundle, haundler, haundless, haundlessness, haundlet, haundlin, haunds, haundy, haunel, hauner, hauners, haunfa, haunfae, haunfu, haunie, haunit, haunlar, haunle, haunler, haunless, haunlessness, haunlin, haunling, haunnel, haunnelt, haunners, haunnit, haunnle, haunnlet, hauns, haunt, haunul, hawn, hawnd, hawndless, hawnel, hawnie, hawnin, hawns, hon, hond, honds, honfy, honner, honners, honnle, hons, hoonan, hunnel, hunnil, hunnle, hunnul, mishannle, mishaundle, naarhaan, naarhan, naehandy, narhan, narhan$, naurhaun, naurhaun$, naurhaund, near_han$, near_haun, near-haand, nearhan, nearhand, nearhaun, nearhaund, neer-haun, neirhan, neirhan$, nerrhand, ourhan, ourhan$, overhand, owerhan, owerhaun, owerhaund, ower-haund, owrehaund, saecon-haundit, saicon-haunit, saicont-haundit, secon-handit, secon-hannit, seicont-haundit, shorthaun, shorthaund, staan_yer_haan, stan_yer_haan, staun_yer_haun, staund_yer_haund, throwhan, throw-han, twa-han, twa-haund, unnerhaan, unnerhan, unnerhaun, unnerhaund,
haund [hɑːn(d), hɔːn(d), N. I. haːn(d)]
n. A hand.
dim. haundie A small wooden tub or pail used for carrying liquids, a wooden food dish.
pl. haunds
v. To hand, to pass over something by hand.
pt. pp. haundit
adj. Handy, convenient, useful, adaptable.
haundle [hɑːn(d)l, hɔːn(d)l N. I. haːn(d)l]
n. A handle.
v. To handle.
pt. pp. haundelt
Compounds and phrases etc.
affhaund: adj. Blunt, plain, without warning or preparation.
aforehaund: Beforehand.
aforehaund wi: To forestall.
a haund: Help, assistance. col. WC. haunders [ˈhɔːnərz]
ahinthaund: Late, after the event. In arrears.
ahint the haund: Late, after the event.
amang haunds: In the meantime.
at aw haunds. At every opportunity.
atween haunds: In the meantime, meanwhile.
forehaund [foːr-]: A position in front or in advance of. MN. [ˈfɑːrən] The starboard side of a boat. First, foremost, leading. Payment made in advance, beforehand.
forehaundit: Provident.
haunder: An advisor or helper who lends a hand.
haundfu [-fə S. -fɛ, -fɪ, EC. -fe, WC. -fɑ, N. -fɛ, U. I. -fu]: A handful.
haundhaud: A handhold.
haundicap: A handicap.
haundin: Handing.
haundler: A handler.
haundless: Handless, awkward, clumsy, incompetent.
haundlessness: Incompetence.
haundlin [ˈhɑːn(d)lɪn, ˈhɔːn(d)lɪn, N. I. ˈhaːn(d)lɪn]: Handling. A transaction, business, job in hand, task, undertaking. A share in some affair, an intermeddling. A difficult task, a social gathering.
mishaundle: To mishandle, to mangle, to maim, to knock about.
nae haundy: adj. adv. MN. A lot of, of great size.
naurhaund, nearhaund: Close at hand, close by, nearly, almost.
owerhaund: The upper hand, mastery.
seicont-haundit: Second-hand.
shorthaund: Shorthand.
staund yer haund: Pay for a round of drinks.
tae haund: At hand, present.
tak on haund: To undertake.
tak throu haund: To discuss, deal with.
twa-haund: Two-handed.
unhaundy: Unhandy.
(hae the) unnerhaund: To be in a weak or disadvantageous position.
ha$nt, ha$nter, ha$ntin, haant, haanter, haantin, hant, hanter, hantin, hantit, haunt, haunter, hauntin, hauntit, hent, henter, hentin, hint, hinter, hintin,
haunt [hɑːnt, hɔːnt, N. haːnt, hʌnt]
n. Custom, habit, practice.
v. To haunt. To accustom.
pt. pp. hauntit
Compounds and phrases etc.
haunter: A frequenter, someone who haunts.
hauntin: Practising or exercising a custom, habit or practice.
