Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 12 of 37 for the letter W
waax, waux, wauxclaith, wauxcloth, waxclaith, wax-claith, waxcloth, wax-cloth, wex,
waux [wɑːx, wɔːx, N. I. waːx]
n. Wax.
Compounds and phrases etc.
wauxclaith: Oilcloth, linoleum, canvas, waxcloth.
waux, wauxed, wauxen, wauxit, wauxt, wax, waxed, waxen, waxit, waxt, wox,
waux [wɑːx, wɔːx, N. I. waːx]
v. To wax, increase. To become larger or stronger.
pt. wauxt, wauxed, wox
pp. wauxt, wauxed wauxen
bewave, bewaved, waav, waave, waaver, waev, waeve, waever, waive, waiver, waivle, wave, waved, wavel, wavelock, waver, wavered, wavert, wavle, wavle, wavlock, wavock, wavvel, weavle, weuve, wewleck, wile, wiley, wuive, wyle, wylie, wylock,
wave [weːv, N. I waːv]
n. I.Sh. A swivel-catch on the jamb of a door which opens outwards.
v. To wave, to signal with a wave that someone should approach. With on: to attract the attention of someone with a wave of the hand.
pt. pp. waved, wuive [wøːv, C. weːv, N. wiːv]
v. To waver. to exhibit slight symptoms of delirium.
pt. pp. wavert, wavered
wavle [weːvl, N. I waːvl]
also wyle [ˈwəil]
v. To rock unsteadily, sway to and fro, stagger, flutter, waver, wag to and fro, twist.
Compounds and phrases etc.
bewave [bɪˈweːv, bɪˈweːv]: To shield, to hide, to lay in wait. pt.bewaved.
wavlock [weːv(ə)lək], wyle, wylie [ˈwəile]: An instrument for twisting ropes from straw.
wa, waa, waav, wah, wally, waly, wau, waugh, waulie, waullie, waus, waw, wawliw, wawly,
waw [wɑː, wɔː, MN. waːv, N. I. waː]
n. A wave (of the sea etc.)
wawly [ˈwɑːle, ˈwɔːle, N. ˈwaːle]
adj. Of the seaː tempestuous, wave-tossed, swelling.
Compounds and phrases etc.
atween the wind and the waw: In great straits or poverty.
crap-wa$, crap-waa, crap-waw, forewa, forewa$, forewaa, forewaw, wa, wa$, wa$heid, wa$-heid, wa$s, wa$stead, wa$-steid, waa, waa-back, waah, waaheed, waa-heid, waas, wag-at-the-wa, wag-at-the-wa$, wag-at-the-waa, wag-at-the-wall, wag-at-the-waw, wag-at-the-waw, waggitie-wa, waggitie-waw, waggity_wa$, waggity-wa, waggity-waa, waggity-waw, wah, wa-heid, wal, wall-stade, was, waw, waw-back, waw-heid, waws, waw-steid, wide_tae_the_waw, wide-wa, wide-wa$, wig-at-de-waa,
waw [wɑː, wɔː, N. I. waː]
n. A wall.
pl. waws The horizon, skyline. A roofless building, ruins.
n. A measure of weight (12 Stone).
Compounds and phrases etc.
crap o the waw, crap-waw: The highest part of an inside wall (on which the roof beams stood) often used as a shelf.
forewaw: The front wall of a building.
run waws: Collapsed dry-stone walls.
shouder the waw: To loaf about.
wag-at-the-waw: An unencased pendulum clock. col. waggitie-waw.
waw-back: I.Sh. A paraffin lamp with a flat back for hanging on a wall.
waw-heid: The top of a wall, the horizon, skyline.
waw-steid: I.Sh. The foundation of a wall.
wide tae the waw: A door pushed back as far as it will open.
Waas, Waws,
Waws [wɑːz, wɔːz, N. I. waːz]
pn. Walls (Shetland).
way, wee, whee, whey,
way [weː]
int. A call to a sheepdog to make a detour or move away from the sheep. A call to a horse to stop.
oo, oo$d, oo$ll, oo$re, oo$ve, ooo, ooove, oor, oove, ou, w$ir, w$ur, wae, wae$d, wae$r, way, we, we$d, we$l, we$ll, we$r, we$re, we$s, we$s, we$se, we$se, we$v, weel, wees, wer, wi, wi$ll, wi$re, wi$ve, wih, wir, wis, wiv, wiz, wor, wu$v, wuh, wur, wuv,
we [wi, wə, S. wəi & u(ː)]
pron. We. Also we's [wɪz, wəz] used col. for the objective case us.
Compounds and phrases etc.
we are contracted we're: We are.
we hiv contracted we'v: We have.
we sall contracted we s': We shall.
we wad contracted we'd: We would.
we will contracted we'll: We will.
wail, weal, weil,
weal [wil, wel]
n. A ridge on the flesh raised by a blow. A welt.
common_weal, commonweal, commonweel, commonweil, commonweill, weal, wealsome, weel, weell, weelsome, weil, weill, wellsom, wellsome, wiel,
weal [will, wel]
n. Weal, welfare, well-being.
Compounds and phrases etc.
common weal: The common good or well-being.
wealsome: arch. Extremely happy.
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