Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 18 of 59 for the letter T
fairm, fairn, ferm, smaa-fairns, tairm, term, terrem, thairm, thairms, tharm, therm,
thairm [θeːrm, I.Sh. teːrm]
n. A gut or bowel in the human or animal intestine. A catgut, fiddle string.
pl. thairms
Compounds and phrases etc.
smaw thairms: The small intestines, guts.
$an, $en, aan, aans, an, ann, dan, den, en, enn, noo_an_en, noo-an-then, nou_an_than, nou_and_than, thæn, than, than_and_awa, than-an-awa, than-an-awaa, than-and-awaa, thance, thans, thaun, thin, thn, thon,
than [ðan, ðən, I.Sh. dan]
adv. Then. In that case, yes indeed, very true, very much so.
thance [ðans, ðəns]
adv. Thence.
Compounds and phrases etc.
nou and than(s): Now and then.
or thans: Or else.
than and awa: Long ago.
$an, $n, aan, an, thaen, thæn, than, thaun, thin, thn,
than [ðan, ðən, I.Sh. dan]
conj. Than.
In colloquial speech may be contracted 'an [ən, n].
Compounds and phrases etc.
deil than ...: Would to the devil that ...
nae wunnder than: No wonder that.
thane [θen]
n. A minor noble.
bethank, bethankit, bethenket, bethenkit, hanks, hanx, onthank, peyed-thankless, pickthank, pick-thank, pickthenk, pick-thenk, pike-thank, pykethank, taank, tank, thank, thankfae, thankfou, thankfu, thankfu$, thankit, thankrif, thankrife, thanks, thenk, thenked, thenkfae, thenkfu, thenkit, thenkrif, thenkrife, thenks, unthank, unthenk,
thank [θaŋk, WC. θɛŋk, I.Sh. ta(ː)ŋk]
n. Thank.
pl. thanks
v. To thank.
pt. pp. thankit
Compounds and phrases etc.
bethank [bəˈ-]: To thank, thanks, acknowledgment.
bethankit: Full of grattitude, grace after meal, int. God be thanked!
peyed-thankless: Ungrateful.
pick-thank: A person who curries favour by deceit. A sycophant. A sneak or gossip. Ungrateful.
pike-thank: Ungrateful.
thankfu [-fə S. -fɛ, -fɪ, EC. -fe, WC. -fɑ, N. -fɛ, U. I. -fu]: adj. Thankful.
thankrif adj. Very grateful.
unthank: Ingratitude.
$ere, $ers, aire, aire$s, ayre, d$ir, dare, de$r, der, dere, dere$s, ders, dey_ir, dir, e$, e$re, er, ere, ere$s, err, erra, ers, rer, thair, thair, thairawa, thaire, thairfor, thairfore, thairin, thairtil, thairtill, thar, thar$s, tharawas, thare, thare$, thare$s, thareawa, thareawae, thareaway, thareawey, thareby, tharefor, tharefore, tharein, thareoot, tharetil, thaur, thaur, the, the$, the$ll, the$r, the$re, the_war, theer, ther, ther, ther$, ther$ll, ther$s, thereawa, thereaway, therebye, therefur, therefur, therein, thereoot, theretil, theretill, theroot, therr, therr, therrawa, they, they_wir, thir, thir, thir$s, thirfir, thirs, thirz, thoor, thur, thur$s, thurby, thurr, thurs, war_the,
thare [ðeːr, ðər, N. eːr, I.Sh. deːr, dɛr]
also the contracted form the [ðə, I.Sh. də]
adv. There.
Compounds and phrases etc.
thare a: There is a.
thareawa: Thereabouts.
thare awey: Down there, in that direction.
thareby: Of number or amount: approximately, thereabouts, round about the figure mentioned.
tharefor: Therefor.
tharefore: Therefore.
tharein: Therein, indoors, at home.
thareoot: Outside, in the open air.
thare's: There is/are/has/have.
tharetil [-tɪl, -tʌl]: Thereto.
the'll: There will/shall.
the war: There was/were.
the're: There are/is.
war the: Were there.
$at, $at$s, $et, aa, aat, aat$s, aats, ad, ae, aht, an_that, and_that, at, at$s, ats, att, dat, dat$s, datn, datna, dats, datten, dattin, dit, eit, f$ra$dat, fam, fithit, for_aw_that, for-a-be, fra$at, fra$t, frithat, frithet, frithit, it, itt, izzat, ose, rit, tha, tha$, tha$s, thaat, thaats, thae, thaese, thaet, thai, thase, that, that$s, thats, thattan, thatten, thatwey, thaut, thawye, thay, thet, they, thit, thit$s, thits, thuts, wha$s, wha$ve, wham, yat, yt, yt$s,
that [ðat, ðət, I.Sh. dat]
contracted 'at [ət, t] (see at also).
pron. Relative: That, who, whom, which.
pl. thae [ðeː] Those. In the northern dialects the pl. may be that.
possessive that's whose, contracted 'at's (see at also).
adj. That.
adj. pl. thae Those. In the northern dialects the pl. may be that.
adv. So, to such a degree, to that extent, very.
Compounds and phrases etc.
and aw that: And all that sort of thing.
and that: And so on, etcetera.
for aw (it) be (that): Although, notwithstanding.
for aw that: Notwithstanding, all the same.
is that contracted is 'at [ɪzət]: Is that.
thaim that: Those who.
that is: That is, that are, contracted that's, 'at's.
that hae: That have, who have. pl. that haes contracted that's, 'at's.
thattan [ðatən, ðetən, ətən]: That kind of ...
thatwey: In that way, like that.
$ay, $ey, ae, ay, d$ir, dae, de, de$ll, der, dey, dey$d, dey$re, deyll, ey, ey$re, tha, thae, thai, thai$r, thai$re, thai$v, thai$ve, thaiy, thay, thay$d, thay$ll, thay$r, thay$re, thay$v, thay$ve, the, the$, the$d, the$r, ther, they, they$r, they$re, they$v, they$ve, thi, thi$d, thi$ve, thir, thur, thurr,
thay [ðeː, ðə, N. eː, I.Sh. deː]
pron. They.
Compounds and phrases etc.
thay are contracted thay're: They're.
thay hiv contracted thay'v: They've.
thay will contracted thay'll They'll.
thay wad contracted thay'd They'd.
$ae, $e, $e, $i, ae, ai, d$, da, de, e, e$, e$y, ee, eh, ei, eih, i, i$, i$, i$_the, i$e, ida, idda, o$e, ra, rah, rha, ri, ruh, t$ae, th, th$, tha, the, they, thi, thu, ye,
the [ðə, I.Sh. da, də]
The definite article: The.
Used instead of the possessive pron.: with the names of relatives, with the names of parts of the body. With names of diseases. With the names of various pursuits and activities often expressed as verbal nouns, and trades or crafts, branches of learning, foreign languages, philosophy, sports, games, athletic pursuits and institutions etc.
In colloquial speech the may be contracted to 'e [ə, ɪ] and in phrases beginning with in the, on the, at the and o the, the two words may be contracted ee [iː].
Compounds and phrases etc.
i' the: Contraction of in the.
thaet, thait, theat, theats, theet, theets, theit, thetes, theyt,
theat [θit, θet]
n. Usually pl. theats the ropes or chains attached to a horse's harness by which a plough, harrow, carriage, etc., is pulled. The traces.
Compounds and phrases etc.
kick ower the theats: Become wreckless.
lat the theats slack: Take it easy.
oot o theat: Unreasonable.
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