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Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!

Page 31 of 147 for the letter S

airmsey, armseye, backsey, backsie, backsy, foresey, foresye, scye, sey, seye, sie, sye,
sey [sae]
n. The part of a carcase of beef extending from the shoulder to the loin. The armhole of the sleeve of a coat, jacket, or dress.
Compounds and phrases etc.
airmsey: The armhole in a garment.
backsey: Part of the loin. A method of cutting up a carcass of beef, sometimes mutton or pork.
foresey: The fore- and middle-rib of beef.
scye, sey, seye, sie, sye,
sey [sae]
n. A kind of woollen cloth resembling serge.
sgagivenent [ˈskagɪvɛnənt]
n. A skinny adolescent.
sgian, sgian_dhu, sgian_dhub, sgian_dubh, sgian-dhu, sgian-dubh, skean, skean_dhu, skean-dhu, skeen, skein, skein_dubh, skene, skene_du, skhian_dubh, skian, skian_Dubh, skien, skoan, skön, skøn, sköna, sköne, skoni, sköni, skøni, skönie, skuan, sküan, skuin, sküin, skuinie, skumy, skune, skunee, skunie, skünie, skyoan,
sgian dubh [ˈski(ə)nˈduː]
n. Gael. A cerimonial dagger worn with a kilt.
skuin [I.Sh. skøn]
n. A fishermen's tabu-name for a knife.
v. To cut up fish-bait.
shaav, shaave, shauve,
shaav [I.Sh. ʃaːv]
n. A bungling or botched way of cutting or digging. A hash.
v. To cut or hack in an inexpert or bungling manner, chop, hash.
pt. pp. shaaved
saabre, shabble, shabel, shable, shable,
shabble [ʃabl]
n. arch. A curved sword, a sabre or cutlass. An old rusty sword. A little insignificant person or thing, a nonentity.
haanshackle, hanshackle, hapshackle, hap-shackle, hapsheckle, haundshackle, haunshackle, shackle, shaickle, shaikle, sheckel, sheckle,
shackle [ʃakl, ʃekl]
n. A shackle, a fetter, manacle. The wrist.
v. To shackle.
Compounds and phrases etc.
hapshackle [ˈhapʃakl, ˈhɔpʃakl, ˈhapʃɛkl]: A hobble used for tethering a horse or cow, a fetter, shackle. To tie an animal up in such a way as to prevent it from straying, e.g. by binding its fore-legs or its head and fore-leg, or its fore- and hind-leg together.
haundshackle [ˈhɑːn(d)-, ˈhɔːn(d)-, N. I. ˈhaːn(d)-]: A handcuff.
foreshaida, scaddow, schaida, shad, shada, shadae, shadaw, shadda, shaddae, shaddae, shaddie, shade, shadie, shadie, shaed, shaeda, shaid, shaida, shaidae, shaiddae, shaidie, shaidie, shaidow, shed, shedae, shedaw, shedda, shedda, sheddae, sheddie, sheddih, sheed, sheid,
shade [ʃed, ʃɛd]
n. Shade. Land facing north. A shed, a hut.
dim. shadie A small shed.
shaidae [ˈʃedə, ˈʃɛde]
n. A shadow.
Compounds and phrases etc.
foreshaidae: To foreshadow.
onshodden, red-wat-shod, reid-wat-shod, saansheen, saundshuin, schune, shae, shae_pint, shae_pynt, shaes, shae-speen, shae-spuin, shae-spune, shai, shane, shee, sheen, shee-speen, sheu, sheun, shin, shö, shod, shodden, shoddit, shoden, shoen, shön, shooin, shoon, shui, shuin, shün, shune, sjøni, sjonn, sjuini, unshodden, watshod, weet-shod, wetshod, wet-shod,
shae [ʃøː, C. ʃeː, MN. ʃiː]
n. A shoe.
pl. shuin [ʃøn, ʃyn, C. U. ʃɪn, U. ʃeːn, U. N. ʃin] Shoes.
v. To provide with shoes.
pt. shod [ʃod] v. To furnish with shoes. n. The metal tyre of a cart-wheel
pt. shoddit, shodden adj. Fursnished with shoes.
Compounds and phrases etc.
hose and shuin: Exaggeration.
leren shuin: I.Sh. arch. Shoes as opposed to boots.
reid-wat-shod: Walking in blood.
saundshuin [-ʃøn, -ʃyn, C. U. -ʃɪn, U. -ʃeːn, U. N. -ʃin]: Gymshoes.
shae pint: A shoelace.
shae-spuin: A shoehorn.
unshodden: Shoeless.
weet-shod, wat-shod: Having wet feet or tears in the eyes.
liein-shafts, lyin-shafts, shaft, shaftit, shafts, shaift, sheft,
shaft [ʃaft]
also U. NEC. sheft [ʃɛft]
n. A shaft. A handle on a broom etc. A kind of woollen cloth.
v. To provide with a shaft or handle. I.Ork. To shake, brandish.
pt. pp. shaftit
Compounds and phrases etc.
lyin-shafts: The main beams under a box cart.
shafter: A sleeved waistcoat.

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