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Page 55 of 147 for the letter S

skidge [ˈskɪdʒ]
v. WC. Probably nonce: To go furtively or sneak: To dodge school.
sciff, scifferin, sciffin, scifflin, skiff, skiff$t, skifferin, skiffie, skiffil, skiffin, skiffle, skifflin, skifft, skifft, skifftie, skiffty, skiffy, skift, skifter, skiftie, skiftie, skiftin, skifty, skifty, skrifflin, skuff,
skiff [ˈskɪf]
n. A very thin slice. Light rain or snow. A small type of fishing-boat like a yawl with oars and a lug-sail.
v. To move in a light airy manner, barely touching the ground. To skim, glide or skip.
pt. pp. skifft
skiffie [ˈskɪfe]
v. To give a clue or an indication of direction.
skiffle [ˈskɪfl]
v. To skip or skim across.
skift [skɪft]
v. To shift, skip. Fall lightly.
n. A light passing shower of rain or snow. MN. The game of ducks and drakes. NN.b. A worthless person.
v. To rain, snow or hail gently.
Compounds and phrases etc.
skifferin, skifflin: Skimming stones over the surface of water.
skiffin [-ɪn]: A slight fall of now. A thin partition or screen.
skiftie: NN.a. A small rowing boat.
skiftin: A light fall or sprinkling of snow. Shifting, skiping, falling lightly.
skelder, skelderin, skeldro, skilder, skildered, skilderin, skilderins, skilderit, skilders, skildert, skolder, skyolder,
skilder [I.Sh. ˈsk(j)ɪldər]
n. A loud clashing noise. Noisy talk. The oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus.
pl. skilders Fragments. Smithereens of broken plates etc.
v. To make a loud noise.
pt. pp. skildert, skildered adj. skilderit Shrill, loud and raucous.
Compounds and phrases etc.
skilderin: Boisterously merry, guffawing
skelt, skelter, skilt, skilter, skleter,
skilt [ˈskɪlt, ˈskɛlt]
n. A flighty, giddy young person. A gadabout.
v. To scurry, scamper, rush.
Compounds and phrases etc.
skilter [-ər]: A scurry, scamper, rush.
scoom, scum, skim, skoom, skum,
skim [skɪm]
n. A thin layer of scum on milk.
skeem, skim, skime, skyme,
skime [skəim]
n. A gleam of light, a flash, a brief transient glimpse or appearance. A glance of the eye, a quick, often sideways look, a flashing or angry look.
v. To glance. To shine with reflected light, gleam. To catch a glimpse of, to have an indistinct view of.
shimmer, skimmer, skimmerin,
skimmer [ˈskɪmər]
n. A flicker or glimmer of light. A light sprinkling of a fine powdery substance over a surface.
v. Of light: to flicker, quiver in short gleams or flashes. To glitter, twinkle. Of a bright object: to gleam, glisten, flutter brightly. Of the eye: to flutter, look uncertainly or unsteadily. To scatter. To dust any powdery substance over the surface of anything. To fall in a very light drizzling shower. Of movement: to glide along easily and quickly.
Compounds and phrases etc.
skimmerin [-ɪn]: A twinkle, gleam. Resplendent. Gliding along easily.
shkimp, skim, skimp, skimpin, skjimp, skyimp, skyimp,
skimp [I.Sh. sk(j)ɪmp]
n. Raillery. Good-humoured banter. Mild sarcasm or mockery.
v. To poke fun at. To banter or indulge in raillery with, mock, speak sarcastically.
Compounds and phrases etc.
skimpin: Joking, scoffing.
din-skinnt, din-skint, hail-skinned, hail-skint, hale-skinned, hale-skint, het-skinned, het-skinnt, het-skint, skane, skaned, sken, skeni, skenni, skent, skin, skinfay, skinfu, skinnie, skinnt, skinny, skint, skun, skyen, skyin, thin-skint,
skin [skɪn]
n. The skin. col. A robbery, a petty swindle.
v. To skin.
pt. pp. skint adj. Penniless.
adj. skinny, thin, emaciated.
Compounds and phrases etc.
din-skint: Weather-beaten, sunburnt.
hale-skint: Having an undamaged skin.
het-skint: Fiery, irascible.
skin and banes, skin an birn: Lock, stock and barrel.
skinfu: A skinful. What is contained in the skin (the whole body).
thin skint: Easily upset, sensitive.
skeenk, skenk, skink,
skink [skɪŋk]
n. A shin or knuckle of beef. A kind of thin oatmeal and water gruel.
Compounds and phrases etc.
cullen skink: A soup made from smoked haddocks, potatoes, onions and milk.

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