Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 32 of 37 for the letter W
littlewirth, little-wirth, littleworth, little-worth, littlewurth, onwurdie, oonwirthy, oonworthy, wanwirdie, wanwirdy, wanwirt, wanwirth, wanwirthie, wanwirthy, wanwordie, wanwordy, wanworth, wanworthy, wanwurdie, wanwurth, warth, warthie, warthy, wirdie, wirt, wirth, wirthie, wirthie, wirthwhile, wirthy, wirthy, wirtwhile, woorthy, wordie, wordie, wordy, worthie, worthy, worthy, wurdie, wurth, wurthie, wurthy,
wirth [wɪrθ, wʌrθ, I.Sh. wɪrt]
n. Worth.
dim. wirthie A local character.
wirthy [ˈwɪrθi, ˈwʌrθi, I.Sh. ˈwɪrdi] also wirdie [ˈwʌrdi]
adj. Worthy, of the value of.
Compounds and phrases etc.
little-wirth: Of worthless character, having no principles.
nae wirth: Of no use or value, paltry.
wanwirth: A bargain, of little value, worthless, unworthy.
wanwirthy, wanwirdy: Unworthy, worthless.
wirthwhile: Worth the time, money, or effort spent. Of value or importance.
idderwice, idderwise, itherwice, itherwise, langwayes, langweys, langwise, langwyes, langwyse, vis, viss, weice, weise, weising, wice, wicins, wis, wise, wise$t, wised, wisin, wisins, wisit, wiss, wizins, wyce, wycin, wycins, wyse, wyse$t wicin, wysed, wysin, wysins, wyze,
wise [wəiz, wəis, I.Sh. wɪs]
v. To coax, entice, induce, lure. To prevail on someone, lead round by advice. To advise, counsel, instruct. To guide, direct, lead, show someone to a place or a road etc. Of water: to lead, conduct in a channel. To work, manouvre, edge, ease or cause to move gradually in a certain direction. To contrive, to obtain by guile, to use finesse in order to get.
pt. pp. wise't [wəist, I.Sh. wɪst], wised [wəizd]
Compounds and phrases etc.
itherwise: Otherwise.
langwise: Lengthwise.
wise awa: To while away time. To dispose of money or property.
wisin [ˈwəizɪn, ˈwəisɪn]: Aiming, advising, directing, guiding, coaxing, inducing, enticing.
wisins: Advice, guidance.
onwicelike, unwicelike, unwiselike, wehse, weiceleik, weyce, wice, wiceheid, wicelik, wicelike, wice-like, wice-sayin, wise, wiseheid, wiselike, wiselike, wise-sayin, wyce, wycedom, wyceheid, wycelike, wycelike, wycelyke, wyse, wyseheid, wyss, wysslike, wyss-like, wyze, wyzeheid,
wise [wəis]
adj. Wise, clever, knowing, well-informed. In one's right mind, sane, rational. Skilled in magic, possessing powers of witchcraft.
Compounds and phrases etc.
no wise: Foolish, not in one's right mind.
no wiselike: Bizarre.
unwiselike: Unwise, foolish. Indiscreet, imprudent.
wiseheid: Wisdom.
wiselike: Sensible, respectable.
wise-sayin: A proverb.
Wishae, Wishey, Wishie, Wishy,
Wishae [ˈwɪʃɪ, -e]
pn. Wishaw (Lanarkshire).
weesk, weeskal, weeskle, whiscan, whisker, wisgal, wisk, wiskar, wisker, wiskir, wusker,
wisk [MN. wɪsk]
also I.Ork. weesk [wisk], weeskle
n. A tangled mass of threads or roots etc.
dim. I.Ork. weesko
wisp, wusp,
wisp [wɪsp, wʌsp]
n. A wisp. A rope or cord made of twisted straw or heather etc. A tangle, a matted confusion, suppressed news or information, a secret,
v. To wisp. To divulge a secret.
weesh, weeshed, weeshes, weeshin, weesht, weish, weishin, weishit, weisht, wesh, weshin, wheishes, wis, wisht, wiss, wissed, wissed, wisses, wissin, wissin, wisst, wist, wus, wush, wush, wushed, wushes, wushin, wuss, wussin, wusst, wust,
wiss [wɪs, wʌs]
also weesh [wiʃ]
n. A wish.
pl. wisses, weeshes
v. To wish. To want, desire.
pt. pp. wisst [wɪst], weesht
Compounds and phrases etc.
wissin: Wishing.
whasle, whisle, whissle, whusle, wissel,
wissel [wɪsl, wʌsl]
n. Change given for money tendered. A bet, wager.
v. To exchange, barter. To exchange words with. To change or spend money.
wista, wister,
wister [I.Sh. ˈwɪstə(r)]
n. An open, exposed, windswept situation.
A_wat, A_wat, A_wit, awat, a-wat, awyte, a-wyte, cat-weeted, cat-weetit, cat-witted, catwittit, cat-wittit, cat-wutted, cat-wuttit, I_wat, midder_wit, mither_wit, onwittins, oonwuttin, paukie-wittit, pawkie-wittit, pawkie-wittit, scaiterwit, scaiterwittit, unwittin, unwittins, wanwit, wanwyt, weet, weeted, weetit, weetless, wit, witless, witness, wits, wittan, wittance, witted, witteens, witten, wittens, witter, witterin, wittin, wittins, wittit, wot, wotless, wut, wuted, wutless, wutlus, wutness, wuts, wutterin, wuttit, wuttness,
wit [wɪt, wʌt, wit]
n. Sanity, reason, wisdom, mental ability. Intelligence, sagacity, cleverness, wisdom, good judgment, common sense. Knowledge, information.
pl. wits.
v. To know as a fact. To become aware, realise, be conscious.
pt. pp. wittit
adj. Witty, sane.
witter [ˈwɪtər, ˈwʌtər]
n. A sign, mark, token.
v. To inform, guide, direct.
Compounds and phrases etc.
A wit: I know, indeed, certainly.
cat wittit: Hare-brained, unsettled, of a savage humour, short-tempered, small-minded, spiteful.
lat wit: Let it be known.
mither wit: Native wit.
no witty: Crazy.
pawkie-wittit: Wily.
scaiterwit: A scatterbrain.
scaiterwittit: Scatterbrained.
unwittin: Unaware, unwitting.
unwittins: Inadvertently, unknowingly.
want o wit: Lacking sense or reason.
wanwit: Ignorance.
witterin: Information, an indication, a report, hint, sign, token.
wittins [-ɪnz]: Knowledge, news, information.
wittins blad: A newspaper, information leaflet etc.
witless: Lacking sanity, reason or wisdom, of questionable mental ability.
witness [-nəs]: A witness.
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