Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 53 of 59 for the letter T
doontöm, doontuim, doontume, dountuim, taem, taemin, teem, teemed, teemin, teemt, teum, teumin, tim, timmed, timmin, timt, töm, tøm, tömald, tømald, tømed, tömin, tømin, tømmin, tømt, toom, toomin, tuim, tuimald, tuimed, tuimin, tuimt, tumald, tume, tumin,
tuim [tøm, tym, C. U. tɪm, øː tem, N. tim]
n. A place where rubbish is emptied, a dump.
adj. Empty, unoccupied, vacant. Of people or their limbs etc.: thin, lean, lank, empty-headed, foolish, witless, deficient in sense. Empty of food, fasting, hungry. Of a cough or frost-hardened ground etc.: hollow, echoing. Of the moon: in its dark phase, not visible. Of machinery: idling, not actually processing material. Of a locomotive: running light, without a train.
v. To empty a vessel etc. by drinking, pouring or tipping out the contents, to evacuate. To pour the contents out of a vessel, to empty out. To hollow out. To empty, to be or become empty, to discharge. Of rain: to pour down, to fall in torrents.
pt. pp. tuimt, tuimed
Compounds and phrases etc.
dountuim: I.Sh. A heavy fall of rain.
tuimald: I.Sh. A downpour of rain.
tuimin: Emptying, raining heavily.
See teem also.
choon, chooned, choonie, chune, teen, teenie, teun, timmer-tuint, tin, tön, tuin, tuin$t, tuine, tuined, tuinie, tuinie, tuinit, tuinless, tuint, tuiny, tune, tüne, tunie,
tuin [tøn, tyn, C. tɪn, MN. tin]
n. A tune. The intonation, pitch and cadence of speech. A mood, humour, disposition, temper.
dim. tuinie
v. To tune. To put to order, scold.
pt. pp. tuint
adj. Moody.
Compounds and phrases etc.
ill tuin: A bad mood.
timmer-tuint: Tone deaf.
tuinless adj. Tuneless.
puink, teunk, tuink,
tuink [I.Ork. tøŋk]
n. A thump, crack, blow.
teep, teup, tip, tiup, toop, tuip, tup, tupp,
tuip [tøp, C. U. tɪp, MN. tip, NN. I. tup]
n. A ram (male sheep).
qird, queerd, querd, quird, qurd, taird, teerd, teurd, tord, tuird, turd, turdle,
tuird [tøːrd, C. teːrd, N. tiːrd & t(j)uː(ə)rd, MN. kwɪrd]
n. A turd. A lump of excrement. A nasty, objectionable, dirty person.
toot, tout, tuit, tut, tute,
tuit [tøt, tut]
v. To jut out, project, powt.
aisle, aisle-tuith, aizle, aizle-tooth, assel-tuith, assle-tuith, chaft-tuith, gam-teeth$d, gam-teeth$t, gam-teethed, gam-teetht, gam-teitht, stefe, steuth, stevi, stevie, stiffie, stuith, stuithie, stuthe, styfie, teedie, teedy, teeth, teeth, teethache, teethag, teethbrush, teethe, teethey, teethfu, teethie, teethin, teethin$, teethless, teethpaste, teethsome, teethy, teith, teith, teithe, teud, teuth, tooth, tuith, tuithache, tuithfu, tuithie, tuithless, tuithpaste, tuithsome, tuithy,
tuith [tøθ, C. U. tɪθ & tiθ, N. tiθ]
n. A tooth. The fragment of the lower end of a rainbow seen near the horizon and taken to be a sign of bad weather.
pl. teeth [tiθ]
adj. Sharp-toothed, acrimonious, critical.
teethe [tiːð]
v. To develop or cut teeth, to furnish with teeth or spikes, point a wall or slates etc. with lime.
Compounds and phrases etc.
aisle tuith [ˈezl-, ˈesl-, asl-], chaft-tuith: A back tooth, a molar tooth.
gam-teetht: Having lapping teeth.
sair teeth: Toothache.
teethbrush: A toothbrush.
seam o teeth: A set of dentures.
teethpaste: Toothpaste.
teethy [ˈtiːði, ˈtiːdi]: S. SW. Of children: peevish, cross, fractious, tart, ill-tempered.
the teeth: The six in dominoes.
tuithache [-ek]: Toothache.
tuith in the sky: A broken rainbow.
tuithfu: A very small quantity of food or drink. A mouthful of liquor etc.
tuithless: Toothless.
tuithsome: Toothsome, tasty.
wouf's tuith contracted stuith, dim. stuithie: The stump of a rainbow seen on the sea and thought to presage bad weather. A bar across the moon or sun.
tulchan, tulgan,
tulchan [ˈtʌlxən]
n. A calf-skin stuffed with straw set beside a cow to induce her to give her milk freely. A substitute, a man of straw. A large-boned, fat person.
tolli, tulli, tullie, tully,
tullie [I. ˈtʌli]
n. A large knife with a wooden handle. A clasp-knife or sheath-knife.
doliment, dolimentin, tulliment, tullimentan, tullimentin,
tulliment [I.Ork. ˈtʌlimɛnt]
v. Of stars: to dance, sparkle, scintillate.
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