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Page 29 of 68 for the letter P

pick, picket, pickid, pickit, pikk,
pick [pɪk]
n. Pitch, bitumen. Dirt, black mud.
v. To daub or smear with pitch, apply pitch to.
pt. pp. pickit adj. Coated with pitch, dirty, mud-bespattered.
mussel_pecker, mussel_picker, pick, picka, pickan, picker, pickerel, pickerie, pickery, picket, pick-heid, pickid, pickie, pickie, pickies, pickit, pickle, picklin, pickman, picko, picko, picky, pikk, pikker, pikket, pikki, puckle, pucklin, pukelin, stane_picker,
pick [pɪk]
n. A pick, a tool for breaking up hard ground etc. A small pointed or edged hammer used to roughen the surface of a millstone, a spike, prong, a prickle, a pike. The spade in playing cards. I.Sh. A tap at the door etc.
dim. pickie A small choice or amount. I.Sh. A game like tag. I.Ork. picko A tapping sound or action. A game like tag. The Blenny Zoarces viviparus.
v. To pick, to tap, to pilfer.
pt. pp. pickit adj. Dressed up, smartly turned out, titivated. Roughened, indented, pitted, uneven, full of irregularities, worn, dirty. Of the hands: chapped.
v. To peck or nibble repeatedly and delicately. To steal small articles, pilfer.
Compounds and phrases etc.
mussel picker: U. The oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus.
picker: Something that picks.
pickerel [ˈpɪkərəl]: The dunlin Calidris alpina or other small wading bird.
pickery: leg. Petty thieving.
pick-heid: SEC. The swift Apus apus.
picklin: Petty theft.
pickman: A miner.
stane picker: I.Sh. The turnstone Arenaria interpres.
picka, picker, pickie, pickock, picky, pikki,
pickie [pɪkɪ]
also pickock
n. The young of the coalfish Pollachius virens.
hailie-buckie, hailie-pickle, hailie-picko, hailie-puckle, haily-puckle, pickle, picklie, picklin, picklins, pikkil, pikkilie, puckelin, puckelins, puckle, pucklie, puckly, pyukkleen, pyukkleens,
pickle [pɪkl]
also puckle [pʌkl]
n. A grain of oats, barley or wheat etc. A small particle of any kind, a grain, granule, speck, pellet. An indefinite amount of any substance or collection. A little, a few, some.
pl. pickles Quite a number, several, many, lots.
dim. picklie A few, a small quantity.
Compounds and phrases etc.
gey pickle: Quite a few.
guid pickle: Quite a few.
hailie-pickle: I.Sh. A hailstone. Also I.Ork. hailie-picko.
picklin: I.Sh. A small gift.
picklins: The falling of small particles from the roof of a mine-working which is about to collapse.
pickter, picktour, picter, pictèr, picters, picther, picthur, pictir, pictur, picturs, piktir, piktur,
pictur [ˈpɪktər]
n. A picture. A cinema film.
pl. picturs The cinema.
Compounds and phrases etc.
deil's pictur beuks: Playing cards.
paai, peh, pey, pie, pie-hole, pie-holl, py, pye,
pie [pəi, DD. pɛ]
n. A pie.
Compounds and phrases etc.
holipied: Full of holes, having holes worked in sewing or knitting and stitched around.
mince pie [mɪnʃ-]: A savoury pie filled with minced beef.
pie-hole [pəi-]: An eyelet in clothing.
denner-piece, jeelie-piece, jeely_piece, jeely-piece, maisterpiece, paise, peece, peese, peess, peoce, piece, pieces, playpiece, thoum-piece,
piece [pis]
n. A piece. A sandwich. An area of land. I.Ork. A sheepmark where part of the ear is cut off.
pl. pieces
Compounds and phrases etc.
bairn's piece: Bread and cheese offered to those who visit or meet a baby after baptism.
denner-piece: A sandwich for lunch.
fine pieces: Dainties.
jeelie piece: A jam sandwich.
maisterpiece: A masterpiece.
the piece: Each, each one, apiece.
piece aboot: Turn about, alternately.
piece and piece: Piece by piece, little by little, gradually.
piece-brak: A tea-break, lunch-break.
piece box: Lunch box.
playpiece: A school break snack (for playtime).
thoum-piece: An oatcake buttered with the thumb.
throu the piece, ower the piece: From first to last, as a whole, taken all over.
pier [piː(ə)r]
n. A pier.
paag, pag, päg, päggerie, pags, pägs, peg, peggerie, pegs, pig, pigg, piggar, pigger, piggerie, piggery, piggie, piggy, pigs, pirlie_pig, pirliepig, pirlie-pigg, pirlipig,
pig [pɪg]
n. A pig. A pot, jar, earthenware.
dim. piggie
Compounds and phrases etc.
pigger: A maker or seller of pots, jars and earthenware.
piggerie: A pottery.
pirlie pig: A piggy-bank.
sea-pig: SW. A porpoise.
peggin, peigan, piggan, piggen, piggin,
piggin [ˈpɪgən]
n. A wooded tub-shaped vessel with one stave extended to form a handle.

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