ha$rd, haard, haarden, haardens, haardlie, haardlies, haardlins, haardship, haarlie, haarlins, haarly, haarn, haarns, haaurdly, haerd, haird, hairden, hairdent, hairdlies, hairdly, hairdship, hairn, har$ly, hard, harden, hardens, hardin, hardins, hardleys, hardlie, hardlies, hardlins, hards, hardship, harlie, harlies, harly, harn, harned, harns, haurd, haurden, haurdenit, haurdens, haurdent, haurdlie, haurdlies, haurdlins, haurdly, haurds, haurdship, haurlie, haurly, haurn, haurns, herd, herden, herdent, herdin, herdlies, herdly, herdship, hordly,
haurd [hɑ(ː)rd, hɔːrd, N. I. haːrd]
also haird [hɛrd, heːrd]
n. Difficulty, hardship. A piece of firm ground.
adj. Hard. Of intoxicants: strong, undiluted, raw. Close-fisted, penurious, stingy. Of wind: dry. Of tartan cloth: of a hard, dense texture.
adv. Tightly, firmly, securely.
haurdly [ˈhɑ(ː)r(d)lɪ, ˈhɔːr(d)lɪ]
also hairdly [ˈheːr(d)lɪ]
adv. Hardly.
haurden [hɑ(ː)rdən, hɔ(ː)rdən, hɑrn, hɔrn, harn]
also hairden [hɛrdən, heːrdən]
n. Very coarse linen cloth. pl. haurdens
v. To harden. To roast, toast make crisp on a fire. Of weather: to clear up or become settled after rain.
pt. pp. haurdent, hairdent
Compounds and phrases etc.
haurdlies [hɑ(ː)r(d)lɪz, hɔːr(d)lɪz], hairdlies [hɛrdlɪz, heːrdlɪz]: adv. Hardly, scarcely.
haurdlins [ˈhɑ(ː)r(d)lɪnz, ˈhɔːr(d)lɪnz], hairdlins [ˈhɛr(d)lɪnz, ˈheːr(d)lɪnz]: adv. Hardly, scarcely.
haurds: The coarse refuse of flax or hemp separated by hecklin.
haurdship, hairdship: Hardship.
haas, haase, haise, hals, hass, hassan, hassen, hassens, hause, hause-pipe, hausin, hauss, haws, hawse, hawsen, kittie_white-hause, kitty-white-hass,
hause [hɑːs, hɔːs, N. I. haːs]
n. The neck, throat, gullet. A defile, a narrow passage between hills, the head of a pass.
v. To hug, embrace, take in one's arms.
Compounds and phrases etc.
hause-pipe: The throat, windpipe.
hausin: I.Sh. One of the strakes of a boat, next to the gar-board.
kittie white-hause: The whitethroat Sylvia communis.
pap o the hause: That Adam's apple.
haat, halt, haut, holt, hout, howlt, howt, hult,
haut [hɑːt, hɔːt, N. haːt]
n. A limping, a hop.
v. To limp, hop.
ha$en, ha$ener, ha$eners, ha$in, hain, haven, havin, hevn, hine, hyne,
haven [ˈheːvən]
also ha'en [heən], hine [həɪn]
n. A haven.
Compounds and phrases etc.
ha'ener: A resdent of the haven.
haiver, haiver-mael, haivermeal, haiverpoke, haivers, hauver, hauver-meal, haver, havermeal, haver-meal, haver-meil, haverpoke, havers, havr,
haver [ˈheːvər]
n. Oats.
Compounds and phrases etc.
havermeal [-mil, -mel]: Oatmeal.
haverpoke: A horse's nosebag.
ha, haa, haave, haw, hyaave, hyauve, hyawve,
haw [hɑː, hɔː, N. h(j)aː, MN. çjaːv, I. haː]
adj. Of things: a pale, wan colouring, tinged with blue or green. Of people: pale, wan, with a livid, sallow or blae complexion. Of animals: having a mottled-gray hide, roan-coloured.
chaw, chaw, chaws, ha, ha$s, haa, haa-buss, haas, haathorn, has, haus, haw, haw-buss, haws, hawthorne, hya, hyas, hyaw, hyaws,
haw [hɑː, hɔ, N. haː]
n. The hawthorn Crataegus monogyna and its berry.
also pl. haws
Compounds and phrases etc.
haw-buss: A hawthorn bush.
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