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Page 39 of 59 for the letter T

merratoog, merratug, mooratoog, mooratoug, mooratug, mooritoog, moorratoog, moorratug, møratoog, möratu, møratug, møritoog, møritug, morratoog, morratug, muiratoug, muiratouock, muratoog, muratug, muritoog, muritug, murratoog, murratug, too, tooack, toog, toos, tou, toug, tu, tuack, tuag, tueg, tug, tuo,
tou [I. tuː]
n. A mound or hillock. A small piece of rising ground.
dim. touock A small knoll, mound or hillock usually covered with tufts of coarse grass or heather. A tussock, molehill etc.
Compounds and phrases etc.
muiratouock [I.Sh. ˈmørətu(g), ˈmurətug]: An ant(hill).
tooel, tool, toowel, touel, toul,
touel [ˈtu(ə)l, SW. ˈtoəl]
n. Towel.
took, tookit, touk, toukit, tuck, tuckit, tuik, tuikit, tuke, tukit,
touk [tuk]
n. A tuck. A hasty tug, twitch or pull. A disagreeable flavour or aftertaste. An embankment or jetty built to prevent erosion of soil on the bank of a river or side of a ditch etc.
v. To tuck, gather in folds.
pt. pp. toukit
teuk, tewk, took, touck, touk, towck, towk, tuck, tuik, tuke,
touk [tuk]
n. The beat or tap of a drum.
v. To beat or bang a drum. Of a drum: to sound, to beat. Of wind: to blow in strong gusts, to boom, roar.
Compounds and phrases etc.
by touk o drum: Referring to the proclamation made by a public crier with a drum beat.
toom, toomb, toum, toumb,
toum [tum]
n. A tomb.
doon-i-toon, doontoon, doun-the-toun, intoon, intoun, sax-pairt, seaton, sea-ton, sea-toon, sea-toun, toom_end, toomal, toon, toon_end, toon_fit, toon_fuit, toon_heid, toondie, toondy, toonend, toonfit, toonfuit, toonheed, toonheid, toonie, toonkeeper, toonlan, toonlan$, toonland, toonlann, toonmals, toonser, toun, toun_end, toun_fit, toun_fuit, toun_heid, toundie, toundy, toune, tounend, tounfit, tounfuit, tounheid, tounie, tounkeeper, tounlan, tounland, tounmal, tounser, tounskerrie, touny, tumail, tumail, tumal, tumult, tun, tunskerri,
toun [tun]
n. A town. A farmhouse.
dim. tounie A person from town as opposed to the country-side. Also tounser [ˈtunzər]
Compounds and phrases etc.
doun-the-toun: MN. adj. Down town, rather common.
intoun: The land adjacent to a farmhouse which was continuously cropped and received the manure.
sax-pairt toun: A farm with six pairs of horses.
fit o the toun: The lower end of a town.
sea-toun: A sea-port town.
toundie: MN. The person left in charge of a farm when the rest of the household are away.
tounend: The end of or egress from a town.
tounfit: The lower end of a town.
tounheid: The higher or upper end of a town.
tounkeeper: The person left in charge of a farm when the rest of the household are away.
tounland: A farm settlement, a land holding in a town or burgh, a small geographical unit of land.
tounmal: I. A piece of land round each farmstead of a toun.
tounskerrie: I.Sh. A fishermen's tabu-name for a cock.
Toonheid, Tounheid,
Tounheid [ˈtunhid]
pn. Townhead.
n. The upper end or highest point of a town.
toopachin, toopich, toopichen, toopick, toopie, toopikin, toupachan, toupican, toupie, toupock, tuppi,
toupie [N. I. ˈtupi]
n. Any high pointed object. A knob on top of anything. A peak, pinnacle of a hill or building etc. A high pointed hat or hat ornament. The top of an egg. Any high, narrow, top-heavy erection. A peg-top.
dim. toupock(in)
tapitoorie, tappietoorie, tappietoory, tappietourie, tappietoury, tappiloorie, tappilourie, tappytoorie, too$er, tooer, tooered, tooerie, tooerin, toor, toorie, toorin, toorr, touer, touerie, touerin, touery, tour, tour, toured, tourie, tourin, tourock, tourt, tow$r,
tour [ˈtuː(ə)r]
n. A tower. arch. The rook or castle in the game of chess.
dim. tourie, tourock A little tower. A pompom, a top-knot or bun of hair.
v. To tower.
pt. pp. tourt, toured
Compounds and phrases etc.
tappietourie [tapɪˈtuːri]: A tassel or pompom.
tourin [-ɪn]: Towering.
toorie, toory, tour, tour_aboot, tour_an_turn, tour_and_turn, toured, tourie, tourin, tourist, toury, tower, towerist, towred, towrin, towrist,
tour [ˈtu(ə)r]
n. A tour. A circular route or journey. One's turn or spell in a regular sequence.
dim. tourie
v. To tour.
pt. pp. tourt, toured
Compounds and phrases etc.
tour aboot: Turn about, alternately, at every second turn.
tour and turn: Turn about, alternately.
tourin: Touring
tourist: A tourist.

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