Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 12 of 43 for the letter L
lavellan, liveellan, livellan,
lavellan [NN.b. ləˈvɛlən]
n. The water shrew Neomys fodiens.
laerag, laeverek, lairag, lairk, lark, larrack, lav$rock, laverek, laverik, laverock, lavro, lavrock, lerk, leverock, levrick, levrock, liverik, livrock, reed_lairk, reed_lark, sad-lairk, san_lavro, sandlark, saund_laverock, saund_lavro, sea_lairk, sea-lairk, sea-lark, short-heeled_field-lark, short-heeled_lark, short-heelt_field-lairk, short-heelt_lairk, sod-lark, trussie_laverick, trussie_laverock, trussy_laverock, water_laverock, watter_laverock, wid-larik, wid-lark, wuid-lairk, wuid-lark,
laverock [ˈleːvrək, MN. ˈlɪvrɪk]
also lairk [ˈlerək, NN.b. ˈlerəg]
n. The skylark Alauda arvensis.
dim. I.Ork. lavro [ˈleːvro]
Compounds and phrases etc.
trussy laverock: I.Sh. The corn bunting Miliaria calandra.
reed lairk: NEC. The reed bunting Emberiza schoeniclus.
saund laverock [sɑːn(d)-, sɔːn(d), N. I. saːn(d)-], I.Ork.
saund lavro: I.Ork. The Skylark Alauda arvensis
sad-lairk: SW. The tree pipit Anthus trivialis.
sea-lairk: SW. The dunlin Calidris alpina or MN. ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula.
short-heelt field-lairk: The tree pipit Anthus trivialis.
short-heelt lairk: The skylark Alauda arvensis.
tree-lairk: SW. The tree pipit Anthus trivialis.
watter laverock: S. The common sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos
wid-lairk: S. The tree pipit Anthus trivialis, willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus or sedge warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus.
Lairkha$, Lairkhauch, Lairkhaw, Larkha, Larkha$, Larkha$, Larkhauch, Larkhaw, Laverock_Hauch, Laverockha$, Laverockhaa, Laverockhauch, Laverockhaw,
Laverockhaw [ˈleːvrəkhɔː]
or Lairkhaw [ˈleːrkhɔː]
pn. Larkhall (Lanarkshire).
la, la$, laa, laaer, laafou, laafu, laain, laaweer, laayer, laer, lah, lauch, lauchfu, law, laween, lawer, lawfou, lawfu, lawin, lawing, lawvyer, lawwer, oonlawfu, ootla$, ootlah, ootlaw, unlawfu,
law [lɑː, lɔː, N. I. laː]
n. Law, custom, legal institutions.
v. To go to law, to litigate. To take to law, to pursue in court, to sue. To lay down the law to, to control, rule, determine.
Compounds and phrases etc.
lawer [ˈlɑːər, ˈlɔːər, N. I. ˈlaːər]: A lawyer.
lawfu [-fə S. -fɛ, -fɪ, EC. -fe, WC. -fɑ, N. -fɛ, U. I. -fu]: Lawful.
lawin: A (tavern) bill, reckoning, score.
lawless: Lawless.
law-plea: A lawsuit, a process of litigation.
ootlaw: A fugitive from the law. To outlaw.
poudert lawer: A fluffy cloud that resembles a powdered lawyer's wig.
unlawfu [-fə S. -fɛ, -fɪ, EC. -fe, WC. -fɑ, N. -fɛ, U. I. -fu]: Unlawful.
a$lo, alaw, allo, allo$, alo, alo$, alow, baelow, belaw, eblo, la, la$, laa, laalaans, laalan, laaland, laalander, laalands, laalaner, laalans, lah, laland, lalander, lalands, lallan, lalland, lallander, lallands, lallaner, lallans, law, lawer, lawest, lawlan, lawland, lawlander, lawlands, lawlands, lawlaner, lawlanner, lawlans, lawlant, lawlanter, lawlin, lawliner, Lollans,
law [lɑː, lɔː, N. I. laː]
adj. Low.
comp. lawer superl. lawest
Compounds and phrases etc.
alaw: adv. Alow.
belaw: adv. prep. Below.
lawland [ˈlɑːlən(d), lɔː-, N. I. laː-]: Lowland.
lawlander: A lowlander.
lawlands: Of the lowlands. Lawlands The Scots language also Lallans.
See also laich.
la, la$, laa, lah, law,
law [lɑː, lɔː, N. laː]
n. A rounded hill.
laan, lawn,
lawn [lɑːn, lɔːn, N. I. laːn]
n. A lawn (of grass).
lask, lax,
lax [laks]
n. Looseness of the bowels.
adj. Lax, not strict.
v. To release, relax, loosen.
laks, lax, lox,
lax [laks]
n. SN. MN. The salmon Salmo salar.
afflay, aflay, laar, lade, lae, laebrack, laebrak, laed, laen, lai, laid, laidit, lain, lait, laitit, lane, lay, lay-aff, laybrack, laybrak, layd, layed, layen, layer, layit, layn, le-break, led, ledd, leh, ley, mire-laid, o$erlay, onlay, ootlay, ootlie, owerlay, owrelay,
lay [leː]
n. A lull in a storm. A break or pause in a series of waves. The re-steeling of the cutting edge of an implement. Mood, disposition, temper.
n. The framed part of a weaving loom. A turning-lathe.
v. To lay. To beat down or flatten crops by wind or rain. Of speech, noise, tumult etc.: to silence, to still, check, halt, put a stop to, allay. To plant or make a hedge. To weld a new edge on a cutting tool or plough-iron etc. To plait, to twist yarn or strands to form thread, cord or rope. To mix dough for bread.
pt. laid [led, lɛd]
pp. laid, layen [le(ə)n]
Compounds and phrases etc.
afflay: I.Sh. Fluency of speech.
laid up: Incapacitated.
lay aboot: Turn a boat around.
lay aff: To vomit, to talk volubly and confidently.
lay-aff: A harangue, a voluble discourse, a rigmarole.
lay afore: To come to mind.
lay at: To work energetically.
laybrak: I.Sh. A wave, a breaker, the surf.
lay by: Cause to stop, cease, desist or rest, incapacitate.
lay doun: To convert arable land into grass-land.
layer: A layer.
lay f(r)ae: To hit out all round.
lay in: To set to work energetically, to get on with a job vigorously, to apply vigour, to co-operate with another, to stock up.
lay on: To fall haevily like snow, work hard, beat severely.
lay tae: To close.
lift and lay: Pich things up and lay them down again absentmindedly or haphazardly.
mire-laid: Bogged down.
onlay: Laying on.
ootlay: Expenditure, the laying out of money, expend. Eggs laid away from the nest.
owerlay: A wrap, coverlet. A kind of hem in which one part of the cloth is folded or laid over the other.
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