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Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!

Page 25 of 43 for the letter L

aliftin, a-liftin, dead-lift, lift, lifteen, lifter, liftie, liftin, liftit, lifty, luft, luftit,
lift [lɪft]
n. The act of lifting or assistance to lift. A help, relief, encouragement, a helping hand. A rising swell in the sea. A load, burden.
v. To lift, to take or pick up an object from where it lies. In knitting: to pick up stitches. Of mud etc.: to adhere to the boots as one walks. To serve a dish at table. To carry a corpse out for burial, to start the funeral procession. To raise a sound, to strike up a tune. To raise the spirits, to cheer. To rise, to get up, stand up and move off, to depart. To collect money etc., to gather. To steal. Of the police: to arrest, apprehend, take into custody. To hear distinctly, to understand, comprehend.
pt. pp. liftit adj. Exccessively high-spirited. Elevated, overjoyed.
adj. Of mud etc.: Tticky in consistency. Sticking easily to beeots etc.
Compounds and phrases etc.
deid lift: A state in which one can exert oneself no further, the limit of one's resources, an extremity or crisis.
aliftin: NN.b. I. Unable to rise from weakness.
gie a lift tae, lend a lift tae, tak a lift wi: To give a helping hand to, promote, encourage.
in liftin: I.Sh. A weak cow that needs to be helped onto her feet after the winter because of lack of food.
lifter: One who lifts or gathers.
lig, ligg, liggar, ligger, liggit,
lig [lɪg]
v. To lie, recline, rest. To lay, cause to lie.
pt. pp. liggit
Compounds and phrases etc.
ligger: SW. A newly spawned salmon Salmo salar.
alaek, alike, alyke, belike, belyke, ill_like, ill-laek, ill-laekit, ill-lak, ill-lake, ill-lik, ill-like, ill-likit, ill-lyke, laeck, laek, laeked, laeken, laekin, laekit, laekli, laekly, laik, laike, laiked, laikly, lak, lak$, lake, laked, lakely, laker, lakin, lakin, lakins, leak, leck, leckin, leckins, leik, leik, leike, leikeet, leikely, leikes, leikis, lek, leker, lekked, lekness, leyk, licken, lickly, lik, lik$, like, like$t, likein, likeins, likelie, likeliheid, likely, likely-like, liken, likena, likened, likeness, likens, likent, liker, liker-like, likes_ae, likes_o, likesae, likesay, likest, liket, likin, likit, likliehood, likly, liyk, loike, luk, lyk, lyke, lyker, lykin, lykins, lyks, maist_like, maistlike, misliken, on_like, on-laek, on-like, tampatherlike, tampatherlock, unalik, unalike, unlik,
like [ləik, unstressed lɪk, lɛk]
n. An instance of similarity, something very like, if not the same as, something else.
adv. So to speak, as it were, to let you understand, to be more precise. About, around, approximately a certain number or amount. Likely, probably. As if about to.
adj. Like. Apt, befitting, appropriate, to the purpose. Likely, probable. With tae and the infinitive: likely to, looking as if to, apparently on the point of.
comp. liker, liker-like More like.
superl. likest, maist like Most likely.
suff. May be attached to adjectives to qualify the meaning.
v. To like.
pt. pp. likit, like't
adj. Like not, may sometimes be used in interrogative sentences.
likely [ˈləiklɪ, ˈlɪklɪ, ˈlɛklɪ]
adv. Probably.
v. To be likely or about to, to look like doing or being. To associate (someone or thing) with (another person or a thing) by repute, to think of in connection with. Followed by wi or tae to lay to one's charge, impute.
pt. pp. likent
Compounds and phrases etc.
alike [əˈ-]: adv. Similar, the same, in a like manner
belike [bəˈ-]: adv. Perhaps, probably, maybe, surely, as it were, seemingly, adj. Likely
ill-like: Not looking well, ugly, disliked, unpopular.
ill-likit: Unpopular.
likeable: Likeable.
liken tae: Likely to.
likin [ləikɪn, lɪkɪn lɛkɪn]: Liking.
adv. Like as, for example,
likent wi: Likened to.
likeness: Likeness.
likes o: Likes of ...
likeliheid: Likelihood.
likely-like: Probably, in all likelihood, in a likely or probable manner, plausibly.
misliken: To speak ill of, to disparage, to miscall. To undervalue, depreciate.
no on-like: I.Sh. Not of good appearance.
tampatherlike: NN.a. col. Anyone you like, so and so.
unalike: Different, dissimilar, unlike.
Lilliesleaf [ˈlɪlizlif, -lef]
pn. Lilliesleaf (Borders).
Locally The Leaf.
lillila-baloo, lillilu, lilly-loo,
lillilu [lɪlɪˈlu]
n. A lullaby. A cradle song, any meaningless refrain.
lilt, liltie, liltin, lilty,
lilt [lɪlt]
n. A clear cheerful singing. A lively song by humans or birds. Rhythm, cadence. A cheerful mood or disposition.
v. Of sound: To sing in a sweet low, clear voice, to trill a tune without singing the words. To move in a sprightly manner, to trip, jig, skip, to dance a lively step.
lilty [ˈlɪltɪ]
adj. Cheerful, carefree.
Compounds and phrases etc.
liltin: Singing cheerfully. Cheerful.
lilie, lilies, lilies, lilikin, lilleki, lillekin, lillekinn, lillekyn, lillie, lillikine, lillikine, lilly, lillykyn, lillykynn, lily, lilys, lullie, lullikin,
lily [lɪlɪ, lʌlɪ]
n. The lily or daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus. The child's ailment aphthae, thrush or infantile jaundice.
pl. lilies
Compounds and phrases etc.
lamm lilies: WC. The Scottish asphodel Tofieldia pusilla.
Langhowm lily: col. The dandelion Taraxacum officinale.
lilikin: Lily of the valley Convallaria majalis.
loch-lily: U. WC. The water lily Nymphaea alba.
yellae lily [ˈjɛlə-, MN. S. ˈjale-]: A yellow daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus.
white lily [ʍəit-, N. fəit-]: A white daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus.
Limavadie, Limavady,
Limavady [lɪməˈvɑde]
pn. Limavady (County Londonderry).
likewark, lime, limestane, limewark, lyme,
lime [ləim]
n. Lime. Mortar, cement, the mixture of lime, sand and water used to bind stones together.
Compounds and phrases etc.
limestane: Limestone.
limewark: A limekiln.
stane and lime: Masonry.
Limekills, Limekils,
Limekils [ˈləimkɪlz]
pn. Limekilns (Fife).

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