Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 40 of 45 for the letter H
humlo, humlock, humlot,
humlock [ˈhʌmlək, -lət]
n. The hemlock Conium maculatum, S. the wild angelica Angelica sylvestris or other umbelliferous plants such as the hogweed Heracleum spondylium. The dried stalk of such used as a peashooter.
Compounds and phrases etc.
hairy humlo(ck): S. The common hemlock Conium maculatum.
smuith humlo(ck): S. The wild angelica Angelica sylvestris.
hammal, hommel, hoomble, humel, humelt, hummel, hummeled, hummelled, hummelt, hummil, hummilt, hummle, hummlet, thummel,
hummel [ˈhʌməl]
adj. Of farm animals: having no horns naturally or by polling, hornless, polled. Of grain crops: awnless, not bearded. NN.a. Of boats: without sails or with lowered sails. I.Sh. To chip away the edges (of old tools).
v. Of cattle etc.: to deprive of horns. Of grain: to remove the awns. Of stones or large pieces of driftwood: to break up into smaller pieces. To remove rough edges and shape for use.
adj. Hornless, polled. Of grain: awnless.
hammer, humber, humbre, hummer,
hummer [ˈhʌmər]
v. To murmur, to mumble, to grumble. To mutter to oneself.
hoomie, hoomik, hummag, hummick, hummie, hummock, hummy,
hummie [hʌme, MN. ˈhumi]
also hummock
n. A pinch of anything, as much as can be taken up between the thumb and four fingers.
v. To lift up by means of the thumb and four fingers placed together.
heemle, heemlin, hummel, hummelt, hummle, hummled, hummlet, hummlin, hummlit, hummlt,
hummle [hʌml]
adj. Humble.
v. To humble.
pt. pp. hummelt
Compounds and phrases etc.
hummlin [ˈhʌmlɪn]: Humbling.
eemir, eemor, eemour, eemur, humour, humoursome, uimour, uimour, yoomur, youmer,
humour [ˈømər, ˈimər]
n. Humour. Matter or pus from a wound or sore. A skin eruption.
v. To humour.
Compounds and phrases etc.
humourless: Humourless.
humoursome [-səm]: Humourous, affably disposed.
humf, humfed, humfie, humfie-backit, humfit, humft, humfy, humfy-backit, humfy-backit, hump, humped, humph, humphed, humphey, humphey-backit, humphie, humphie-backit, humphit, humphle, humphlock, humpht, humphy, humpie, humpie-baakit, humpie-baikit, humpit, humple, humplock, humpy, owmpet,
hump [hʌmp]
also humph [hʌmf]
n. A hump. A curvature of the back or spine, a hump-back, a protuberance on the back. The act of carrying a heavy load.
dim. humpie [ˈhʌmpɪ], humphie [ˈhʌmfɪ] A hunch-backed person.
v. To carry about a heavy burden, as on the back, to lug, to hoist or lift up anything heavy. To move around laboriously under the weight of a heavy, unwieldy burden.
pt. pp. humpit, humpht adj. Hunched.
humpie [ˈhʌmpɪ]
also humphie [ˈhʌmfɪ]
adj. Having a hump, hunchbacked.
humple [ˈhʌmpl]
also humphle [ˈhʌmfl]
n. A small heap or mound of earth, mud or stones, a lump. A hillock.
dim. humplock, humphlock [ˈ-ək] A hillock. SW. A large lump of weeds.
Compounds and phrases etc.
humphie-backit: Hunchbacked.
humpin: Carrying a heavy burden.
come up ane's humph: S. To come into one's head.
honkl, honkle, hunch, hunched, hunchie, hunchin, huncht, hunk, hunkle, hunks, hunkse, hunsh, hunshie,
hunch [hʌnʃ]
n. A hunch. An upward shove or thrust with the shoulders.
dim. hunchie A hunchback.
v. To hunch, to bend or arch the back.
pt. pp. huncht
hunk(s) [I.Sh. hʌŋk(s)]
n. A shrug, a hitch into a more comfortable posture.
v. To lift with the shoulders, shove, heave up, raise on the shoulders, to shrug the shoulders. To move with a heavy rolling gait, to lurch.
Compounds and phrases etc.
hunchin: v. SW. Throwing stones by jerking the hand along the backside and thigh.
hunkle: I.Sh. A shrug of the shoulders.
hun$ner, hunder, hunderd, hundert, hundher, hundur, hunert, hunner, hunners, hunnert, hunnertht,
hunder [ˈhʌn(d)ər]
n. A hundred. A century.
adj. Hundred.
adj. Hundredth.
hungell [ˈhʌŋgəl]
n. I.Sh. The garfish Belone belone.
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