Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 16 of 49 for the letter M
fou_maw, foumaw, gormaa, gormaw, hoodie_maa, huidie_maa, huidie_maw, lochmaw, ma, maa, maas, maas, maw, maws, maz, mew, mews, myaave, myaaves, myav, myave, myaves, myavs, myow, myows, parr, pickie_maw, pickiemaa, pickie-maa, pickiemaw, pickie-maw, pickmaa, pickmaw, pick-maw, pikka, pikka_maa, pikki, pine-maw, pirr-maa, pirrmaw, pirr-maw, sea_ma, seama, seamaa, sea-maa, seamaw, sea-maw, white_maw, whitemaa, white-maa, whitemaw, white-maw, whitmaa,
maw [mɑː, mɔː, N. m(j)aː, MN. mjaːv, I. maː]
also seamaw, lochmaw, whitemaw
n. The common gull Larus canus or other similar gull.
pl. maws
Compounds and phrases etc.
blue maw: I.Sh. The common gull Larus canus.
foumaw: N. The fulmar Fulmarus glacialis.
gormaw [ˈgɔr-]: S. The cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo.
gou maw: SEC. The great black-backed gull Larus marinus.
gowden maw: The glaucous gull Larus hyperboreus.
herrin maw NN.b. I. The lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus.
huidie maw: The black-headed gull.
pickmaw, pickiemaw: The black-headed gull Larus ridibundus.
pirr-maw [pɪr-, pʌr-]: U. SW. WC. The black-headed gull Larus ridibundus.
seamaw's egg: WC. A sea urchin.
whitemaw: NN.b. I. The herring gull Larus argentatus.
willie maw: MN. The guillemot Uria aalge.
grandma, grandmaw, granma, ma, maa, mau, maw,
maw [mɑː, mɔː]
n. Mother.
Compounds and phrases etc.
grandmaw: Grandmother.
ma, maa, maas, mau, maus, maw, maws,
maw [mɑ]
Usually maws [mɑːz]
n. The mallow Malva sylvestris.
ma, maa, maa$er, maad, maaed, maaer, maan, maaster, maw, mawe, mawed, mawer, mawester, mawn, mawstar, mawster, meu, mew, mowster,
maw [mɑː, mɔː, N. I. maː]
v. To mow, to reap.
pt. mawed, mew [mɪu]
pp. mawn
Compounds and phrases etc.
mawer [ˈmɑːər, ˈmɔːər, N. I. ˈmaːər]: A mower.
mawster [ˈmɑːstər, ˈmɔːstər, N. I. ˈmaːstər]: A person who mows grass etc.
maa, maave, maawe, maawie, maw, mawe, mawie, maw-turn$d, maw-turned, maw-turnt, mawve,
maw [mɑː, mɔː, N. m(j)aː, MN. mjaːv, I. maː]
n. The stomach, in particular that of a fish.
Compounds and phrases etc.
mawie puddin: A haggis.
maw-turnt: Affected with nausea, sickened.
maxie [maksɪ]
n. An error in a Latin exercise.
maiseld, maiselt, maisle, maisled, maze, mazed, mazeld, mazelt, mazement, mazerment, mazin, mazle, mazled,
maze [meːz]
n. A state of amazement or astonishment, perplexity.
v. To amaze, bewilder, stupefy.
pt. pp. mazed
v. To become stupefied or confused
pt. pp. mazelt
Compounds and phrases etc.
mazin: adj. Amazing, astonishing. adv. Amazingly, astonishingly.
mazerment: Amazement.
fimmae, fom, gae-fae-me-come-tae-me, gan-fae-me-come-tae-me, giffima_cumtimma, ma, mae, me, mee, mei, mey, mi, wae$s_me,
me [miː, S. məi]
pron. Me.
Compounds and phrases etc.
frae me, fae me: From me.
gae-fae-me-come-tae-me, NEC. gan-fae-me-come-tae-me: col. A trombone.
wae is me contracted wae's me: Woe to me! O the pity!
meager, meagre,
meager [ˈmigər]
adj. Deficient in amount or quality or extent. Miserable.
fog-male, fog-meal, mael, maelie, maelie-creeshie, maeltith, maely, maely-creeshie, mail, mailtith, maily, maily-creeshie, maily-creeshie, male, male-creeshie, malie-creeshie, meal, mealacreashy, meal-bowie, meal-bunk, mealer, mealer, mealick, mealie, mealie-creashie, mealie-creeshie, mealie-mou$d, mealie-moued, mealkist, meal-kist, meall, mealock, mealtith, mealtith, mealy, mealy-creashy, mealy-creeshie, mealy-crushy, mealy-moo$ed, mealy-mooed, mealy-moothed, mealy-mou$d, mealy-mou$t, mealy-moued, meel, meelie, meelie-mooed, meeltith, meely, mehl, meil, meilie, meilie-creeshie, meilie-moued, meiltith, meily-creeshie, mell, mellie, melly, meltaith, melteith, melteth, meltith, meyl, milk_and_meal, mylk-an-mell, pease_meal, piz-meal,
meal [mil, mel]
n. Meal, usually oatmeal.
dim. mealie Friable soil with a fine tilth, mealock A crumb of an oatcake etc.
v. Of grain: to yield or grind into meal. To add meal to, to thicken soup etc. To sprinkle dough etc. with oatmeal before cooking or baking.
mealie [ˈmili, NEC. ˈmele]
adj. Made with or containing oatmeal.
Compounds and phrases etc.
creashie mealie: Oatmeal fried in fat.
deil's meal: SW. The cow parsley Anthriscus sylvestris.
fog-meal: A full or hearty meal.
maut abuin the meal: Leading to intoxication.
meal-bowie: A barrel for oatmeal.
meal-bunk: A meal-chest in which a farm servant stored their food.
mealie-creashie: Oatmeal fried in fat.
mealer: A country bumpkin.
mealie-moued: Mealy-mouthed.
mealtith [-təθ]: A meal, food, sustenance, mealtime.
meal-kist: A meal-chest.
milk and meal: A drink consisting of oatmeal and hot milk.
pease meal: A flour made of ground pease.
white meal: Oatmeal.
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