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Page 110 of 147 for the letter S

staamer, staamreen, stam, stamjam, stammel, stammer, stammerel, stammerie, stammerin, stammery, stammle, stamsteery, stamsteirie, staumrel, styoomer, styumer,
stammer [ˈstamər]
n. A stumble, stagger, trip, missed footing.
v. Of people or animals: to stumble, stagger, to walk with faltering unsteady steps, to blunder about. Of things: to totter, become unsteady. To blunder in speech, to falter. Be at a loss for words.
stammle [staml]
v. S. To stagger, stumble, blunder, walk with a stumbling hobbling gait.
Compounds and phrases etc.
stam: S. An elided form meaning to walk with a quick, heavy tread, to stamp along, to stumble or blunder onwards, to stagger,
stammerel [ˈstamerəl]: Awkward, blundering, stupid. An awkward, clumsy fellow.
stammerie: Stumbling, uncertain on the feet.
stammerin: Stumbling, staggering, etc.
stamsteirie [-stiːri, -ˈsteːrɪ, -ˈstɛrɪ]: stamjam SW. In a sudden rush.
stamp, stamp$t, stampit, stampit, stampt, stampt, staump,
stamp [stamp]
n. A stamp. A trap, a gin-trap. MN. A spit or spadeful of earth turned up in digging. A trap, a gin-trap.
v. To stamp.
pt. pp. stampt, stampit
staameren, staamern, stamern, stammareen, stammerin, stammeron, stamron,
stamron [I.Sh. ˈstam(ə)rən]
n. The low seat in the stern of a rowing boat occupied by the helmsman.
stance, stance$t, stanced, stancit,
stance [stans]
n. A standing-place, station, site, position, vantage-point, where one may stand. A site or foundation on which something is laid or set up. A building-site for a house. A site for an open-air market or fair etc. The space for any single stand or side-show. A street-trader's pitch. A place where public transport stands waiting for passengers at the beginning of a run, a station or terminus for buses etc. A halt or stop on a bus route.
v. To station, place on a certain spot, assign a position to. To exhibit an animal for sale at a market.
pt. pp. stance't, stanced
stanchel, stenchel,
stanchel [ˈstanʃəl]
n. arch. The kestrel Falco tinnunculus.
backstane, back-stane, bakkstaen, bakstane, borestane, bore-stane, breemsteen, brimstane, brimsteen, brumstane, brunstane, brunsteen, freestane, freesteen, hainchin-stane, henshin-stane, hinshin-stane, lapstane, lap-stane, lapsteen, staen, staened, staenern, stain, staine, stained, stainern, stainern, stainers, staines, stainit, stains, stane, stane$t, staned, stane-knapper, staneraw, stanerie, stanern, staners, stanes, stanes, stanet, staney, staney, stanie, stanie, stanner, stannerie, stanners, stany, stany, stayn, stayned, staynern, steen, steened, steenern, steenie, steenie, steens, steent, steeny, steeny, stehn, stehned, stehnern, steinraw, steint, sten, stened, stenner, stey$n, steyn, steyned, steyney, stiene, stiened, ston, stonner, understane, unnerstane, unnersteen, waasteen, wawstane,
stane [sten, N. stin]
n. A stone. A measure of weight. col. A testicle. pl.stanes.
dim. stanie A small coloured marble, a game of tig.
In measurements the singular is used as the pl. with numerals.
v. To stone. To press the whey out of a cheese by putting a large box of stones on top of the cheese vat.
pt. pp. stane't, staned
stany [stene, N. stine]
adj. Stony.
stanern [-ərn
adj. Made of stone.
Compounds and phrases etc.
wawstane: A wallstone.
backstane: A stone set on edge at the back of a fireplace.
borestane: A stone with a hole for a flagstaff.
brunstane [ˈbrʌn-, ˈbrʌm-]: Brimstone.
freestane: Freestone, easily worked sandstone.
lapstane: A stone on which a shoemaker beats his leather.
peat-stane: A skew-corbel or skew-table, a spur-stone, a coping stone, a keystone.
stane auld: As old as the hills.
stane-brak: Saxifrage Saxifraga.
stane-knapper: A stone breaker.
staneraw: The lichen Parmelia saxatilis.
stanner [ˈstanər, ˈstenər]: WC. A stepping stone. pl. stanners Shingle, the rounded water-worn stones, pebbles and gravel in the bed or on the banks of a river or on a sea-beach.
unnerstane: The lower stone in a mill.
Stanehoose, Stonehoose,
Stanehoose [ˈstenhus]
pn. Stonehouse (South Lanarkshire).
Stanehoosemuir, Stanesmair, Staniemuir, Stenhoosemuir, Stenhousmuir, Stenismare, Stennymuir,
Stanehoosemuir [locally ˈstenəsmer, S. I. stenhusmør, C. stenhusmer, N. ˈstinhusmiːr, ˈstinhusmuːr]
pn. Stenhousemuir (Falkirk).
dim. Staniemuir
Staenhive, Stanehive, Stanehythe, Stanehyve, Steenhive, Steenhyve, Steinhive, Steinhyve, Stonehive, Stonehyve, Stonhive, Stonhyve,
Stanehyve [ˈstenhaɪv, N. ˈstinhaɪv]
pn. Stonehaven (Aberdeenshire).
previoulsy Kilwhan [ˈkɪlʍan, N. ˈkɪlfan]
Staneshiel, Stoneshiel,
Staneshiel [ˈstenʃil]
pn. Stoneshiel (Borders).

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