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Page 24 of 43 for the letter L

lib, libb, libbed, libber-la, libber-lay, libbet, libbin, libbit, libed,
lib [lɪb]
v. Of farm animals: to geld, castrate. To mutilate, curtail, deprive. To grope in the soil and remove growing potatoes without disturbing the tops.
pt. pp. libbit adj. Of eunuchs and animals: gelded, castrated. Of a singer: castrato.
Compounds and phrases etc.
libber-lay [ˈlɪbər leː]: arch. A cudgel.
libbin: Gelding etc.
alicht, daylicht, dede-lichts, deid-lichts, enlichen, enlichenment, enlicht, enlichten, enlichtenment, enlite, enlitenment, floodlicht, fluidlicht, headlicht, headlite, heichlicht, heichlichtit, heidlicht, heighlicht, hielicht, hielichtit, highlecht, highlicht, highlichtit, laacht, lecht, leerie-licht, leerie-light, lichit, lichnin, licht, lichten, lichten, lichtenin, lichtet, lichtie, lichtin, lichtit, lichtlie, lichtly, lichtnen, lichtnin, lichtnin, lichts, lichts, lichty, lowrie, lowrie_light, lowrie-licht, lowrie-light, lycht, meenlicht, minlicht, moonlacht, moonlicht, muinlicht, munelicht, sinlicht, starlicht, starnlicht, starnlight, sunlecht, sunlicht, thunner-and-lichtnin, thunner-an-lichtennin, thunner-an-lichtnin,
licht [lɪçt]
n. Light, illumination. Daylight, day. Mental illumination, enlightenment, doctrine, especially in theological matters.
dim. lichtie
pl. lichts
adj. Light in colour, bright, pale, fair.
v. To light.
pt. pp. lichtit
lichten [ˈlɪç(t)ən]
v. To make light, brighten, illuminate. To kindle. To dawn.
adj. Lightish.
adv. Brightly.
Compounds and phrases etc.
alicht [əˈ-]: adv. Alight, on fire.
auld licht: The Moderate or more latitudinarian element of the Church.
borrit licht: Indirect light.
daylicht [ˈdeˈlɪçt]: Daylight.
deid-lichts: Luminous phosphorated hydrogen gas that rises from decaying aninmal corpses.
enlicht: To enlight.
enlichten: To enlighten.
enlichtment: Enlightenment.
fluidlicht: Floodlight.
grey-licht: SW. Pre-dawn or dusk.
hauf-licht: Half-light.
heidlicht: Headlight.
hielicht: Highlight. pt. pp. hielichtit
leerie-licht, lowrie-licht: SW. A glow-worm.
lichter: Something that lights.
lichtin: Lighting.
lichtnin [ˈlɪç(t)nɪn]: Lightning.
lichtnin flaff: A flash of lightning.
muinlicht: Moonlight.
new licht: The two groups in the membership of the Secession Churches.
Reid Lichtie: An inhabitant of Arbroath.
starnlicht: Starlight.
sunlicht: Sunlight.
thunner-and-lichtnin: NEC. MN. The lungwort Pulmonaria officinalis or WC. red campion Silene dioica.
traffeck licht: Traffic light.
tweelicht, twalicht: Twilight.
alicht, flichter-lichtie, flichter-lichty, lat_licht, lecht, lechtet, lichen, lichit, lichlie, licht, lichten, lichter, lichtet, lichtfu, lichtifee, lichtifie, lichtit, lichtlie, lichtlifee, lichtlifie, lichtlify, lichtly, lichtsome, lightlafee, lightlie, lights, lights, lightsome, lit, litesome, lut, lycht, lychtlefye,
licht [lɪçt]
adj. Light, not heavy. Dizzy, giddy, light-headed.
comp. lichter superl. lichtest
v. To alight, settle down. To make light, to lighten, ease, assuage, mitigate.
pt. pp. lichtit, lit
lichten [ˈlɪç(t)ən]
v. To make lighter in weight, to ease a burden. To alleviate, cheer. To make light of, to disparage.
lichtlie [ˈlɪçtli]
n. The act of scorning or disparaging, a slight.
adj. Light of foot.
v. To make light of, to scorn, belittle, slight, disparage.
Compounds and phrases etc.
alicht: To descend from horseback, etc., dismount.
flichter-lichtie: Unstable person.
heidlicht: I.Sh. Giddy, light-hearted.
lat licht: Let something be known.
lichter: adj. Lighter, of a woman who has given birth. v. To unload.
lichtlifee MN.: To make light of, belittle, scorn, depreciate, disdain.
licht on: To land on. To be temperate in the use of.
lichts: The lungs.
lichtsome [-səm]: Delightful, agile, cheerful, light-hearted.
think lichtfu o: To despise.
belicket, be-licket, belickit, be-lickit, black_be_lickit, blackbelickit, lick, licken, licker, lickin, lickit, licks, lickt, perlicked, perlicket,
lick [lɪk]
n. A lick. A small amount, a little bit, the least particle. A tuft of hair. A hard blow, a smack, wallop. A smart pace, a burst of speed.
pl. licks A beating.
adv. With a heavy smack or thud.
v. To lick, thrash, to beat.
pt. pp. lickit
lickery [ˈlɪkərɪ]
adj. Tempting to the taste.
