Scots is the Germanic language, related to English, spoken in Lowland Scotland and Ulster, not the Celtic language Gaelic!
Page 5 of 37 for the letter W
wallat, wallet, wallot, wullet,
wallet [ˈwalət, ˈwʌlət]
n. A wallet. A pedlar's pack. A fund of stories, recollections or poems etc.
waaly, wailie, waily, walie, walley, wallie, wallies, wallow, wally, waly, wawlie,
wallie [ˈwale, ˈwɔle]
n. An ornament, trinket, nicknack, a toy. Porcelain, china, glazed earthenware or tiling. S. SW. The common daisy Bellis perennis.
pl. wallies Broken pieces of china, earthenware marbles, A set of false teeth.
adj. Fine, excellent, pleasant, beautiful. Of people and animals: big and strong, plump, buxom, thriving, sturdy. Of things: large, ample, considerable, substantial, heavy, strong, imposing. Of Objects: decorative, fancy, ornamental often made of porcelain, china or glazed.
adv. Finely, excellently, splendidly, well.
valet, wallae, wallet, wallie, wally,
wallie [ˈwaləɪ]
n. A valet. A personal servant or attendant.
vilipendar, villipen, villipend, villipender, waalipend, wallipen, wallipend, wallipender, wilipen,
wallipend [MN. ˈwaləpɛn]
v. To despise, disparage, abuse.
Compounds and phrases etc.
wallipender: arch. Someone contemptuous of authority.
walloch, wallock,
walloch [MN. ˈwaləx]
n. A scream, howl, wail, a din, noise, sound, way of speaking, distinctive accent, dialect. A demonstrative noisy person.
v. To cry, wail, shriek, scream, howl.
tanterwallop, taterwallop, tatterwallop, tatter-wallop, tatterwallops, tatter-wallops, wallach, wallap, wallapit, wallapyweek, wallerperwipe, walloch, walloch, wallock, wallock, wallop, wallop-a-weep, walloper, wallopie-weet, wallopin, wallopit, wallop-weet,
wallop [ˈwaləp, ˈwɔləp]
n. A fast pace. A flurry, a quick movement, especially with one's clothes fluttering about one. The sound of that. A violent jerky movement, a floundering, plunge, convulsive heaving. A fluttering rag, an article of ragged clothing.
adv. With a heavy dash, with a quick fluttering motion.
v. To gallop, move at speed. To make violent struggling or convulsive movements, to jerk or thrash about with the limbs, flop, flounder. To move to and fro, to wave, flap, dangle, flutter, swing, shake.
pt. pp. wallopit
walloch [MN. ˈwaləx]
n. A struggle, the act of wallowing or of walking with difficulty. A flouncing floundering movement, a to-do, bustle, uproar. A Highland dance.
v. To make violent heavy movements. To move in water or mud, clumsily and with difficulty. To struggle, wallow, flounder about. To dance, skip, romp in a noisy manner.
Compounds and phrases etc.
tatterwallop: A ragged garment, a ragged person, a ragamuffin. pl. Rags, tatters.
walloper: A big specimen, a thumper.
wall-tam, walt, waltam, waltams, waltan, walten, waltin, wat, watt, wault, wault, waut, welt, wull-tam, wulltams,
walt [walt]
also WC. waut [wɑːt, wɔːt]
n. Welt, the welt of a shoe etc. A selvedge or border to a piece of cloth. A weal, a mark of a blow on the skin, the blow.
v. To make a welt for a shoe or saddle etc To put a selvedge on cloth. To lash, belt.
pt. pp. waltin
Compounds and phrases etc.
waltams: A pair of leather straps with buckles tied on over the trousers just below the knee that are worn by farm-workers to keep the trousers out of the mud etc.
aaval, aival, aiwal, aneival, aval, avald, avald-broth, avaldless, avalis, avalless, avel, avil, awal, awald, awall, awalt, neval, nevval, on_aival, on_avald, owlt, rig_waltit, rigwaltit, rig-waltit, rigweltit, waalter, waalther, walt, walted, walten, walter, waltered, waltert, walther, walther, walthered, waltin, waltit, wault, waulter, welt, welted, welter, weltit, whalter, wolt, wolted, wolter, yaaval, yaavel, yaavil, yaul, yaul$d, yaval, yavalt, yavellt, yavil, yavil-broth, yoll, yowlt,
walt [walt]
v. S. To totter, be on the point of falling, to topple, to roll or tumble.
pt. pp. waltit adj. Lying on its back, far gone, nearly dead.
walter [ˈwaltər, ˈwɛltər]
v. To roll or swing to and fro, toss about, overturn, overthrow.
pt. pp. waltert, waltered adj. Stuck in the mire.
awalt [ˈɑːwəlt, jʌul, S. ˈa(w)ul]
also awald [ˈɑːwəl(d)], avald [ˈɑvəl(d), MN. ˈjavəl]
n. A second crop of grain in the same field as its predecessor.
adv. adj. Prostrate, laid low. Of a sheep or other animal lying on its back and unable to rise. In a state of intoxication or insensibility.
v. To lay low, knock down, fell, flatten to the ground.
Compounds and phrases etc.
avald-broth: MN. Second day's broth.
avaldless [ˈavələs]: I.Ork. Weak.
on avald: Upsides down, on the back, tumbled over.
rig-waltit: S. Of a sheep or other animal lying on its back and unable to rise.
waltin: Tottering or tumbling.
w$alth, waalth, wailth, walth, walthie, walthy, wealt,
walth [walθ, wɔlθ]
n. Wealth. Abundance, plenty, enough.
adj. Wealthy.
waalse, wahlse, waltz,
waltz [walz]
n. Waltz.
dim. waltzie [walzɪ]
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