Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 18 of 45 for the letter H
abuinheed, abuinheid, abuneheed, abuneheid, ahaid, aheed, aheid, behaid, beheid, blackheid, black-heid, blakheid, chomheid, doon-head, doon-heid, doun-haid, doun-heid, eyd, foirheid, foreheid, forret, green-heids, hade, haed, haffat, haffet, haffets, haffit, haffits, haid, haider, haidered, haidert, haidin, haidy, hail-heidit, haurdheid, haurd-heid, haurdie, head, headit, headleens, headlins, heaid, hechheidyin, heed, heedache, heeded, heeder, heedered, heedert, heedie, heedin, heedy, heedyin, heedyins, hehd, hehder, hehdered, hehdert, heid, heid_ane, heid_anes, heid_een, heid_eens, heid_yin, heid_yins, heiddy, heided, heider, heidered, heidert, heid-heich, heidi, heidie, heidie, heidin, heiding, heidit, heidleens, heidlins, heidmaist, heidman, heidpiece, heidsman, heidstane, heid-stane, heidsteen, heid-steen, heidster, heidy, heidy, heidyin, heid-yin, heid-yinn, heidyins, heyd, hie_heid_anes, hied, high_heid_yin, high-heid_yins, highheidyin, high-heid-yin, hiheidyin, hurdie, hurdy, lang-heidit, ootheidie, ootheidy, outheady, outheidie, outheidy, owerhead, owerheed, owerheid, owreheid, sairheid, sair-heid, sair-heidie, tuim_heid, tuimheid, water-heid,
heid [hid, NEC. SN. hed, NN.b. həid, (h)eɪd]
n. The head. A representation of the sovereign's head, on a coin or a postage stamp, the stamp itself. The top, upper end or higher part of any place or thing. Of a loaf of bread: the first slice cut. A measure of yarn.
dim. heidie col. A headmaster, a header in football.
adj. Chief, principal, most important, best.
superl. heidmaist: Topmost, chief.
v. To head, to behead, decapitate. To put the finishing touches to a rick and secure the top. To reach the summit, accomplish a task.
pt. pp. heidit adj. Headed
adj. Headstrong, impetuous, violent, proud, haughty. Clever, showing proof of brains. Apt to make one giddy or dizzy.
heider [ˈhidər, NEC. SN. ˈhedər, NN.b. ˈ(h)eɪdər]
n. A header. A headed ball in football.
v. To hit with the head.
pt. pp. heidert, heidered adj. Headed ball in football.
Compounds and phrases etc.
abuinheid: Overhead.
aheid [əˈ-]: adv. Ahead
beheid [bəˈ-]: To behead.
black-heid: U. The reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus, WC. The blackcap Sylvia atricapilla.
doun-heid: A grudge, dislike.
foreheid: Forehead.
green-heids: U. The top layer of moss when cutting peat.
haffet [ˈhafət], pl. haffets: The cheek, temple, the side of the head (hauf heid)
haund ower heid: Indiscriminately.
haurdheid: WC. The sneezewort Achillea ptarmica, S. SW. black knapweed Centaurea nigra or SW. NEC. ribwort Plantago lanceolata. NEC. The short-spined sea scorpion Myoxocephalus scorpius or SEC. grey gurnard Eutrigla gurnardus dim. MN. haurdie.
heid ane: col. A leader, a person in authority e.g. Boss, manager, VIP.
heidin [hidɪn, NEC. SN. hedɪn, NN.b. (h)eɪdɪn]: A Heading. Beheading. Headline.
heid-heich: With the head high, proudly, confidently, with dignity.
heidlins: Headlong.
heidman: A headman.
heidpiece: col. The head, brain.
heidsman: A chief, commander, a leader, a superior, a foreman.
heid-stane: A gravestone.
heidster: MN. A skipper's mate on a fishing boat.
hie heid anes: col. Superiours, authorities.
lang-heidit: Profound, intelligent, shrewd.
loss the heid: To loose ones's temper.
ootheidy: Rebellious.
owerheid: Overhead, head-over-heels. At an all-over price, on an average reckoned per head, in gross, unpicked, unselected, taken all over one with another. For the most part, over all. adj. Average, general.
pit the heid on, stick the heid on: To headbutt.
sair heid: A headache.
sair-heidie: A sponge cake in a paper cup.
stick the heid on: col. To headbutt.
tuim heid: Empty head, a fool.
air, aires, airs, airschip, eir, eirs, eirship, eyr, eyrs, hairship, heerskip, heir, heirs, heirschipe, heirschippe, heirship, heirskep, heirskip, herskip, heyr, heyrs, hierskip,
heir [hɛr]
n. A heir.
pl. heirs
v. To become heir, to inherit.
Compounds and phrases etc.
faw heir til: To inherit.
heirship [ˈhɛrʃɪp], heirskip [ˈhɛrskɪp]: The state or rights of an heir, succession by inheritance, heredity. An inheritance, a legacy
last heir: The Crown inherits from those without heirs or next of kin.
haiven, haivens, heev$n, heeven, heevenly, heevens, heevin, heevinlie, heevinly, heiven, heivenlie, heivenlie, heivenly, heivenly, heivens, heivens, heivin, heivinlie, heivins, hieven, hievenly, hievens, hiven, hivvan, hivven, hivvens, hyven,
heiven [ˈhiːvən, N. ˈhɪvən]
n. Heaven.
pl. heivens The heavens.
heivenly [ˈhiːvənlɪ, N. ˈhɪvənlɪ]
adj. Heavenly.