Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 10 of 11 for the letter O
oagly, ooglie, oogly, ouglie, ougly, uglie, ugly,
ougly [ˈugli]
adj. Ugly.
grass_owl, gress_ool, gress_oul, houl, huam, ool, oold, ooled, oolet, oolin, oolit, oolit, oolt, oul, ouled, oulet, oulin, oulit, oulit, oult, skitteroolet, skitteroulet, ul,
oul [ul]
n. An owl.
oulet [ˈulɪt] An owl, often a young one. A disgruntled, peevish, dismal person or child.
v. To treat harshly, ill-use, bully To be dejected.
pt. pp. oult adj. Downtrodden, downcast, cowed, nervous, subdued, bewildered, dumbfounded.
Compounds and phrases etc.
fern oul: MN. The nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus.
gress oul: SN. The short-eared owl Asio flammeus
huam: SW. The moan of the owl in the warm days of summer.
hill oul: WC. The short-eared owl Asio flammeus.
little oul, wee oul: The little owl Athene noctua.
moss oul: SN. The short-eared owl Asio flammeus.
oulin. Of pain: troublesome, gnawing. Of people: fretful, peevish, downcast.
rock oul: The barn owl Tyto alba.
skitteroulet: An impudent young person, a brat.
stock oul: I.Ork. The eagle-owl Bubo bubo.
white oul: I.Sh. The snowy owl Bubo scandiacus.
emikin, emikins, ooma, oomick, oomie, oomik, oonmik, oumie, oumikin, oumikins, oumock, umag, umak, umak, umakie, umek, umekin, umik, umiki, umikin, umog, umok,
oumock [I.Sh. ˈumək]
also oumie [I.Ork. ˈumɪ], oumikin.
n. A small, weak person or creature. A very small quantity of something. I.Sh. A taboo name for a mouse.
adj. Odd, pitiful.
Compounds and phrases etc.
oumikins. A collection or heap of very small objects.
oorishk, ourisk, urisk, wrisk,
ourisk [ˈurɪsk]
n. A supernatural being like a brownie.
oozel, ouzel, ouzelie,
ouzel [ˈuːz(ə)l]
n. arch. The blackbird Turdus merula.
dim. ouzelie
Compounds and phrases etc.
gairden ouzel: WC. The blackbird Turdus merula.
$er, aer, air, backower, back-ower, backowre, back-owre, err, irr, iver, ivver, o$er, o$ers, o$re, oberins, obrance, obrances, oe$r, oe$rs, oer, oerby, ooer, oor, ore, ouer, our, oure, ourlie, ourly, ouwer, overby, overli, overly, ovir, ow$r, owe$r, ower, ower_a, ower_a$, ower_aa, ower_aw, oweraa, owerance, oweraw, owerby, owerbye, ower-bye, owered, owerins, owerlie, owerly, owerplus, owers, owersman, owert, owir, owr, owrance, owre, owreaa, owreaw, owreby, owre-by, owrebye, owrely, owreplus, owres, owresman, owur, owurby,
ower [ˈʌu(ə)r, ɔuːr, oːr, uːr]
prep. Over. Beyond the control or capabilities of, too much for. Down from, out of, or out at a door, window, bed, platform or similar elevation.
adv. Over. Of time: well on, late, far advanced. With adj. and adv.: too, overmuch, excessively. Very, quite, rather.
adj. Upper, higher. Going across or over, transverse.
v. To master, control, subdue. To overawe, cow.
pt. pp. owert, owered
adj. Excessively. Carelessly, casually. Casual, incidental, chance.
adj. Situated behind, latter.
prep. Over the back of.
adv. Behind, backwards.
v. To move back.
Compounds and phrases etc.
ower aw: All over, everywhere.
owerby: Over the way.
owerin: An odd or extra job, made from leftovers, a trifle, trifling work.
owerins [-ɪnz]: Control, command, oversight, supervision, mastery, superiority. Odds and ends, remnants.
owerplus: Surplus.
owers. What is left over.
owersman: An overman, one's superior, a supervisor of craftsmen. A chief arbiter who has the final descision in case of a dead-lock.
o$ergang, owergaan, owergae, owergaed, owergaein, owergaen, owergane, owergang, owergang, owergauin, owergaun, ower-gaun, owergawn, owergeen, ower-geen, owergyaan, owergyan, owregae, owregane, owregang, owregaun, owre-geen, owregyan,
owergae [ˈʌu(ə)rˈgeː, ɔuːr-, oːr-, uːr-]
v. To go over, to pass through or over, to cross. To surpass oneself, go beyond bounds in one's behaviour, to get above oneself. To transgress, contravene. Of time: to pass, elapse. Of people: to pass through a period of time, to survive, be more than a certain age. To overrun, infest, overspread, cover over, with weeds or dirt etc. I.Sh. To overpower, overwhelm, oppress, to get the better of, master, to surpass, exceed.
owergang [-gaŋ, MN. -gjaŋ & -gɪŋ] To overcome, oppress, exceed, infest, overrun, overgrow
pt. owergaed [-geːd, gɛd, MN. -gɪd, N. -giːd]
pp. owergane [-geːn, MN.- giːn]. adj. I.Sh. Beyond oneself, too bold or forward in behaviour, unruly. Overrun with weeds. Of time past.
Compounds and phrases etc.
owergaun [-gɑːn, -gɔːn, SEC. -ˈgɑː(ɪ)n, N. I. -g(j)aːn]. A going-over, a dressing down. The point of falling asleep. The act of going or working over as part of a task or job.
From ower + gae
overture, owerture,
owerture [ˈʌu(ə)rtuːr, ˈɔuːr-, ˈoːr-, ˈuːr-]
n. An overture, a draft bill.
auskerrie, ooster, ous, ouse, ouskerri, ouwse, ouwse, ows, owse, owsed, owsekerri, owsekerrie, owse-room, owsin, owskerri, owskerri, owskerrie, owster, owz, owze,
owse [NN.b. I. ʌuz]
v. To scoop up water, to empty by baling.
pt. pp. owsed
n. The act of baling.
v. To act or speak in a domineering manner.
Compounds and phrases etc.
owsekerrie: The scoop used for bailinng water out of a boat.
owse-room: I.Sh. The space in a saxern from which the water is bailed out.
ous, ouse, ousen, ousin, ouss, ousse, oussen, oussenbow, oussenbowe, oussenbowe, owse, owsen, owsenbow, owsen-bow, owsenbowe, owsen-bowe, owsin, owss, owssen, owze, ox-bow, oxee, ox-ee, oxen-bow, oxgait, oxgang, oxgate, oxgates,
owse [ʌus]
also ox [ɔks]
n. An ox.
pl. owsen [ˈʌusən]
Compounds and phrases etc.
owsenbowe [-bʌu]: A curved wooden collar for a draught ox.
ox-ee: The blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus or great tit Parus major.
big ox-ee: The great tit Parus major.
black ox-ee: WC.EC. The coal tit Periparus ater.
oxgang, oxgate: A land measurement.
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