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Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!

Page 93 of 147 for the letter S

naverspail, naverspell, sap-spail, spaelick, spaelik, spail, spailins, spailock, spails, spale, speal, speel, speel, speelick, speil, spell, spellick, spells, spiel, thunder-speal, thunder-spell, thunner-spail, thunner-speal, thunner-speel, thunner-spell,
spail [spel, spɛl, spil]
n. A splinter, chip or sliver of wood. A wood shaving. A fragment, something of little value.
dim. I.Sh. spailock [ˈspɛlək]
pl. spails
Compounds and phrases etc.
naverspail: I.Sh. Washed-ashore birch bark.
sap-spail: The sapwood of a tree.
spailins [-ɪnz]: pl. Wood shavings.
thunner-spail: A toy comprising a bit of wood on a string which is whirled around the head.
Spaingie, Spainish, spainyie, spainzie, speengie, Spenish,
Spaingie [ˈspeŋji]
n. Spain. Indian cane.
adj. Spanish, belonging to Spain, of a Spanish breed. Also Spainish
spairge, spairged, splairg, splairge, splairged, splairggeat, splairgil, splairgit, splerg,
spairge [speːrdʒ]
also splairge [spleːrdʒ], S. splairg [spleːrg]
n. A splash, dash, sprinkling or splodge of something liquid like mud or rain etc.
v. To scatter a liquid, sprinkle, spray or dash water or mud etc. To smatter, bespatter, besprinkle, bedaub. Of rain or water etc.: to fly or splash in all directions, to scatter itself. To sprawl, to spreadeagle oneself. Of words or gossip etc.: to broadcast, make public, noise abroad, bandy about.
pt. pp. spairged, splairged
spalpean, spalpeen, spoolpin, spulpin,
spalpeen [ˈspalpin, ˈspulpin, U. ˈspʌlpn]
n. A fellow, rascal.
spaan, span, spann,
span [span]
n. A unit for measuring length. NN.b. I. A measurment of capacity. I.Sh. A high wooden hooped vessel, used e.g. For churning milk, a pail
spang, spangin, spank,
spang [spaŋ]
n. The measure of the outspread fingers, the grasp. A pace, stride, long vigorous step, a bound. A step, a fair distance, a sizeable amount.
adv. With a leap or bound.
v. To measure with the span of the hand. To grasp, to stretch across. To stride out vigorously, to walk with long steps, to leap, bound, spring. To cross with a stride or bound, to make one's way by leaping or in haste, to measure by pacing. To throw with a jerk or sudden movement. To pitch, toss, flick.
adj. Nimble, lissom.
v. Striding viourously.
spang, spank, spanker, spankie, spanky,
spank [spaŋk]
v. To move nimbly and briskly on foot, horseback or in a vehicle. To traverse the countryside at a brisk pace.
spankie [ˈspaŋke]
adj. Frisky, nimble, spirited.
Compounds and phrases etc.
spankin: Spanking.
spanker: A sack barrow.
aspar, fitspar, spar, spardie, sparock, sparred, spart, spaur, sperrek,
spar [spar, I. spɛr]
n. A wooden bolt for securing a door, a linchpin. A bar or rail of a wooden fence or gate, the rung of a chair or ladder.
dim. spardie MN. A foot-rest in a rowing boat. A wooden erection for supporting a basket for fishing-lines. An attic or loft.
dim. sparock I.Sh. A tall thin person.
spart, sparred
adj. Slatted.
Compounds and phrases etc.
aspar [əˈ-]: adv. Apart, with legs apart.
fitspar: A rest for feet in a rowing boat.
spair, spairly, spairt, spar, spare, spare$t, spared, sparely, sparet, sparin, sparly, spart, sperr,
spare [ˈspeː(ə)r]
n. Something left over and to spare.
v. To spare.
pt. pp. spare't, spared
sparely [ˈspeː(ə)rle]
adv. In a spare, frugal manner, with only the bare necessaries.
Compounds and phrases etc.
sparin: Sparing.
spair, spaiver, spare, spaver, spawer, spayver, spear, speever, spever,
spare [speː(ə)r]
also MN. spaver [ˈspeːvər] usually just the opening or fly in men's trousers.
n. The opening slit in a woman's skirt etc. A trouser fly. The opening or fly in men's trousers.

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