Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 37 of 49 for the letter M
filichan_moose, flichtermice, flichtermoose, flichtin_moose, flittermoos, flittermoose, hill-moose, land-moose, land-mouse, lan-moose, laund-moose, laun-moose, meisle, meisle, meissle, meissle, meysel, mice, micel, moos, moose, moosefa, moose-faa, moose-faw, mooses, moosie, moosis, mooskit, moosy, mous, mousie, mouss, myce, myssle, screw-moose, screw-mouse, sea_moose, sea-moose, sistie_moose, vole-moose,
moose [mus]
n. A mouse, usually Mus musculus.
pl. mice [məis] col. mooses
dim. moosie adj. adj. Downy.
micel [MN. məisl]
n. A small piece.
v. To fritter away, to consume by degrees.
Compounds and phrases etc.
flichtermoose [ˈflɪç(t)ər-]: A bat (the mammal). pl. flichtermice.
flichtin moose: NN.b. A bat (the mammal). pl. flichtin mice.
hill-moose: I.Sh. The field mouse, Apodemus fridariensis.
laund-moose: SW. C. The vole Microtus agrestis.
moose-faw: A mousetrap.
mooskit: I.Sh. Grey, the colour of a mouse.
roan moose: I.Ork.: The shrew Sorex araneus.
sea-moose: SW. The dunlin Calidris alpina.
screw-moose: The shrew Sorex araneus.
shear moose: The shrew Sorex araneus.
sistie moose: I.Sh. The wren Troglodytes troglodytes.
strae moose: NEC. MN.: The shrew Sorex araneus.
vole-moose: I.Ork. The short-tailed field-mouse Microtus agrestis.
yird-moose: MN. The wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus.
mewt, moot, muit, mute, myoute, myowt, myowte, toot-moot, toot-mout, tout-moot, tout-mout,
moot [mut]
n. A whisper, a hint.
v. To speak discuss, utter, divulge, hint, insinuate, murmer, whisper.
Compounds and phrases etc.
tout-moot: A low muttered or whispered conversation, a whisper, a quiet hint, an insinuated rumour.
alamonti, alamootie, alamotti, alamuti, moot, mootie, mooty, mooty, mout, moutie, moutie, mute, muti, muti, mutt,
moot [I.Sh. mut]
n. A tiny creature or thing.
dim. mootie
adj. Very Small. A term of affection.
Compounds and phrases etc.
alamootie: The storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus.
bird_mootht, bird-mootht, boo-bund, burdmoothed, creukit_mooth, crookit_mooth, doun_moued, fit-an$-mou, fit-an$-mou$, fit-and-mou, fit-an-moo, fit-an-mou, ill-moo, ill-moo$d, ill-mooed, ill-mooth, ill-moothed, ill-mootht, ill-mou, ill-mou$d, ill-moued, ill-moued, ill-mow, ill-mow$d, matash, maw, maws, moo, moo$, moo$d, moo$ed, moo$s, moo$t, moo-bin, moo-bun, mood, mooed, mooed, moofae, moofay, moofie, moofou, moofu, mooie, moos, mootash, mooth, mooth$d, moothe, moothed, moothfa, moothfae, moothfoo, moothfu, moothfy, moothie, moothit, moothliftin, mooth-liftin, mooths, mootht, moothy, mou, mou$, mou$d, mou$s, mou$t, mouband, mou-bund, moued, moufae, moufu, mouie, mous, moutache, moutash, mouthfu, mouthie, mow, mowd, mowed, mows, muth, muths, soo_mooth, soo-moo, soomooth, soomouth, sou_mooth, sou-mooth, soumouth, sou-mouth, tashie, tashy,
mooth [muθ]
contracted mou [muː, S. mʌu]
n. The mouth, the blade of a shovel or spade. An estuary or outflow end of a stream. A threshold or entrance to an enclosed place or tract of country. The beginning or opening of a period of time or an event etc.
dim. moothie A mouth organ.
pl. mooths, mous
v. To tell, to utter, to mention.
pt. pp. mootht, moued, mou't
Compounds and phrases etc.
big mootht dab: SN. The megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis.
bird-mootht: U.: Timid, tongue-tied and unable to speak.
creukit mooth: MN. The flounder Platichthys flesus.
doun moued: Melancholy.
fit-and-mou: Foot-and-mouth disease.
ill-mooth, ill-mou: Vile language, to use such.
ill-moued: Obscene (of talk).
mou-bund: Tongue-tied, unable to master the pronunciation of a word or phrase.
moothfu contracted moufu [-fə S. -fɛ, -fɪ, EC. -fe, WC. -fɑ, N. -fɛ, U. I. -fu]: A mouthful.
moothless: Having little conversation.
mooth-liftin: I.Sh. A bite to eat, a morsel.
moutash [mu'taʃ, məˈtaʃ]: Moustache. dim. tashie
sou-mooth: An undershot jaw (in sheep).
map, maup, mawp, mop,
mop [mɔp, map]
n. A mop.
moppach [NN.a. ˈmɔpəx]
adj. Drunk.
From Gaelic mabach.
mora [mɔrə]
leg. A delay in pressing a claim or obligation which may infer that the claim or obligation has been abandoned by the pursuer.
moral [ˈmoːrəl]
n. A moral.
Compounds and phrases etc.
immoral: Immoral.
Mora, Morra, Morra$, Morrae, Murra,
Moray [ˈmʌrə, mʌre]
pn. Moray.
Mairbattle, Meirbattle, Morbattle, Morebattle,
Morebattle [ˈmoːrbətl]
pn. Morebattle (Borders).
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