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Page 57 of 147 for the letter S

skeet, skit, skitt,
skit [skɪt, NN. skit]
n. A trick, a hoax.
v. To caper, skip about.
skeeter, skit, skither, skitt, skitter, skitterie, skitters, skittery, skittors, skwitter, squitter,
skit [ˈskɪt]
n. Diarrhoea. An abusive term for a person. I.Sh. Excrement. Also skitter Thin excrement, watery stool. pl. skitters Diarrhoea.
v. To have diarrhoea.
skitterie [ˈskɪtəre]
adj. Contemptibly small or inadequate, Trifling, fiddly, time consuming.
Compounds and phrases etc.
wee skitter: The smallest pig of a litter.
See skite also.
skeit, skeyte, skite, skited, skitein, skiter, skitey, skitie, skitin, skitit, skittie, skitty, skity, skyt, skyte, skytet, skytey, skytie, skytie, skytit, squite,
skite [skəit]
n. MN. SN. The wild angelica Angelica sylvestris or other umbelliferous plants such as the hogweed Heracleum spondylium. The dried stalk of such used as a pea-shooter.
adj. Off one's head, daft.
v. To dart, to shoot, fly through the air suddenly and forcibly. Eject forcibly. To bounce or fly off at a tangent. To slip, slither or slide on a slippery surface. To waste time, to dawdle, to potter about.
pt. pp. skitit
skitie [ˈskəite]
adj. Slippery.
n. A sudden, sharp, glancing blow so as to make what strikes rebound in a slanting direction from that which is struck.
Compounds and phrases etc.
bere-skiters: MN. The hogweed Heracleum Sphondylium.
skiter: A squirt. A syringe, an instrument for squirting or spraying.
skitin: Darting, flying. Skimming stones of the surface of water.
skate, skite, skited, skitit, skyte, skytet, skytit,
skite [skəit]
n. A nasty or objectionable person.
v. To have diarrhoea, void thin excrement.
pt. pp. skitit
skittle, skittles,
skittle [ˈskɪtlz]
n. A skittle.
pl. skittles
skehve, skive, skiver, skiver, skivin, skiyv, skiyve, skiyvin, skyve, skyver,
skive [skaev]
n. A prowling about for what may be picked up. The scrounge.
v. To roam about, prowl about. To pry, spy on. To slide, skate. To dodge or shirk from work etc.
Compounds and phrases etc.
skiver: A prowler, shirker.
skivin: Dodging work. Fooling around.
skive, skiver, skiver, skiver, skivver, skyver, skyver,
skive [skaev]
v. To shave, pare, slice off a thin layer. To whittle a piece of wood.
pt. pp. skived
Compounds and phrases etc.
electric skiver: An electric shaver.
skiver [ˈskaevər, ˈskɪvər]: A splinter of wood in the skin. To pierce or stab as with a skewer. To transfix. A shaver.
sclaterscrae, sclattiescrae, sklattiescrae, sklattiskrae, skrattiskrae,
sklattiskrae [I.Sh. ˈsklatəskreː]
n. A pompous individual who talks at large about topic they know little of.
sclafe, sclaif, scleff, scleff-fittit, skleff, skleff-fittit,
skleff [sklɛf]
n. With the: flat, level ground.
adj. Of a dish: shallow, flat. Of ground: flat, level. Of things: thin and flat. Of people: not plump or rounded in figure, flat-breasted. Equal, even, or level in a competition with a competitor. Quits in regard to a debt, on even terms.
Compounds and phrases etc.
skleff-fittit: Flat-footed.
See sclaff, skliff also.
scleush, skleush,
skleush [S. skløʃ, skl(j)uʃ]
n. To walk clumsily.

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