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Page 9 of 37 for the letter W

wase, wass, wassach, wassoch, wassock, waz, wazz, wazzie, wease, weese, weeze, wuss, wussuck,
wase [weːz, wiːz, NN.b. I. waːz]
n. A bundle or band of straw often used for thatching. A tuft, tussock, wisp. A bundle of twigs, brushwood or straw placed against a cottage door as a windbreak or draught excluder.
dim. wasie, wassock
awash, onwuishen, oonwashen, unwashen, unwuishen, waash, waashed, waashen, waasher, waashie, waashin, wahsh, wah-shin, wahsie, wasch, wash, washed, washeen, washen, washer, washerwife, washer-wife, washie, washie, washin, washt, washy, waush, weesh, weeshie, weeshie-washie, weeshie-washies, weesht, weeshy, wesh, weush, weushen, wish, wishen, wishie-washie, wishy-washy, woosh, woosh$n, wooshen, wösh, wöshen, wuish, wuishen, wush, wysh, wyshin,
wash [waʃ, S. wɛʃ]
n. A wash. A bathe, a swim. Stale urine used to produce ammonia for washing clothes. A bevelled edge or slope on a board or stone etc.
dim. washie: A public washhouse.
v. To wash.
pt. washt, wuish [wøʃ, C. wɪʃ, wuʃ, MN. wiʃ]
pt. washt, washen, wuishen
Compounds and phrases etc.
awash [əˈ-]: adj. Soaking wet, flooded.
unwashen, unwuishen: Unwashed.
washer: A washer.
washerwife: A washer woman. WC. SN. MN. A water spider.
washin: Washing.
washy: I.Ork. A small cod.
weeshie-washie: Thin watery drink, watery, insubstantial food. To make frivolous excuses, to procrastinate, hum and haw.
weeshie-washies: Circumlocutions, procrastination, humming and hawing, frivolous excuses.
waasp, waasp-bink, wahsp, wap, wap, wappie, waps, wasp, wasp_bink, wasp-bink, woppie, wops,
wasp [wasp]
also waps [waps]
n. A wasp, usually Vespula germanica.
Compounds and phrases etc.
wap dim. wappie: Children's words for a wasp.
wasp bink: SEC A wasp's nest.
bewast, be-wast, bewest, biwast, nor$-wast, norwast, nor-wast, waast, wassel, wassil, wassla, wassle, wast, wastard, wastarn, wastart, waster, wastert, wastird, wastlan, wastland, wastle, wastlin, wastlins, wastmaist, wastmost, wastren, wastrin, wastward, wastwart, weslin, wessel, wessil, wessilt, west, westard, westart, wester, westerd, westlan, westland, westle, westlin, westlins, westlit, westmaist, westren, westrin,
wast [wast]
n. The west.
prep. Westwards to, along or over, on the west side of.
adv. In or to the west. Away from or to the left of the speaker or the person addressed. Away from home etc.
comp. waster Farther west. adj. Western.
superl. wastmaist: Westernmost.
Compounds and phrases etc.
bewast [bɪˈ-]: prep. To the west of.
nor'-wast: Northwest.
wastland: Land to the west.
wastle: adj. Living or situated in or lying to the west. adv. Westward, to the west. prep. West of.
wastlin [-lɪn]: adj. Western, from or in the west, westerly. adv. From or in the west.
wastlins [ˈwas(t)lɪnz]: adv. To or in the west.
wastren [ˈwastrən]: adj. Western.
wastwart [ˈwast(w)ərt]: Westward.
waastrie, waest, waestit, waister, waistit, waistrie, waistry, wast, waste, wasteet, waster, wasterfu, wastery, wastet, wastit, wastrie, wastrif, wastrife, wastry, weist, wester, weyst, wyst, wyste, wyster,
waste [west, MN. wəist]
n. Waste.
adj. Of buildings: ruined, or, in a weaker sense, unoccupied, empty. In vain.
v. To waste, spoil by misuse, spoil pamper, empty.
pt. pp. wastit
wastery [ˈwest(ə)re, MN. ˈwəist(ə)ri]
n. Wastefulness, extravagance. A waste of something. What is wasted, refuse, waste matter.
adj. Wasteful, extravagant, profligate.
Compounds and phrases etc.
waster: An idler, an extravagant spender, a squanderer, spendthrift, profligate, ne'er-do-well.
wasterfu [-fə S. -fɛ, -fɪ, EC. -fe, WC. -fɑ, N. -fɛ, U. I. -fu]: Prodigal, wasteful, extravagant.
wastrif [-rɪf, - rəif]: Wasteful, extravagant.
wassel, wassell, wastel, wastell, wastle, wesstell,
wastel [wasl]
n. A large wholemeal scone made of both oatmeal and whole flour.
Wastmeenster, Wastmenster, Westmeenster,
Wastmeenster [wastˈminstər]
pn. Westminster (London).
Wast_Cauder, Wast_Cauther, Wast_Cawder, West_Cauder, West_Cauther,
Wast Cauder [ˈwaskɔːðər]
locally Wast Cauther [ˈwaskɑːðər]
pn. West Calder (West Lothian).
$tweel, $tweill, atweel, atweil, atweill, aweel, tweel, tweil, tweil, tweill, tweill, tweill, wat, watna, watsna, weel-A-wat, weel-a-whit, weel-a-wite, weet, weill-a-wat, weill-a-wyte, weyt, wist, wistna, wit, wite, wot, wust, wyt, wyte,
wat [wat, wet, MN. wəit]
v. Wot, to know.
pt. pp. wist [wɪst, wʌst]
neg. watna Wot not, do(es) not know, do(es)n't know.
neg. wistna Did not know, didn't know.
Compounds and phrases etc.
A wat weel, contracted atweel, tweel [əˈtwil, twil]: I know well, indeed, in any case, truly, certainly, certainly.
watsna: Knows not.
weel-A-wat: int. Well-I-know, certainly!
waatch, waatched, waatchie, waatchin, waatchit, waatchy, wach, wachin, wahtch, wahtchin, watch, watch$t, watchie, watchin, watchit, watcht, watchy, witch, wutch, wutchin,
watch [watʃ]
n. A watch. A lookout station.
dim. watchie A watchmaker, a watchman.
v. To watch.
pt. pp. watcht adj. watchit Watched.
Compounds and phrases etc.
daft as a maik watch: Completely silly.
watchfu: Watchful.
watchfuness: Watchfulness.
watchin: Watching.

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