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Page 9 of 11 for the letter Y

dooble-yoakit, dooble-yokit, double_yolket, double-yoakit, yawk, yoak, yock, yoke, yolk, yowk,
yoke [jok, S. jʌuk]
n. Yolk. The core or pith. The best part of something.
Compounds and phrases etc.
dooble-yokit: Double-yolked.
ripper-yole, yaul, yaullie, yawl, yawlie, yellie, yoal, yoall, yol, yole, yolie, yoll, yolley, yollie, yool, yooll, youl, yowl, yowlie, yull, yulley,
yole [joːl]
n. A yawl. A small undecked two-masted fishing-boat, pointed fore and aft and with a jib sail. In Shetland a one-masted type of boat.
dim. yolie
Compounds and phrases etc.
ripper-yole: A yawl used for ripper-fishing.
yoller [ˈjɔlər]
v. To speak loudly, exitedly, angrily or incoherently, shout, bawl.
on, thoan, thon, thone, thonwey, yin, yoan, yon, yone, yonwey, youn, yun,
yon [jon, NN.b. I.Ork. jɪn, I.Sh. jʌn]
also thon [ðon, ðɔn]
pron. That one person or thing etc., those.
adj. That, those, yonder, indicating a person or thing at some distance in time or space usually more remote than that.
adv. Yonder, over there, further away. Thither, to that place.
Compounds and phrases etc.
yonwey: Yonder way.
thon$er, thonder, thonderaboots, thondir, thonner, thonneraboots, yon$er, yonder, yonderaboots, yondermaist, yoner, yonn$er, yonner, yonneraboots, yonnermaist, yunder, yundroo, yundru,
yonder [ˈjon(d)ər]
also thonder [ˈðon(d)ər]
adv. In that place, over there.
adj. That over there, distant, far.
superl. yondermaist Farthest, most distant.
Compounds and phrases etc.
yonder aboots: In that district, there or thereabouts.
Yonderton, Yonnerton,
Yonderton [ˈjon(d)ərtən]
pn. Yonderton (Moray).
ayant, ayon, ayond, ayont, ayownt, beyant, beyont, faur_yont, forrit_an_ayont, forrit_and_ayont, hither_an_yont, hither_and_yont, yoint, yond, yont, yownt,
yont [jont, NN.b. jɪnt]
prep. Beyond, on or to the other side of. Along, further along, onwards through or over.
adv. Yonder, over there, thither, on or to the other side. Farther away or along, onwards beyond, at a distance, aside, apart.
adj. Far, distant. That, yonder.
Compounds and phrases etc.
ayont [əˈjɔn(t), əˈjont]: prep. Of place: on the further side of. Of Time: past, later than. Beyond any limit, better than. adv. Beyond.
faur yont: Far away, far gone.
forrit and ayont: The way ahead. The future, time to come.
hither and yont: Hither and thither, this way and that. Untidy, careless, estranged, muddled.
yalder, yalderin, yaldi, yaldie, yarlack, yarleen, yarlin, yeldrin, yerlin, yilderin, yirlin, yoldrin, yoldring, yollin, yolty, yorlack, yorleen, yorlick, yorlie, yorlin, yorline, yorlock, yortlin,
yorlin [ˈjoːrlɪn, MN. jɛrlɪn, ˈjɪrlɪn]
also yellae yorlin, yoldrin [ˈjoldrɪn, EC. MN. ˈjɛldrɪn], MN. yaldie [ˈjaldi], NN.a. yorlock [ˈjɔrlək]
n. The yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella.
d$ya, d$ye, diyi, djae, e, ee, eer, eev, eeve, jee, ji, oo, ou, ur, ur_sel, y$iv, y$se, ya, yae, yae$v, yaes, yah, yaise, ye, ye$r, ye$s, ye$s, ye$se, ye$se, ye$v, ye$ve, ye$ze, ye_s$, yea, yee, yeer, yees, yees$r, yeese, yeez, yeeze, yeh, yeir, yeirsell, yeis, yer, yers, yersel, yerself, yerselfs, yersell, yersells, yersels, yerselz, yes, yese, yese$r, yese$re, yeuse, yev, yew, yez, yi, yi$v, yi$vw, yie, yies, yih, yir, yirr, yirs, yirsel, yirsell, yirsell, yirsells, yirsells, yis, yise, yiv, yiz, yo, yoh, yoo, yoose, yooz, you, you_anes, you_uns, youeens, youins, your, yours, yoursel, yoursel$, yoursels, yous, youse, youz, youze, yow, yowe, yowr, yu, yu$z, yuhs, yur, yurr, yurs, yursel, yursell, yuv, yuz, yuz,
you [juː, S. jʌu]
also ye [jiː, jɪ] pl. ye col. yese [jiːz]
pron. You. pl. you col. youse [juːz]
your [juːr, iːr], unstressed yer [jɛr, jɪr, jər] Your.
yours Yours.
Compounds and phrases etc.
dae ye contracted d'ye [dˈjiː, dʒiː]: Do you.
here's tae ye: Cheers!
the sel o ye: Yourself.
ye hiv contracted ye'v: You have.
ye sall contracted ye s' [jiːz]: you shall
yese are contracted yese're: col. pl. You are.
you anes: You ones.
yoursel [-sɛl], yersel Yourself.
yoursels, yersels Yourselves.
ying, young, younger, youngers, youngest, youngie, younnger, yowng, yung, yung$r, yunger, yungers, yungest, yungi, yungie,
young [jʌŋ, NN.b. Jʌuŋ]
n. The best man at a wedding.
adj. Young.
comp. younger
superl. youngest
Compounds and phrases etc.
youngie, youngers: I.Sh. A fishermen's tabu-name for a horse.

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