Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 20 of 37 for the letter W
eever, fiffle, fiffle, hwiff, hwiffer, queef, quieff, skew-quieff, skew-wheef, skew-whiff, weefle, whaff, wheef, wheefelt, wheefer, wheefle, wheefled, wheeflication, wheeflin, wheeft, whiff, whiffle, whiffle, whifflication, whuff, whuffle, whufft,
wheef [ʍif]
also whiff [ˈʍɪf, ˈʍʌf]
n. A whiff. A slight attack of illness, an instant. A puff. A spurt or jet of water. A slight insignificant thing, a trifle.
v. To puff, blow. To move lightly or easily. To doze off.
pt. pp. wheeft
weefle, whiffle [ˈʍɪfl, ˈʍifl]
v. To puff, to blow, to drive with a puff. To play the flute. To vacillate, dither about. To keep changing ones mind, give an evasive answer.
pt. pp. wheefelt adj. Of a musical note: lightly-sounded.
Compounds and phrases etc.
skew-whiff: Awry, ajee, at a rakish angle.
wheefer: I. A large object.
wheeflin: Of wind: blowing in slight puffs, light.
whifflication: I.Sh. An excuse.
feel, feil, wheel, wheel$n, wheel-guts, wheelin, wheel-nave, wheels, wheel-spow, wheel-spowe, wheil,
wheel [ʍil]
n. A wheel. A spinning-wheel.
v. To wheel, pirouette. To make a bid at an auction in order to raise the price.
Compounds and phrases etc.
hale-wheel: adj. Wholesale.
tummler-wheels: Wheels of a low cart.
wheelin [-ɪn]: Wheeling. Whirling round. A coarse thick type of worsted yarn.
wheel-guts: Thin intestines of sheep used as wheelbands for spinning-wheels.
wheel-nave: The hub of a wheel.
wheel-spowe: I.Ork. To turn a cartwheel.
wheelie-oe [ˈʍilioː]
n. WC. The willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus.
feamer, feem, feemer, feimer, wheem, wheemer, wheimer, whim, whum,
wheem [ˈʍim]
n. Whim.
wheemer [-ər]
v. To go about complaining and grousing. To grumble, mutter. To whine, whimper, cry feebly like a child.
feen, fein, gey_wheen, ween, wheen, wheen_o, wheena, whein,
wheen [ʍin]
n. A few, a small number, several.
pl. wheens A separate or distinct number of people etc. A party, group, bunch, some as opposed to others.
Nouns of quantity usually dispense with the following prep. o.
Compounds and phrases etc.
gey wheen: A considerable quantity.
wheen o: A small number of ...
feenge, feenger, feinge, feinge, foonge, funge, funje, hoonsh, wheenge, wheenger, wheengin, wheinge, wheinger, whinge, whingeing, whinger, whingin, whingin$, whonge, whonger, whunge, whunger, winge, winge, winger, winger,
wheenge [ʍin(d)ʒ, ʍɪn(d)ʒ]
n. A whine, whimper. Aquerulous complaint.
v. To whinge. To whine, whimper, Of a dog or child etc.: to complain or fret in a whining manner.
Compounds and phrases etc.
wheenger [ʍɪn(d)ʒər, ʍin(d)ʒər]: A whinger, grumbler, complainer.
wheengin [ˈʍɪn(d)ʒɪn, ˈʍin(d)ʒɪn]: Complaining, fretting, whining.
blooterie_wheep, blooterwheep, blootery_wheep, bluiter_wheep, bluiterwheep, blutterwheep, feep, feeple, feip, feiple, peeble, wheeb, wheeber, wheeble, wheep, wheep, wheepelt, wheeper, wheepin, wheeple, wheepled, wheeplin, wheip, wheipit, wheiple,
wheep [ʍip]
n. A sharp shrill cry or whistle.
v. To squeak, whistle. To fly nimbly, to jerk.
pt. pp. wheepit
wheeple [ˈʍipl]
n. An ineffectual whistle.
v. To squeek, whistle.
pt. pp. wheepelt
Compounds and phrases etc.
bluiter wheep: The snipe Gallinago gallinago.
wheepin: Seaking or whisling.
wheepler: WC. The redshank Tringa totanus.
wheeplin: Sqeaking, whistling, etc.
wheeriorum, wheeriorums, wheerum, wheiriorum, whuram,
wheeriorum [ˈʍiːrɪoːrəm]
also wheerum
n. A toy, thingamajig. An intricate piece of machinery.
wheesh, whish, whush,
wheesh [ʍiʃ]
v. To whish. A rushing noise. To stir or make a commotion. To make a rushing sound.
feesht, feisht, weesht, weished, weisht, wesht, wheesht, wheesit, wheest, whesh, whesst, whest, whish, whisht, whisht, whist, whoosh, whush, whusht, wiesht, wisht,
wheesht [ʍiʃt, ʍist, ʍiʃ]
also whisht [ʍɪʃt, ʍɪst]
int. A call for silence, hush!, be quiet!, keep silent!, shut up!
adj. Quiet, silent, hushed.
v. To silence, to cause to be quiet, to hush, quieten. To be quiet, to remain silent.
n. dim. The slighest sound, the least whisper, the faintest rumour or report.
Compounds and phrases etc.
haud yer wheesht: int. Be quiet, silence.
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