Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 17 of 45 for the letter H
heepocracy, heepocrat, heepocreet, heepocreetical, heipocreit, heipocreitical, heipocrite, hypocrisie,
heepocreet [ˈhipɪkrit]
n. A hypocrite.
Compounds and phrases etc.
heepocreetical [ˈhipɪkritɪkl]: Hypocritical.
heepocracy: Hypocracy.
heesteric, heisteric,
heesteric [ˈhistɛrɪk]
adj. Hysteric.
eezie-ozie, haise, hease, heazie, heese, heesie, heesie-hosie, heeze, heezed, heezer, heezert, heezi, heezie_up, heezie-hozie, heezie-hozie, heezie-up, heezin, heezit, heezy, heezy-hoozy, heezy-hozy, heise, heisie, heisin, heisin, heisk, heize, heized, heizin, heizit, hese, hesi-hosi, heys, heyse, heysk, heyze, hise, hize, hizer, hizer, hizes, hoi, hoi$, hoise, hoised, hoisin, hoized, hoy, hoyed, hoys, hoyse, hoysed, hyse, hysert, hyze, hyzer,
heeze [hiːz, haez]
also hoise [hɔiz], contracted hoy.
n. A heave up, a lift, a hitch up, hoist, a sudden elevation. An aid, encouragement, a helping hand. Gross flattery. Banter, frolic, a practical joke.
dim. heezie A hoist, heave, a lift or jolt upwards. A toss, throw, pitching motion.
v. To lift, raise up, hoist, to heave up. To toss in the air, to scatter around. To carry, convey a person to a place. To whisk, hurry or hustle one off. To raise, increase, to rise, to heave, mount up. To travel fast, hasten, hurry.
pt. pp. heezed, hoised, hoyed
adj. Of the seaː Heaving, tossing, rough.
v. To sway, rock on one's feet, totter. To waver to and fro. To exalt, encourage, raise the spirits.
Compounds and phrases etc.
hae a heeze: To have a joke with, play a trick on.
heezer [ˈhaezər]: MN. To raise or hoist. pt. pp. heezert
heezie-hozie: A game played by standing back to back with interlinking arms, stooping alternately raise each other from the ground.
heezie-up: Lift up.
heezin, hoisin: Lifting raising, hoisting or heaving up.
heft [ˈhɛft]
v. To lift up, to remove by lifting. To lift in order to estimate the weight.
hafft, haft, haift, heff, heft, hefted, heftit,
heft [hɛft, heft]
n. The haft or handle of an implement. The right-hand side of a band of reapers.
v. To fit with a handle.
pt. pp. heftit adj. Fitted with a handle.
haft, haftit, heft, hefted, heftit,
heft [hɛft]
v. To restrain, hold back milk in a cow's udder so that it becomes hard and distended, either by plugging the teats or allowing the animal to go unmilked. To distend the bladder by retention of urine, to confine nature.
pt. pp. heftit
haft, haif, haiff, heff, heff, heft, heftit,
heft [hɛft, heft]
n. A pasture which sheep have become familiar with and continue to frequent, the attachment of sheep to a particular pasture. The number of sheep that graze on a heft.
v. To accustom sheep or cattle to a new pasture by constant herding to prevent them from straying. Of animals: to become accustomed to a new pasture. Of people: to become domiciled, settled or established in a place or occupation, to dwell.
pt. pp. heftit
haegrie, haegry, hagarie, hagery, hagri, haigry, hegri, hegrie,
hegrie [I.Sh. ˈhɛgri, ˈhɪgri]
n. The heron Ardea cinerea.
haigs, hegs,
hegs [hɛgz]
int. An exclamation or mild oath.
hee, heech, heechest, heechmaist, heegh, heelie, heelied, heeliet, heelifou, heelifu, heely, hegh, heh, heich, heicher, heichess, heichest, heich-heidit, heichly, heichmaist, heichtmaist, heigh, heighest, heighmaist, heilie, heilifou, heilifu, heily, hi, hich, hicher, hie, hiech, hie-er, hie-est, hiegh, hieh, hielie, hielied, hieliefu, hielit, hiely, hielyfu, hier, hiest, hych,
heich [hiç, hɛç]
Contracted hie [hiː]
comp. hie-er superl. hie-est
adv. High. Loudly, in a loud voice. Proudly, haughtily, disdainfully. In lively or excited fashion, merrily, gaily.
adj. High. Of persons, animals, plants in respect of their growth: tall, situated above another of its kind. Raised. Of wind or geographical location: north. Arrogant, proud, condescending. In high spirits, lively, hilarious, in an over-excited condition, hysterical, excitable.
comp. heicher
superl. heichest, heichmaist [-mest, -mɛst, -mɛst]
hiely [hili]
n. MN. An affront.
adj. MN. Proud, haughty, arrogant.
v. MN. To despise, affront, hurt, offend.
pt. pp. hielied, hielit
Compounds and phrases etc.
heich-heidit: Arrogant.
heichness, hieness: Highness, A complimentary title of a Scottish king, queen or regent, usually preceded by his, her, your etc. See grace also.
hielyfu: MN. Proud, haughty, arrogant, touchy, easily offended.
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