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Page 38 of 68 for the letter P

broonplet, broun_plate, broun-plate, face-plate, milk-plate, plaet, plait, plate, platter, pleat, pleit, pleit, plet, plett, siling-plate, silin-plate, sylin-plate,
plate [plet]
n. A plate.
Compounds and phrases etc.
broun plate: NN.b. A kind of thick porridge made with sowans.
butter-plate: S. The lesser spearwort Ranunculus flammula.
deep plate: A soup plate.
face-plate: sl. The face.
milk-plate: A large shallow glazed earthenware dish in which milk is left to form cream.
leddy's plate: MN. The yarrow Achillea millefolium.
platter: S. A wooden bowl.
sylin-plate: A metal plate into which milk is poured to let the cream rise.
plae, plaik, play, played, player, playfair, playgrun, playgrund, playgrunn, playit, playock, playser, pley, pleyer, pleygrun, plyaak,
play [pleː, pləi]
v. To play. To amuse oneself, sport. Of a liquid: to boil, seethe. To commit, perpetrate.
pt. pp. played
Compounds and phrases etc.
player: Player.
playfair: NEC. A plaything (with negative connotations).
playfu: Playful.
playgrund: A playground. col. DD. playser
playock: A toy.
laa-plea, laa-pleain, law-plea, law-pleain, law-pley, law-pleyin, law-plie, law-pliein, plae, plaid, plea, plead, pleaded, pleadet, pleadit, pleadit, pled, plede, pleeded, pleedit, pleid, pley, plie, redd_a_plea,
plea [pliː]
n. leg. A lawsuit. A quarrel, disagreement, argument, enmity.
v. leg. To contest in a court of law, make the subject of litigation, go to law over. To litigate, seek legal redress, go to law, to plead or sue for something. To quarrel, disagree.
plead [pliːd]
v. To plead.
pt. pp. pled [plɛd, pled], pleadit
Compounds and phrases etc.
law-plea: A lawsuit, process of litigation.
law-pleain: Litigation.
redd a plea: To reconcile the parties in a quarrel, intervene in a dispute, act as peace-maker.
displaese, displaise, displase, displease, displeash, displeise, ill-plaesed, ill-pleased, plaase, plaased, plaese, plaesed, plaise, plaised, plaisit, plase, plased, please, pleased, pleasement, pleash, pleashd, pleast, pleese, pleesed, pleeze, pleise, pleised,
please [pliːz, pleːz]
v. To relish, like, please.
pt. pp. pleased
Compounds and phrases etc.
displease To displease, annoy.
ill-pleased: Displeased, annoyed.
pleasement: SW. Satisfaction.
pleasin: Pleasing.
beggar_plets, beggar-plaitit, beggar-pleatit, plait, plaitin, plaitit, plaits, platt, platted, plattin, plattit, platts, pleat, pleatin, pleatit, pleats, pleit, pleitin, pleitit, pleits, plet, pletin, pletit, plets, plett, plettin, plettit, pletts, pleyt, pleytin, pleytit, pleyts,
pleat [plit, plet, plɛt]
n. A pleat, fold, crease. A pigtail.
pl. pleats
v. To pleat, fold or pleat, to cross or twist.
pt. pp. pleatit
Compounds and phrases etc.
beggar-pleatit: U. Crumpled or creased (clothes).
pleatin: Pleating, folding, creasing.
plee, pleengie, plingie,
plee [I. pliː]
n. The thin piping cry of a bird, usually a seagull. The (young) seagull itself. Also MN. pleeng dim. pleengie
v. To cry with a high pitched wailing sound like a young gull.
pleen, pleeng, pleenge, plein, plene, plenye,
pleen [plin]
n. A complaint or objection.
v. To make a formal complaint, lament, complain, mourn, whine.
pleep, pleepsin, pleepsit, pleip, plip,
pleep [plip]
n. A shrill piping cry. S. MN. The oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, NEC. MN. I. redshank Tringa totanus, NEC. MN. I.Ork. common sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos or snipe Capella galinago
v. To utter a shrill high pitched cry. I.Ork. To moan.
adj. Shrill, wailing.
Compounds and phrases etc.
watterie pleep: I.Ork. The redshank Tringa totanus.
plaesant, plaesur, plaesure, plaisir, plaisir, pleasance, pleasants, pleasaunce, pleasuir, pleesant, pleesher, pleesint, pleesur, pleesure, pleezant, pleisance, pleisant, pleishur, pleisur, pleisure, plesaunce, plisant, plisure, plizzant, unpleisant,
pleisur [ˈpliːzər, ˈpleːz-, ˈpliːʒ-]
n. Pleasure.
v. To pleasure.
Compounds and phrases etc.
pleisance [ˈpliːzəns]: Joy, pleasure, happiness, satisfaction. A pleasure ground.
pleisant [ˈpliːzənt, MN. ˈplɪzənt]: Pleasant.
pleisantness: Pleasantness.
unpleisant: Unpleasant.
displenish, displenishin, displinis, plaeneesh, plaeneesheen, plenish, plenishen, plenishin, plenisht, plinisan, plinish, replenish, weel-plenished, weel-plenisht, weil-plenisht,
plenish [ˈplɛnɪʃ]
v. To furnish, equip. To replenish.
pt. pp. plenisht
Compounds and phrases etc.
displenish: To divest of furnishings or contents.
displenishin sale: An auction of farm stock etc.
plenishin [ˈplɛnɪʃɪn]: Furniture etc. pl. plenishins Furnishings etc.
replenish [rəˈ-]: To repair, renovate.
weel plenisht: Well provided for.

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