Compounds and phrases etc.
at a fair lick: At a fair pace.
black be lickit, deil be lickit: Devil a bit, absolutely nothing or with a negative, anything at all.
licker: Something that licks.
lickin: A licking, a beating.
led, lid, liddie, liddit, liddy, lud,
lid [lɪd]
n. A lid. One of the halves of a double-door. The kneecap.
dim. liddie
v. To put a lid on.
pt. pp. liddit
at_lyin, at-lyan, beley, belie, bely, inliein, inlyin, inlying, lain, lay, layen, lee$n, leein, leen, leh, lehin, lein, ley, ley, leyn, lie, liein, liein, lie-in, lie-in, lien, lier, lie-time, ly, lyan, lye, lyen, lyin, lyin, lyn, lyne, ootlie, ootly, outly,
lie [lae]
n. The act of lying, especially in bed, rest, sleep, the place where one lies, a bed, a couch. A piece of ground on which a drove of cattle is quartered overnight. A railway siding.
v. To be in a recumbent position. To be confined to bed with illness. A pool of water in a field. To halt, stop, come to a standstill. Of the tongue or speech: to be still, be silent. To be idle or unemployed. Of money: to lie in hand, be at call, not funded or invested.
pt. lay [leː]
pp. lien [laen], lain [leːn]
Compounds and phrases etc.
at lyin: I.Ork. Hard to move, as in lazy or overstaying a welcome.
belie [bəˈl-]: To besiege.
inlyin: Of a woman: confined in childbed. Of farm animals: kept under cover or in fields near the farm. A woman confined in childbed.
lang lie: A long stay in bed, a lie-in.
lie-in: The part of an attic room lying under the slope of the roof.
lie on: I.Sh. To be exposed to the weather etc.
lie-time: Time before being paid for completing accounts in which work has been done put payment 'lies over' until the next pay day.
lyin [ˈlaeɪn]: Being in a recumbent position.
ootlie: MN. An outlying piece of ground. Monies tied in a loan or mortgage.
as_leef, as_leif, as_lief, lea, leaf, leafu, lease, leave, leavefu, leaver, lee, lee_lane, leef, leefer, leefou, leefow, leefu, leefu, lee-lane, lee-laney, leelang, lee-lang, leeman, leer, leese, leese-me-on, leesome, leethfow, leeve, leevefu, leever, leeze, lefe, lefu, lei, leif, leif, leifer, leifih, leifou, leifou, leifu, leinfou, leisome, leive, leiver, leman, lemman, leverest, lief, liefer, liefer, lieferest, liefest, lieffu, liefman, lief-man, liefu, liever, lillie, lilly, lioef, live, liver, lob-lillie, lob-lilly, löf, loor, love, lover,
lief [lif]
contracted lee [liː]
adj. Dear, beloved.
comp. liefer Rather, prefered, more willing, dearer, more agreeable.
superl. liefest
liefer adv. Dearly, gladly, willingly.
Compounds and phrases etc.
as lief: followed by a verb: as soon ... in the sense of rather do something else.
A wad as lief: I would rather.
leeman: A person beloved by one of the opposite sex, a lover or sweetheart.
leesome [-səm]: Pleasant, lovable, agreeable, of weather: fine, balmy, mild and bright.
liefu [ˈlifə S. -fɛ, -fɪ, EC. -fe, WC. -fɑ, N. -fɛ, U. I. -fu] adj. Kind-hearted, sympathetic, considerate, compassionate, loyal.
lief lang contracted lee lang [ˈliːlaŋ] adj. Livelong, all day or night etc. Long, the whole day etc. Often implying tedium or dreariness.
lief's (me on) [lifz miː] contracted lee's (me on) [liːz mi]: I like, love, am very fond of or pleased with, as an expression of affection or regard, blessings.
lillie [lɪli]: Lovely, beautiful, lovable.
lob-lillie: I.Sh. Someone who is at everyone's beck and call.
lieutenand [ˈlutɛnən(d)]
n. A lieutenant.
lees, leife, leify, lif$, life, lifeless, lifes, life-thinkin, life-tinkin, lifey, lifie, lifieness, lifiness, lify, lyfe, lyffe, lyfie, lyfieness, lyfiness,
life [ləif]
n. Life. A living creature.
pl. lifes [ləifs]
lifie [ˈləifɪ]
adj. Full of life, vivacious, brisk.
Compounds and phrases etc.
lifeless: Lifeless.
lifiness: Vivacity, vigour.
life-thinkin: I.Sh. Showing signs of recovery from illness, reasonably fit.
croon_ida_lift, croon_o_the_lift, croun_o_the_lift, lif$, lift, liftward, liftwart, luft, lyft,
lift [lɪft]
n. The sky, the upper air. The firmament, the heavens.
Compounds and phrases etc.
croun o the lift: The crown of the sky, the zenith.
liftwart [-wərt]: Skyward.

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