Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 52 of 59 for the letter T
mistrust, traist, treest, treestit, trist, tristit, truist, truistit, truss, trust, trustit,
trust [ˈtrʌst]
n. Trust.
v. To trust.
pt. pp. trustit
Compounds and phrases etc.
mistrust: Distrust.
trusty: Trustworthy, faithful, reliable.
tra$i, treh, trehd, trehin, trial, tried, tries, try, tryed, tryin, tryt,
try [traɪ]
n. A try. A trace or indication as to where something lost may be found.
pl. tries
v. To try, with intae: to ask or enquire into.
pt. pp. tried
Compounds and phrases etc.
trial: A trial.
tryin: Trying.
try it on: To make an attempt at.
mistryst, mistrystit, treesh, treesh-word, treeste, treeste-word, treist, trice, trice-word, trist, trist-word, trysht, trysht-word, tryst, tryste, trysted, trystet, trystin, trystit, tryst-wird, tryst-word,
tryst [trəist]
n. An agreement, a solemn bargain, a covenant, a mutual pledge. An appointed meeting, an agreed assignation or rendezvous. An appointed meeting-place. A market for the sale of livestock, a fair. A social meeting with music and dancing convened among neighbours. I. Trouble, bother, difficulty
v. To make an appointment or assignation, to fix a time and place of meeting, to come to a pre-arranged place. With wi: to meet with by pre-arrangement, to rendezvous with, to encounter by chance, to face, be confronted by. Of events: to coincide, to come together or simultaneously. To engage someone to be at a certain place at a certain time or to perform some service etc. To order something in advance, to cause some thing or service to be done, to bespeak, to arrange for the making or delivery of.
pt. pp. trystit
Compounds and phrases etc.
bide yer tryst: To wait for someone at the pre-arranged meeting-place.
haud yer tryst: To keep your word.
mistryst: To fail to meet or keep an appointment with. To break faith, to lead astray, delude.
mistrystit: Forsaken, left in the lurch, seduced.
tryst-wird: A password.
weel-trystit: Trusty, much relied on.
tub, tup,
tub [tʌb]
n. A tub. A hutch or small truck into which the cut coal is filled. A measure of coal of varying capacity.
choob, tube, tuib,
tube [tub, tʃub]
n. A tube. sl. A football.
tackie, tacky, tuck, tuckie, tucky,
tuck [tʌk]
n. A tuck.
v. To tuck.
tucky [MN. ˈtʌki]
adj. Awkward at handling, lacking deftness or dexterity, clumsy. Of a limb etc.: disabled, deformed, out of action from injury etc. Of a dress etc.: tight, constricted.
tift, tiftit, tuft, tuftit,
tuft [tʌft]
n. A tuft (of hair or grass etc.)
adj. Tufted. A carpet with a tuft-like pile.
teud, töd, tød, tüd, tuid,
tuid [I.Sh. tød]
v. To talk incessantly.
teel, teul, töl, tool, tuil, tule,
tuil [tøl, tyl, SW. tjul, C. tɪl, SN. tel, MN. til, I. tju(ə)l]
n. A tool. An implement, piece of equipment. sl. A term of contempt for a person.
pl. tuils.
teelyie, tölley, tölli, töllie, töllyin, tooly, toolzie, toulzie, tuilie, tuillie, tuilyie, tuilyiesome, tuilzie, tullye, tullyie, tulyie, tulzie, tweelie, tweely, twelly, twilley,
tuilyie [ˈtuli, tulji, S. twili, I. ˈtøl(j)i]
n. A quarrel, fight, scuffle, broil, skirmish, struggle, turmoil. A verbal quarrel, a wrangle or dispute, an altercation. Toil, labour, trouble, exertion.
v. To quarrel, contend, come to blows, fight. To quarrel verbally, to argue, wrangle, squabble. To toil, trudge laboriously.
Compounds and phrases etc.
fecht and tuilyie [-ˈtøl(j)i, -ˈtuli, -tulji]: An argument or quarrel, to argue, contend.
tuilyiesome [-səm]: Quarrelsome.
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