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Page 30 of 147 for the letter S

sero [sɛro]
n. Late attendance at a meeting, a fine imposed for such. A latecomer.
desairve, desairved, desairvit, deserve, deserved, sairvan, sairvand, sairvant, sairve, sairved, sairver, sarvan, sarvant, sarvice, sarvint, servan, servan$, servand, serve, served, server, servette, service, servis, servit, servitor, servitude,
serve [sɛrv, seːrv]
v. To serve See ser also.
pt. pp. served
service [-ɪs]
n. Service. Labouring or unskilled work. The payment for such work. Penal servitude.
v. To service.
Compounds and phrases etc.
deserve: To deserve. pt. pp. deserved.
servand [-ən(d)]: A servant. A workman's assistant. pl. servands
servand chield: A manservant.
server: A server. A salver or tray.
servit [-ɪt]: A table napkin.
servitor: arch. A (domestic) servant or attendant. An assistant janitor at Edinburgh university.
servitude [ˈsɛrvɪt(j)ud]: Servitude. leg. An obligation.
cessioun, cessioune, Kirk_Session, session, sessioun,
session [ˈsɛʃən]
n. A session. A court.
Compounds and phrases etc.
Kirk Session: The body of elected elders governing each local Presbytarian church.
sester, sesters,
sester [I.Ork. ˈsɛstər]
usually sesters n. pl. The channel in the floor of a cowshed behind the stalls into which the urine etc. runs.
ap-set, backset, doonset, doonsettin, dounset, dounsettin, down-seat, downset, downsetting, forset, ill_set, illset, ill-set, ill-setten, inset, insett, mis-set, onset, ootset, owerset, owersett, owersetten, owersetter, owersetter, owersettin, owreset, owresetten, owresetter, owresettin, saeter, saetnin, satteral, sattril, set, set_by, set-by, setnen, setnin, sets, set-stane, sett, settan, setteen, setten, setter, setteral, setterel, setteril, settin, settin$, settlement, settlin, settlin$, settnin, settral, settril, simmerset, sittrel, sot, sotten, subset, subsett, suitt, suitten, sutten, taeset, taesit, teeset, teesit, teyset, teysit, up-set,
set [sɛt]
n. A set. The manner or position in which a thing is set, fixed or arranged. The way in which a thing goes or works. A condition, state of affairs, way of things. A joke, piece of fun, frolic. The squares and stripes in a pattern of tartan.
v. To set, place, put in certain position, settle etc. To cause or make to sit, seat, place on a seat. To seat oneself, sit. To sit, be seated on. To place in a certain position, arrange, to dispose, incline or determine the opinions, feelings or wishes of a person in a certain way, to affect. To lay a table for a meal, to lay a meal on the table. To make stiff or rigid. To cease, stop, bring or come to a standstill, put a stop to. To direct, turn or guide on a certain course, make one ready for a journey. To start off, set out, make one's way. U. The strip of a field allocated to a reaper. The amount a band of reapers can cut at one time.
pt. set, sot
pp. set, sot, setten, sotten adj. Disposed, inclined, determined, resolute, obstinate.
Compounds and phrases etc.
backset: n. Anything that checks one's course or causes a relapse of health, worldly circumstances or vegetation etc., a setback, v. To weary, fatigue, worry, disgust or upset.
dounset: A settlement, establishment, a feast, ceasing work from overwork or misfortune.
forset [fɔr-ˈ]: A surfeit. An excess of work. To give someone too much work etc. To overburden, overtax, to surfeit.
ill-set, ill-setten: Evilly disposed, harsh, cruel, surly, out of humour, lacking generosity, churlish, ungainly, hard beset.
inset: The infield, the living-room in a farm-house, temporarily taking another's place, substitute, acting.
mis-set: To displease, offend, annoy, put out of humour, disconcert. I.Sh. Of clothing: to be unbecoming to, not to suit.
onset: The act of setting in motion, a small cluster of houses, an additional part built on to or against a building, a verbal assault.
ootset: Outset, arrangement, display, an ornament, a setting or sending out, the publication of a book, a start in life, I.Sh. a piece of undeveloped ground.
owerset: To upset, turn over. pp. owersetten.
owersetter: Someone or something that upsets, turns things over.
owersettin: An upset, upsetting, a turning over.
set aff: Set off, send off or away, dismiss from one's home or job, cause to explode, plant out.
set by: To lay aside, clear away. pt. setten by.
set-by: A makeshift substitute.
set doun: To sit down.
set oot: To start or go out on some important business, to send out, dismiss, eject forcibly, a display, show, turn-out.
set ower: To ferry across a strait etc., to send down the throat, to help in swallowing, to overturn, upset, capsize.
sets: adj. Becomes, beseems, befits, suits.
settin [ˈsɛtɪn]: Setting. Letting or leasing land. A young plant. A clutch of eggs. Fit, suitable.
setter: One who lets or gives out on lease, a lessor. The strip of wood holding a batch of loaves in a baker's oven. I.Sh. In place-names: an area of pasture land.
setterel [MN. ˈsɛtrəl]: Stout and stocky in build, little and thickset, peevish, discontented.
settlement [ˈsɛtlmənt]: A settlement, the disposition of one's property by will, a testament, the placing by a Presbytery of a minister in a charge.
settlin [ˈsɛtlɪn]: Settling. A reduction to silence or submission.
setnin: I.Sh. A lamb that is fed and housed under cover in the winter.
set-stane: A hone, whetstone for sharpening chisels and razors etc.
set tae: to set at, to begin, attack
set up: To earth up a plant, to arouse, to stir up, to incite, to develop, to build up, to stir or poke up a fire, to extol, exalt by praising pp. setten up conceited, affected, vain
simmerset: Somersault.
subset: A sub-lease, one who holds land on a sub-lease, a sub-tenant, to sublet.
taeset: N. I. The first of a fleet of fishing-lines to be shot from the boat thus the last to be hauled in, the line immediately after the marker buoy.
up-set: I.Ork. To have airs and graces.
Saiterday, Saitirday, Saiturday, Satterday, Saturnsday, se$urdy, Set$rday, seterdae, Seterday, Seterdey, Sethurday, Setterda, Setterday, Setterdey, Settherdae, Setturday, Seturday,
Seturday [ˈsetərdɪ]
n. Saturday.
several, severals, sivvral,
several [sɛvərəl]
n. pl. severals Several persons or things.
adj. Several.
sewer, shoor, shore, soorage,
sewer [ˈsuː(ə)r]
n. A sewer.
sex [sɛks]
n. Sex.
scye, sey, seyal, seye, seyin, seyin, seypiece, sie, sye, syepiece,
sey [sae]
n. A trying out, a test, a putting to the proof. A trial- or test-piece, a specimen, sample.
v. To try, attempt, essay. To try out, make trial of, test.
Compounds and phrases etc.
seyin: A trialing or testing.
seypiece: A sample, a test piece.

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