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Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!

Page 88 of 147 for the letter S

soop, sooped, soopins, soopit, soople, soops, soup, soupins, soupit, souple, soups, swaiype, sweep, sweep$t, sweepins, sweepit, sweeps, sweept, swep, swepp, swipe, swipple, swoop, swyp, swype, swypes, swypins, swypit, swyppet, swyps,
soop [sup]
also sweep [swip, MN. swəip]
v. To sweep.
pt. pp. soopit, sweepit
n. A blow, a sweeping stroke.
Compounds and phrases etc.
sooper, sweeper: A brush, a sweeper.
soopins, sweepins: Sweepings.
soople [ˈsupəl]: The striking part of a flail which beats the grain.
serrag, sharrock, shurucks, soolock, soolog, soor, soorach, soorachs, soorag, soordrap, soorick, soorig, soorik, soorlick, soorlick, soorlicks, soorness, soorock, soorocks, soorog, sourdrap, sourdrop, sourick, sourleek, sourleeks, sourlick, sourock, sulock, surek, surrock,
soor [ˈsu(ə)r]
adj. Sour. Of weather: cold and wet, inclement.
v. To macerate or soften such as the the action of water upon lime, to slake.
soorock [ˈsuːrək, NN.b. ˈsurəg]
n. The common sorrel Rumex acetosa, sheep's sorrel Rumex acetosella or wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella, also I.Ork. sooro.

Compounds and phrases etc.
flouerin soorock: I.Sh. The lady's thumb Persicaria maculosa.
French soorock: NEC. The wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella.
lammie's soorocks: S. The sheep sorrel Rumex acetosella.
soordrap [ˈsu(ə)r-]: An acid-flavoured confection.
soor-like: Miserable.
soorness: Sullenness, surliness.
soukie soorocks: The wood sorrel Oxalis acetosella.
resoorce, soorce,
soorce [suːrs]
n. Source.
Compounds and phrases etc.
resoorce: Resource.
resoorcefu: Resourceful.
besood, besooth, be-sooth, besoud, besouth, bisooth, moother, sithern, soo, soo$, soo$side, soo$-wast, soo$-waster, sood, sooside, sooth, soothart, sootherly, soothern, sooth-kintra, sooth-kwintra, soothlan, soothland, soothlins, soothmoother, sooth-moother, soothmouther, soothren, soothron, soothwart, soo-wast, soo-wester, sothert, sothron, sou, sou$-waster, sou$-wester, soud, souside, south_mouth, southart, southert, southland, southlins, southren, southron, sou-west, sou-wester, sow, sow-west, sud, sudd, suddard, sudderd, sudderly, suddert, suddren, suddron, suddroun, sudren, sudron, sudroun, suthern, suthren, suthron,
sooth [suθ, I.Sh. sud]
n. The south.
adj. Pertaining to or characteristic of the south. Simple-minded, naive.
adv. In a southern direction.
Contracted soo' in compounds such as soo'side, soo'-wast, etc.
soothern, soothren [suθərn, ˈsʌðrən etc.], arch. suddren [ˈsʌdrən]
adj. Southern. English.
Compounds and phrases etc.
besooth [bəˈ-]: prep. adv. On or to the south.
sootherly [ˈsʌðərle, span class = "var">I.Sh. ˈsʌd-] : Southerly
soo'side: The parts of Glasgow south of the river Clyde.
sooth-kintra: Southern, English.
soothland: Southern, from the south.
soothlins: Southward.
sooth-moother: I.Sh. An incomer to Shetland.
soothwart [-(w)ərt]: adv. Southward(s).
soo'-wast: South-west.
soo'-waster: A strong wind coming from the southwest.
Soothdean [ˈsuθdin]
pn. Southdean (Borders).
Baarick, Barrick, Barrickshur, Barricksur, Barwick, Berik, Berrick, Berwick, Berwickshire, Sooth_Berwick,
Sooth Berwick [suθ ˈbɛrɪk, -ˈbeːrɪk]
pn. Berwick-upon-Tweed (Northumberland).
Compounds and phrases etc.
Berwickshire [-ʃəir, -ʃər]: The county of Berwickshire.
sorcerie, sorcery,
sorcery [ˈsoːrsəri]
n. The use of magic, especially black magic. Witchcraft. A magical rite or practice.
soarn, Soarn, soarnin, Sorn, sorn, sorner, sornie, sornin, sorninn, sorny, sorren, sorrenin, stroan, stroanin,
sorn [soːrn]
v. To exact free board and lodging by force or threats. To act as a masterful beggar, to beg importunately.
adj. Parasitic.
Compounds and phrases etc.
sorner: A sponger.
sornin [-ɪn]: Sponging or scrounging off someone.
sorn (up)on To sponge or scrounge off.
soarn, Soarn, soarnin, Sorn, sorn, sorner, sornie, sornin, sorninn, sorny, sorren, sorrenin, stroan, stroanin,
Sorn [sɔrn, soːrn]
pn. Sorn (East Ayrshire).
sinni, sinnie, sornie,
sornie [NN.b. sɔrn]
n. The flue or hot air channel leading from the fire-place to the underside of the drying platform of a kiln, the fireplace itself.
sinnie [I.Sh. ˈsɪni]
n. A small kiln for drying corn built into one end of a barn.
From Gaelic sorn

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